DarkLvmj: "I know I should be writing "Seeing the World Blindfolded," but this plot bunny hopped onto my lap and begged me to write this! I couldn't turn away from his 'Bambi' eyes! For all those that don't know me in the Harry Potter worlds, I am the co writer of Lvmj! I decided to branch out into different stories with his help, so hope ya like this!"

One Mistake

Chapter One: The Right Red Eye

One mistake... one mistake that from Lord Voldemort caused a chain reaction that would shake the very foundations of the Wizarding world, whether it is good or bad. That faithful night on Halloween, Voldemort left a different mark on a small baby boy. Oh yes, he did cast a rather evil spell straight at the boy, but his aim was slightly off from where is designated target, the forehead, was at.

Instead, the Avada Kedavra ran straight into the boy's right eye. Seeing the Harry's head snap back from the impact, Voldemort smirked at what happened before a sudden violent wind started to shift inside the room.

"What is this?" Voldemort muttered to himself, scowling as he readied his wand for an attack. It was all too soon that he realized that little Harry Potter was the cause as several green rope like structures shot out his right eye and latched onto Voldemort.

The Dark Lord screamed in agony as his magic was being sucked forcefully out of him. It felt as if his very soul was burning inside of him before it stopped. He collapsed on his knees, breathing heavily from the strange attack before he felt his magic.

Weak. That was all he could describe it, barely above a Squibs! He snarled weakly when a sudden weariness overcame him.

"Damn that boy," Voldemort said as he grabbed a portkey in his pocket, one that led to a safe house in Albania that was only known to him. He disappeared in a rush, the force destroying the floor under him, sending shards of wood that just so happened to carve a wound on poor Harry's head.

Arriving, he stumbled on the ground and rested against the doorway.

"With my magic as weak as this...it's going to take a while until I am at full power," Voldemort said to himself, scowling once more. "Then, Mr. Potter, then I will destroy you."

~Four and a half years later~

There wasn't much to be said about the soon to be six year old boy at number 4 Private Drive. But what was said that he was the strangest boy anyone has ever met, especially when looking straight at his eyes.

While most people have one color set of eyes, Harry had two; Red and Green. His right eye, as long as he could remember, had always been a deep red while his left one was a soft green. To outside people, one would think that was all that was strange.

But to the Dursleys, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Inside their home was a different story, for you see, Harry's magic was indeed powerful, too powerful to be fully contained.

Several times throughout the days, Harry's magic would flare up uncontrollably, causing small problems or such fascinating events that left the Dursleys in awe and fear, mainly fear for the older Durselys.

For instance, when his aunt Petunia raised her hand to slap him, he disappeared with an audible snap and appeared in his small cramp cupboard. Another when he was so hungry and thirsty from seeing his relatives eat alone, a cup of tea and a sandwich appeared before him and he happily dug in. A real shocking one was when Harry seemed to make one Dudley's old toys grow to large proportions and shrink small then an ant.

But there was something that scared them as well; a language that the 'freak' spoke to his one and only friend, a snake. The snake's name was Paddy, the only word he can clearly remember before the Dursleys. He had found the baby snake in the garden alone and hungry.

Other things happened as well, such as things levitating, objects summoned towards Harry, and things mystery disappearing, like a certain pan that Petunia threatened to hit him with.

Right now though, Harry was sighing, sitting right outside on the door step. Today was his sixth birthday but it was quickly becoming bothersome. He was a smart boy; he knew what he does was not normal and that his so called family didn't like him.

"Boy," his uncle Vernon spoke. The large whale of a man stood in front of little Harry, holding what seemed to be a black top hat that had a dark blue ring pattern on it. His uncle was just coming back from some sort of party.

"Yes uncle?" Harry said, standing up.

"Dispose of this. It seems hats like this are not well known anymore," he said roughly before pushing the top hat in Harry's arms and heading inside. He had bought the top hat for nothing for an office party.

He stopped though when he heard a small voice behind what. "What?" he growled out to Harry.

"Can I keep it?" Harry asked softly. Vernon sneered at this.

"Whatever, keep it you rotten boy," he spat and closed the door behind him, wondering why the freak wanted that simple hat.

But to Harry, this poor hat that was tossed aside was something more than a simple hat. To him, this was his very first gift for his birthday. It even reminded him of the hat the Hatter wore in his favorite book "Alice in Wonderland."

In his happiness though, inside the house everything that wasn't nailed down was floating a foot in the air.

Vernon sputtered as Petunia paled at the sight. "That's it 'Tunia, that's it! Something has to be done!"

"B-but what Vernon?" she asked fearfully.

"Don't worry, just go sit down," Vernon commanded as Dudley seemed to wonder what was going on. "Dudley, go play with your friends, alright? And call your cousin in as well."

Now Dudley at this age wasn't corrupted by his parents look on Harry. In fact, he seemed fascinated by everything his strange cousin has done. So when he saw that gleam in his dad's eyes, he knew something was wrong.

"Okay dad," the small portly boy said before heading out of the house.

Harry turned and smiled at his older cousin when he closed the door behind him.

"Harry...dad wants you for something," Dudley said uncertainly which Harry quickly caught on. "Be careful," Dudley whispered.

"Don't worry Duds, I'll just 'poof' away or something," Harry said with a smile, trying to put Dudley's worries to rest.

Dudley seemed to smile. "Alright, see you later Harry," he said before walking off down the street.

*Harry, are you sure it's to enter your nest? I don't like the feel of it* came a quiet hiss from underneath Harry's baggy clothing. Paddy stuck his head out from the neckline of the shirt.

*I know Paddy, I don't like it either, but whatever my uncle is going to do, it's best not to stall.* Harry hissed back.

Paddy seemed to sigh, if it was possible for a snake to do so before slithering up Harry's neck and curled on top of his head. He was a rather small snake.

*You know I think this hat will come in handy in hiding you* Harry said with a chuckle.

Harry then stood up and dusted off his behind before placing the top hat on his head, which quickly seemed to engulf it, which also startled Paddy.

"Ah, to big," Harry mused before using his 'freakish' powers and shrunk the top hat to fit comfortably on his head, even hiding that horrible scar he had, a definite plus.

Harry entered the home and was ushered quickly to stand in the living room. Harry saw his uncle holding something long in his hands.

"Boy, you have been nothing but trouble," Vernon snarled as Petunia smiled viciously behind her husband. Harry frowned at the look and examined the object in his uncle's hand.

"Shotgun?" Harry asked, startled at what he was holding. He quickly disappeared with a snap when the shotgun went off, blowing everything away in its way. Harry stumbled over just to the side, to shocked and scared to 'poof' somewhere far away.

Vernon rounded on him and pointed the double barrel shotgun at him.

In fear, Harry's magic was rising uncontrollably as the air around him seemed to boil.

"No!" Harry shouted and thrust his hand out towards the two, shutting his eyes.

A few seconds past and Harry was wondering if he was even still alive.

*Harry, what has happened?* came Paddy's familiar hiss. Harry opened his eyes and immediately gaped at the sight.

Everything in front of him, the house, the floor, Vernon and Petunia, everything was darkened and ash like.

Harry stared down the blackened shotgun and reached out to it.

"Uncle?" Harry asked fearfully. Just as his hand touched the shotgun, it immediately seemed to wither away into ash, followed by Vernon and everything else.

Harry immediately screamed in terror, backing up until he hit the wall behind him, the part of the house that wasn't ash.

"What have I done?" Harry said to himself, shaking out of fear. "I...I have to leave!"

He ran, straight out the door with Paddy hissing, wondering what was going on.

*I killed them Paddy! I didn't mean to-it just happened!* Harry said, as Paddy moved around in the hat. Harry was now sitting down at a park, still scared.

*Harry, can you cut a latch so I can see what's going on?* Paddy asked him. Harry simply traced his hand on the side of the top hat. Paddy pushed softly at the place Harry touched to reveal a cloth hatch that blended nicely to the hat so no one would be none the wiser.

*What am I going to do Paddy?* Harry asked, rubbing his eyes as he felt tears forming.

*We are running, yes?* Paddy asked Harry, who just nodded softly. *Then a name change will suffice. Think of something no one can guess. You must become secretive, a riddle that no one will figure out.*

Harry's head perked up. "Riddle," he tested out. For some reason, he liked this name. *Riddle sounds nice, doesn't it?*

Paddy seemed to chuckle. *Why not? A perfect last name I suppose, but what about a first?*

Harry seemed to think. He remembered a certain name of a group of a band that he had liked. The...Beatles, weren't they? Harry shook his head, it wouldn't do to lose his train of thoughts.

"John Riddle," Harry said, testing the words before he smiled and repeated it to Paddy.

*John Riddle, an excellent name,* was Paddy's response.


On a large piece of parchment labeled "Future Class of 1991" a new name was labeled in the 'R' section. Surprisingly, a certain name in the 'P' section was still there.

DarkLvmj: "Review please! I want to know what you think, your reviews are important!"