HUGE UPDATE: I have been off of fan fiction for quite awhile due to taking care of my mum who has dementia. However I have now come back with a vengeance. When I last updated this story I had been told that admin was taking them down. However, seeing some recent reviews has given me the motivation, as well as a big boot up my ass lol, so I will be continuing the Twilight and Harry Potter characters reading the books series.

Now, I don't want any inpatient people with this, as this is going to take time. For fear of admin removing these stories, I plan to put the books up whole rather than chapter to chapter, that way you get the full book in one hit. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn shouldn't take too long. However all 7 Harry Potter books could take me as long as a year due to me being a college student and joining university to do an honours degree in arts and humanities.

I will also be re-writing some of my other works. I also have another book in the works called Love Heals All Wounds, set in New Moon right after Edward left. So please be patient as I do all this and hopefully have some books up this year. Thank you for reading my books and leaving reviews to get me back in the game. And yes, I can now spell ESME correctly lol :)

See you all soon xoxo