Even Yamamoto knew what the pink smoke that surrounded his body was upon entering Tsuna's room. He knew he was being whisked to the future as the faint sense of nausea hit him. However, this was nothing however compared to the fluttering sensation in his stomach. He was going to the future, his future. Where will I be? What will I be doing? Who will I be with? All these questions that people worry about for most of their lives, he was just seconds away from finding out.

However, as the smoke started to clear from his vision, he didn't receive the welcome he expected. He found himself looking an older, silver haired man dressed in a red shirt and smart black suit. He was staring directly at him, his expression a mix of panic and pissed. "Shit."

The room he found himself in was dark, deserted and deadly quiet. The only light source came from around the corner of the wall they both stood against. "Where am…" Yamamoto's speech was cut swiftly as the older man gagged his mouth with his hand. Yamamoto's mumblings died away in the other mans palm as he started to relax and fall silent. He noticed the man's lip was bleeding from a fresh wound and in his other hand, he held a loaded pistol.

The older man spoke harshly, barely above a whisper. "Shh you fucking idiot. Your in the middle of a mission and without your sword, your bloody useless."

Yamamoto's eyes widened as the words sunk in. Not that he was useless and not that he was in the middle of a mission but that he was a fucking idiot. Only one person in the world called him that. Was this man in front of him really Gokudera? The resemblance was uncanny but this Gokudera felt different to Yamamoto. This Gokudera was more mature than the one he knew both mentally and physically…and it turned him on.

His thoughts were broken as a group of footsteps could be heard around the corner coming towards them. The older Gokudera wrapped his arm around the teen's torso, his hand firmly pressing him against his body. Yamamoto's head was nuzzled securely under his chin as he stood on guard for the possible threat. "During sex would have been better timing than this; but don't worry it's only five minutes, I'l protect you."

Yamamoto turned red at the words, surprised that Gokudera would ever say such things to him. Reassured in the warm embrace, he closed his eyes, soaking up the smell of cologne splashed against Gokudera's neck. Its smell was strong and potent, most likely to cover up the faint scent of cigarettes that still remained. Opening his eyes, he could see Gokudera's neck left teasingly on display by his unbuttoned shirt. Tasteful necklaces hung around his neck, filling in the gap of his naked skin. It teased Yamamoto immensely. It showed enough skin to make you crave more but failing to deliver. He wanted to see what the rest of his body looked like under that red shirt. He felt himself grow hard, desperately wanting to do something, anything to the man who was unknowingly teasing him. Overwhelmed and confused, Yamamoto wearily moved his hand downwards, cupping Gokudera's weapon in the palm of his hand.

Gokudera turned sharply, his face now the same shade as his shirt. He was clearly angry with his wrinkled brow but his mouth didn't scowl as expected. Maybe he secretly enjoyed it too? "Now is not the time to cope a feel you fucking idiot!"

"Over there!" The sound of footsteps breaking into a run could be heard following the order. Gokudera's explosive personality had go the better of him and it could cost them.

"Goddammit!" He pushed Yamamoto up against the wall with his arm, making sure to stand in front of him. "Don't move." He aimed the gun at the corner, waiting patiently for his time to pounce.

Gokudera fired as the three alerted henchmen came running around the corner. One of the men fell instantly to the floor, a spray of blood coming from his head where the bullet pierced. The sharpshooter took another shot, managing to hit the second man in the heart before grasping Yamamoto's jacket, tossing him to the side to avoid an incoming bullet. Desperately, he shot trying to finish the last man as he heard Yamamoto fall to the ground behind him. The henchman fell to the floor as the bullet pierced through his chest.

Gokudera turned around desperately to check if his objective was safe. Yamamoto sat on the floor, safe but shaken, staring at the three people that had just died in mere seconds before his eyes.

"You hurt idiot?" Yamamoto shook his head in response, his gaze not shifting from the bodies on the floor. Gokudera sighed in relief, relaxing a little for the first time "Don't look so surprised, you will kill them quicker than me."

"I will?" Yamamoto leant forwards, edging towards the corpses on the floor. He hadn't seen the real mafia world like this before.

Gokudera reached into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette before noticing one of the wounded's hand twitch around the trigger of his pistol. Almost instantly, threw himself at Yamamoto, knocking the teen to the floor as a bullet sank into his own side. "Bastard!" Gokudera cursed painfully as he shot the daring man on the floor, making sure such a stunt wouldn't be pulled again. "Shit! I should have fucking checked!"

"You…you saved me…."

"Tch." Gokudera shrugged off the compliment. "I'm only saving my sex life. Where would I go if my future husband died on me?"

Yamamoto's eyes widened as they shot down to Gokudera's hand. On his ring finger was a plain golden band. He was being serious about them being a couple even though his feelings wasn't expressed as well as they could have been. As he stared at Gokudera's hand, he could see blood starting to seep in between his fingers.

"Your bleeding!" Yamamoto removed his black jacket, wrapping it around Gokudera's waist. He nudged the man's hand out the way so he could tie the sleeves tightly above the wound. Gokudera sat passively, letting Yamamoto attend to the wound without a fuss. "I hope this works." Yamamoto smiled at the older man, his head turned away hiding his face.

"…Yamamoto Takeshi…I've…" Gokudera head turned slightly, his face now in view. It was bright red and he looked nervous.

"You've what?"

Yamamoto could feel his heart beat quicker as Gokudera leaned towards him, his eyes closed. Scared, he closed his eyes as the older man's soft lips met in deep embrace. He could feel his body melting at the warm touch of his lips. It felt like an eternity before Gokudera pulled away, his face so close he could feel his breath on his skin. He smiled sweetly at him, something he thought he would never see. "I've always been in love with a hopeless idiot."

Gokudera's smiling face started to become a just a memory as his five minutes were up and pink smoke surrounded him. He had got the answers he wanted but inside, he felt empty. How long would it be until he would see Gokudera smile the same away again? It might take months or possibly years but Yamamoto vowed to himself that he would make the man he loved truly happy.