Thank you so much for waiting. Here is the last chapter. This is my first story, so that means this is my first ending. I feel like crying. Here we go!
When the sun rose the next day, everyone in Jump City knew something had changed over night. The air seemed to have a happy quality, the threat of death long gone. Most people gathered around the center of town. Whispers rang through the city. "Did you hear? The most eligible bachelor? Over night!" Most women were upset. He was engaged. No one saw it coming. No one even remembered him dating her.
Other people were excited. A wedding! And soon, too. Really soon. Soon as in the next day or so! All the citizens jumped in to help. These teens had saved each of their lives at one point or another. And they had never asked for anything in return. It was the least that they could do.
I watched them all from the Tower. They ran back and forward. Little ants, going crazy over the news. Treating us like we were celebrities. But, we aren't. We're just two crazy teenagers. Diving head first into the unknown. The world out there reflected into the Tower. Starfire stood in the kitchen, dusting with one hand, cooking with the other, and somehow managing to be vacuuming with her feet. She keep saying how happy she was for us, and then breaking into a song about weddings from her planet. Aliens.
Beast Boy ran around hanging decorations. Cyborg was reprogramming the circuit board, setting it up so that it fit the wedding. Robin had gone out, saying he needed to pick something up. I retreated to my room. I tried to meditate. When that didn't work, I tried to sleep. Nothing was working. I don't know how long I laid there. Maybe an hour or so. I was startled out of my phase when a loud pounding came from the door. "Best friend Raven? You are needed."
Starfire stepped into my room, and shut the door behind her. I sat up on my bed. "What is it, Star?"
"You must put this on, Best Friend Raven."
She held out a blindfold. I reached out for it, and secured it around my eyes. "Now what?" I asked. I felt her grab my hand, and pull me out of my room. She lead me for a long time. When she finally came to a stop, she turned to me and said. "We must take flight now." So we flew. I tried to keep track of how long we were in the air, but it was no use. When we landed, Starfire lead me a few yards more. I heard a door open, and we stepped in.
"I will help you." She said. I felt her snap off my cape, and then helped me into some type of shirt. The shirt didn't stop at my waist though. I felt it cover all of my leotard. "Starfire? What is this?" She didn't respond. Instead, I heard the door open and close. I ripped of the blindfold, and looked down. It was a elegant white dress. A wedding dress!
The music started. Cyborg reached for my hand. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks." I whispered. Starfire was cued. She started her walk. When she stopped, the music changed. The crowd rose. Most of the people we had ever saved were there. I looked at Cyborg. "Ready?" He asked. I took a deep breath in. "Yes."
We started our walk. I looked all around the room. Butterflies rose in my stomach. Why did they all have to look towards me? I quickly glanced ahead, and caught a breath taking sight.
He looked so handsome in his suit and tie. He hadn't removed his mask, but I could tell that his eyes were on me. And his smile! His genuine smile. When we reached him, he reached out and took my hand. "You're beautiful!"
We stood there, and said our vowels. The minister turned towards us finally, and said the words the whole room had been waiting to hear. "Robin, you may now kiss you're bride." He leaned down, and smile when he was centimeters away. "I love you, Raven." "I love you, too, Robin." He kissed me. When he pulled away, I looked at each of my friends. Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy. All my friends. Then I looked into Robin's eyes. My husband. They were so much more than that though.
They are my family.
Thank you so so so so so so so a billion times so much for reading this. I really hoped you enjoyed it. As you have probably figured out, this is my first story. I hope it wasn't too boring. And if anyone happens to have some advice on how I can get this really cute guy to start liking me please let me know!
Superlative Sparkles