NCIS: Sorry

Characters: J. Shepard, Leroy Jethro Gibbs

A/N: I love Jibbs. I have Judgement Day Denial Syndrome. But... I wanted to write a goodbye from Jen to Jethro, the only way I knew how. Let me know what you think. Reviews = Love

May 2008

Dear Jethro:

I am sorry for acting reckless.

I am sorry for spiting you.

I am sorry for acting

Like I didn't care.

Like you didn't matter.

I am sorry for my obsessions.

Sorry for my crimes.

I am sorry for

Messing up Tony's heart and

Treating it like a disposable object.

I am sorry for never telling you

That I am sick.

I'm sorry for not telling you

That I'm dying.

A brain tumor.

I am sorry for not trusting your gut.

I am sorry for becoming

One of the bureaucratic asses

We used to bemoan

Back in Europe, in Paris.

I am sorry for sacrificing

Everything that I held dear

For the sake of furthering my career.

I left you

And I'm sorry.


There's always a but.

I am not sorry for smiling

On the day we first met.

I am not sorry for

Looking you in the eye and

Knowing that there was something.

I am not sorry for

What happened in

Paris, Marseilles.

It was just a natural progression

To an evolving relationship.

The one I would have liked to see last another

Forty or fifty years.

I do not often regret my actions.

I do not regret


Head over heels

In love with you.

I do not regret sacrificing myself

For the sake of my country

And for my sake as well.

I am sorry for not holding you

As close as possible.

I can be an articulate person

When I want to be.

But you?

You tangle up my senses

And make my tongue tied.

Your blue eyes

The windows to your soul

Show pain, and love.

They are my weakness.

They melt me.

You melt me.

I love you.

I always will.

And I'm sorry.

I am

And always

Will be

