Boot Camp Ch.12

Dedicated to FantasticT HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D

Buttercup's POV:

I woke up in Butch's arms, he was so warm, I could've stayed there forever.

I watched him sleep, thinking of what would happen if I was pregnant.

I pictured in a small house in Townsville, in our little bedroom, holding our baby, singing him, or her, a lullaby.

I ran my finger through Butch's hair as I day dreamed.

His eyes slowly opened and he smiled as he put his hand on my cheek.

"Good Morning" I whispered smilling at him.

"Are you real or are you a dream?" He asked

I lightly kissed him, and smiled "I'm real"

"I thought I'd lost you for good."

I shook my head "I love you too much"

We laid in silence for a while until I sat up.

"Butch, what would you do if the test comes out positive?" I asked worried

He said up and pulled me into his lap, tucked my bangs behind my ears, and looked deep into my eyes.

"I would make sure that you and our baby, were both healthy and happy. And I would be there with you through everything, from doctor's appointments, to sittting in the maternity ward,
with you, hold our baby in my arms."

"If it's negative..." I said tearing up "You won't leave will you?"

He pulled my chin up to look at him, I did and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"No, Why would you even think that?" He asked wiping my tears.

"I don't know, I just don't want you to think you have to stay here because of all this..."

"Babe, listen to me, I'm staying whether we're having a baby or not. Because I can't live without you, I love you"

"I love you too"

A little later we got up and went to the kitchen to get breakfast while we waited for the doctor to call.

Blossom, Brick, Bubbles, and Boomer were all in the the living room talking.

"Hey guys" We said as we came and sat with them.

"Hey, have you heard anything yet?" Blossom asked

"Not yet" I said looking at my phone and put it on the coffee table

"So, are you guys nervous?" Brick asked

Butch looked at me then back his red headed brother.

"Yea, but we're just gunna take it one step at a time"

All of us sat in silence staring at my phone on the table waiting for it to ring. We sat like that for about an hour.

Finally it rang and I lunged for it, and answered it asfast as I could.

"Hello? Yes this is she, yes, uh-huh, ok thank you so much" I said hanging up and staring into space.

"Babe, what'd they say?" Butch asked nervously

I looked at our siblings, and then at him, and a small smile grew on my face.

"It was a false alarm!" I said smiling

Everybody let out a sigh, and Butch hugged me so tight I thought he was going to break me.

"Babe, I love you but don't think we were ready to be parents" he said smiling

"Me either"

"I think we should celebrate" Brick said standing up

We all laughed and ended up celebrating at a restraunt downtown.

That night I was in our room, waiting for Butch to get out of the shower.

I sat playing with the worn hem of the Black Metallica shirt I was wearing.

Butch came up and hugged me kissing my neck and pulling me into his arms.

"Are you disappointed?" He asked nussling his face in the crook of my neck, and tickling me with his wet hair.

"A little maybe..." I said turning and laying on my side to look at him. "Only beacue I want kids with you, not now, but someday maybe"

He smiled and layed next to me, and took my hand in his and kissed it.

"Well, then I'm gunna make you a promise..." He said

I nodded smiling. "Someday, I'm gunna marry you, and we're gunna get our lives straightened out, and then when we're both ready, we'll try again, and well have as many kids as you want"

I smiled and kissed him, "Deal" I said

He smiled and held me close to him, "And maybe by then my brothers will realize what they're missing, and we'll have some and neices and nephews too"

I laughed and kissed him.

"Can you imagine all of us having little kids with super powers running all over the city?" I laughed

"Bring on the grey hairs!"

I laughed and kissed him softly.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too"