Chapter One - the twins.

Uru watched the sky outside the cave - it was dark, but lighter than what it had been the previous hour. The old lioness had been awake for 3 hours with contractions.

They were getting closer together and slightly stronger, so Uru knew the time was near for the birth.

As the golden sun peeked into the rich pride lands, a cry could be heard. It was the cry of Mufassa - the new future king.

A few minutes later, his twin brother, Taka was born. His cry was less enthusiastic, so Uru knew he was the calmer of the two.

Ahadi woke up to find his queen and sons.

He asked which was the older, and Uru told him it was Mufassa.

Ahadi smiled at the bigger of the two cubs, who had a golden pelt, like him.

He looked briefly at Taka, the younger cub with a darker pelt, like his mother.

"Is Mufassa feeding well?" Ahadi asked.

"Yes," answered Uru, "They both are."

Ahadi nodded, pleased.

He said that the new Shaman, Rafiki, would have to present the two cubs to the pride lands.

A few days later, Uru called her younger sister to her.

"Yes Uru, what is it?" Sheba asked.

"Sheba, go and find Rafiki the shaman - he must present my sons to the pride lands."

"Of course!" smiled Sheba, "You know I would do anything for you."

Uru smiled as she watched her sister leave in the direction of a large tree that stood out from all the rest.

Uru had saved Sheba from a pack of hyenas when she was four months old.

Uru was 3 years old and a very powerful lioness so she easily scared off the hyenas.

After that, Sheba doted on her older sister and listened to her every word.

Now, Sheba had found Rafiki.

"Rafiki - the king and queen…"

"Wishes me to present the prince and future king." finished the Shaman.

"Well…yes." nodded Sheba amused.

Rafiki laughed a crackly yet enjoyable laugh and Sheba led the way to pride rock.