A/N: Yes, it is another one of those stories. But as a true Jasper lover I couldn't resist doing my own version. I promise I will personalize it. Most likely all of it will be in Jasper's point of view, but I might change it once they make it to the Cullens. I'm hoping updates will be weekly, let's just pray my schedule works out that way. I hate summer school. And thank you to my wonderful Beta, Passion Assassin.
Chapter One: "You've Kept Me Waiting."
I tried my hardest to search for the best distraction. Well, any distraction really. Like the sound of the rain falling on the solid pavement drop after drop. Or the echo of crashing thunder that rang through the sky, following each bright flash of lightning. The smell of humidity and gasoline, even the green of nearby bushes and trees. Anything; anything at all that could distract me from the torturous burning of my throat. But it was simply no use, it was too painful. It was my strongest need and burning desire. And as the streets began to clear, I became more and more noticeable. It was simply a matter of time before I caught someone's attention.
I wasn't used to this. And I didn't find pleasure in doing things I'm not accustomed to. Walking around during the day always seemed too risky for me; I felt too exposed. My eyes were too dark for anyone to notice the burgundy shade, but with that 'up' came the 'down'. The down being my thirst. I had been ignoring it. Starving myself. Something of which I knew was irresponsible. By doing this I was more likely to spring at any moment, all the more likely to make a spectacle of myself. But I wouldn't feed; I couldn't. The pain that came with feeding had become too much to bear. It mattered not what they were feeling; every single ounce of fear, sadness, or grief would wash upon me as I drained them of their fluids. I would endure the dry burning of my throat surrogate to the depression which accompanied feeding, each day, and I would continue to tell myself so until feeding finally became a necessity. Then I would fall into a deep state of despair, in which the only solution to overcoming was to starve myself once more.
I had been continuing this unhealthy pattern for some time now. It started only a few weeks after Peter had come to take me away from my hellish life. Peter was worried about me. He cared about me, loved me. This, I knew. That was why I had to leave. My constant desolation was ruining his life with Charlotte, and I couldn't bear to be responsible for that. He had begged me to stay, although that's likely because he was afraid I'd get myself in some sort of trouble without him watching my posterior. Funny, I thought I was the one who was supposed to be taking care of him. But he really didn't need me running his life anymore. I was no longer his commander, and he was no longer my second-in-command. He had Charlotte to dictate him now, more than what he needed. Her constant nagging to get up off my dispirited rear and feed myself had begun to take its toll on me. 'Do what you were created to do.' She had said.
But that's just the thing: I was created to kill. I was a war machine, a monster.
That was my only purpose in this life, and it only brought me grief and agony.
People were beginning to stare and whisper amongst themselves. They stood, huddled together on street corners, searching for warmth and cowering under umbrellas to protect themselves from the rain while they waited for a taxi. I, on the contrary, was doing none of those things. None of those human things that would make me appear more normal. I was nearing the end of the block where another group of people stood. Their wavering scents caused the blazing in my throat to increase, and I immediately ceased to breathe. I ducked into a small, cheap-looking diner in order to avoid suspicion, and silently praised whatever God existed that it was half empty.
A tiny chime rang through the room when I pushed the door open, alerting everyone in the diner that I had entered the building. I literally only had a split second to breathe before a small brunette turned in her high stool. Her scent filled my lungs, but it didn't burn my throat. She smelt of shampoo and lilac, both a mouthwatering and inhuman scent. My muscles tightened as soon as she hopped off the stool, and I flinched when the door noisily slammed closed behind me. I wasn't sure what to do. Part of me wanted to run, or prepare to defend myself, but the sweet smile she wore told me to do otherwise. The way she walked towards me was almost like a dance, and she was damn graceful. Her short, dark, spiky hair helped shape her small diamond face. Her small features made her almost pixie-like, and she was short. She couldn't be over 4'10", but the delicate curves visible through her baby pink blouse and short black business skirt made it clear that she was a woman and not a child. She stood in front of me, where it was easy for me to feel the emotions radiating off of her. They were nothing like I had ever felt before. Happiness, excitement, peace, love, and just a subtle hint of lust hidden behind it all. The strangest thing was that they were all directed towards me.
I looked down at her, knowing that my expression was one of confusion, but she just continued to beam up at me. She had difficulties doing so; she had to crane her neck in order to adjust to my 6'3".
"You've kept me waiting a long time." She said. Her voice was like music. Like bells. Childish, even. My eyebrows knitted together as my confusion increased, but I bowed my head politely anyways.
"I'm sorry, ma'am." I drawled. As if it was even possible, her smile grew brighter, and the most adorable sound rang past her perfect pink lips. Her joyful giggle had me hypnotized, and I felt a smirk tugging at my own lips. She held out her hand for me to take, and I took it in a second, tenderly bringing to my lips. I placed a soft kiss on her smooth skin, enjoying every moment. I felt her slight embarrassment seep out as she giggled once more, and by the time I pulled my lips away, a full-blown smile was painted across my face. It was then that I noticed her eyes. Large, bright orbs of golden honey nestled under thick black lashes. They were strange. But they were also, undoubtedly, beautiful.
"Would you mind sitting with me, Jasper?" She asked. It took me awhile to realize that she had used my name, and I quickly back-tracked to see if I had already introduced myself. But I hadn't. I was sure of it…right? Perhaps…
"Not at all." I answered, and I followed her to a small booth in the back of the room. I observed her from behind as she did her little dance over to the table, admiring her tiny figure and all the energy that was stored in it. I slid in across from her, folding my hands on top of the table. It didn't take long for a waitress to arrive at the table, wearing an apron and a name tag that read 'Margi'.
"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up." She commented, smacking her gum. She placed a hand – the one that wasn't holding the tiny notepad - on her hip, causing a piece of her red hair - that wasn't tucked into her ponytail - to fall in front of her face. Her dark green eyes scanned over me, and I tried to ignore the sweet cinnamon-like scent that was wavering from her.
"Looks like he was worth the wait." She said, sending the tiny brunette across from me a wink.
The pixie's face lit up, nodding. "He was." She said, giving me another smile. She brought her hands up from under the table, and placed them over mine. They were so small and delicate, and could barely cover my fist. I felt another rush of wonderful emotions sent my way, and smiled back. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and for a moment I was completely oblivious to Margi's sent.
"What can I getcha darlin'?" I heard the redhead ask. Since I was too caught up looking into the brunette's beautiful eyes, I didn't realize she was talking to me. But the silence called to my attention, and I opened my mouth to speak. However, I was beaten too it.
"Two coffees please." The girl said. She didn't break our gaze though, and she squeezed gently over my folded hands. I noticed the second Margi walked away, and figured it was the appropriate time to ask questions. Without moving my hands away, I opened my mouth to speak once more. But once again, I was cut off.
"Alice." She said. "My name is Alice."
I smiled, although I was still confused.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Alice, my name is Jasper." I said. "But you already knew that."
She smiled back at me, giggling lightly. Once the waitress came back with our mugs of coffee, she broke the contact between us, wrapping her hands around her mug. I followed her example, but still felt a sense of loss. I watched as she actually took a tiny sip of the disgusting brown liquid, and felt my dead heart leap when her little nose scrunched up in the most adorable way. I looked down at my own mug, smiling softly to myself while enjoying the tranquil emotional climate this tiny brunette carried with her.
"How did you know?" I was finally able to ask. I looked back up towards her, where I found knowing eyes and a cute little mouth ready to answer my question.
"Know what?" She asked. She set her mug down, but kept her small hands wrapped around it. I noticed the perfectly even-coated nail polish that she wore as she tapped her fingers against the cup.
"Everything." I said. "Where I was, my name, the last two things I was about to say…"
I trailed off, being caught speechless again by the smile that graced upon her lips. She began to tracing the rim of the mug with her index finger, starring down at her reflection in the mocha liquid.
"Well..." She began, her voice perking up. "How should I begin?" She asked me.
I chuckled lightly to myself, and watched as her face lit up at the sound.
"At the beginin' would be nice, Miss Alice." I replied, my southern twang entwining with the words. I felt the emotional change that my accent caused her. The lust that was hidden behind the happiness, joy, and excitement began to show more. I smirked at that. And she must have noticed, since her next emotion was one of embarrassment. She looked up at me under those thick, long, black lashes and began her story.
"I awoke in Biloxi, Mississippi. I was confused. And all I could tell was that I was in a park, and it was dark. I didn't know what I was then. I was alone and I couldn't remember anything. All I could…well can remember is the name 'Alice'." She stopped to laugh, only this time it wasn't musical; there was no humor. "I'm not even sure if that's my real name."
I could tell this fact disturbed her, for emotions of sadness began to emanate from her. As if it were instinct, I reached across the table to take her hands in my own, and smiled softly when the sadness began to slip away.
"My throat was burning, and I was wearing hospital clothes. I began walking around the park, calling for help, but for a long while nobody came. Finally a park ranger showed up, but when he came to assist me something inside of me snapped. His smell. It was so…alluring. And once he got close enough…" She stopped, closing her eyes. I gave her hands a gentle squeeze once I felt the sadness return.
"Soon after that event I realized what I was, and it scared me. I thought I was destined to kill and to be alone for the rest of my life. But then everything changed." She smiled at the memory, and I felt her joy and excitement return at a rapid pace.
"I can see the future." She explained, "And my very first vision was of you, coming to this exact diner. And I don't know why, but I just knew I had to meet you here."
I had to admit to myself that I was slightly alarmed by all of this, but for some reason that didn't matter. I found myself agreeing with her. After all, what are the chances that her first vision would be of me? Out of all the vampires in the world? I knew it was strange for me to be thinking this way. To think that I may have a purpose in life besides killing, and bringing despair onto the world. It was strange for me to have such optimism, such…hope.
"I focused on your image a lot after that." She said to me. I smirked as she continued on. "I kept tabs on you, searching your surroundings for any clues of where you could be. I was hoping to meet you before you came to the diner, maybe even visit you at Charlotte and Peter's house."
I continued to grin as she explained, for her excitement levels were through the roof. How could something so small have so much energy?
"You know about Peter and Charlotte?" I asked her.
She nodded, grinning. "They seem like such nice people. It must have been a joy living with them for your entire vampiric life."
That's when my heart sank. Here I thought she knew everything about me. About my years with Maria, the killing, the violence, the excessive feeding…everything. But no, she probably thinks that I'm an average nomadic vampire of whom she could easily befriend. That's probably what she came here looking for, and she would most likely run for the hills if she truly knew who I was.
"But you've been troubled lately." She said softly, "I saw you talking to Peter about it. How your ability to sense emotions interferes with your feeding. You feel their fear and sadness, and become depressed every time you feed…"
I looked up at her, and found complete understanding in her eyes. I was comforted by this, and wanted nothing more than to stay with this beautiful creature for the rest of my life. She removed one hand from underneath mine, and leaned across the table to bring it to my face. I closed my eyes, enjoying her touch as she brushed the pad of her thumb across the dark shadow under my eye.
"You've been starving yourself again." She whispered. "I really wish you would stop doing that."
Waves of concern radiated towards me, and I realized that my own pain upset her. I would never want to do anything to upset her. Her hand left my face, but I didn't open my eyes to see where they ended up.
"I…I'm sorry. It's just …I have no other options." I stuttered. I opened my lids slowly and looked into her golden eyes. I was surprised to see the soft smile that she held on her lips.
"But you do!" She exclaimed, "My second vision, it was of a family called the Cullens, and they live by feeding off the blood of animals. That's why my eyes are this color, and although it's not the best taste in the world, you would no longer have to feel pain while you feed. I'm headed to them now, and I want you to come with me."
I looked at her in shock and disbelief. Vampires feeding off animals…who has ever heard such a thing? And what did she mean by a family? It's impossible for vampires to have families since we cannot reproduce.
I wasn't sure what question to ask first, so I was thankful when she just started explaining everything.
"I know you probably don't believe me; the few vampires I ran into while searching for you thought I was crazy! But I promise you that it's possible. It's how I've been living for quite some time now." She told me.
I slowly nodded my head, still not certain if she really wasn't crazy.
"And what about these Cullens, how is it possible for them to be a family?" I asked. Her smile and excitement levels grew exponentially at the mentioning of these vampires, striking a bit of jealously in my own emotions.
"They aren't biologically related, but their leader, Carlisle Cullen, he likes to think of his coven as a family. He and his mate Esme are much like the parents while the rest are their children. They even attend school!" She explained happily.
School? How is it possible for vampires to be in such close contact with humans and not go on a wild massacre? And is she telling me there's more than three? How big is this coven?
Too many questions were running through my mind, and we couldn't stay at this diner long enough for her to answer them all.
"Miss Alice, would it be so rude of me to ask if we could discuss this somewhere else? Perhaps somewhere a bit more private?" I asked her. She smiled at me, her head slowly nodding up and down.
"Not rude at all!" She announced brightly, "Perhaps a hunt would help clear your head? I didn't mean to shove all of this down your throat at once…"
I watched as she rose from the booth, and danced over to the high stool where she had left her purse. She came back, and took out a bill to leave on the table.
I bit my lip, contemplating this hunt.
Should I try it? Will I really not feel any form of pain while I feed? I suppose it's worth some sort of shot…
"No humans?" I questioned, just to be sure.
She smiled down at me, holding out her hand for me to take.
"No humans." She assured me.
A/N: Please Review.