Title: Teen Titans Victory Party
Author: Sokaita Rogue (a.k.a. AlexiustheDefender on )
Rating: M (Drug mention, some….OTHER stuff, slash, heavy partying, and curse words)
Pairings: Robin/Kid Flash (No gaping, please. I think they make a good couple, so THERE!) Raven? Mas y Menos (I think it will be really funny) Starfire/Aqualad and Blood Orchid/Batman (Dude…just…DON'T ASK.)
Author's Note: I am writing this story for fun and I don't own any of these characters except for Blood Orchid (a.k.a. Evangeline Williams) of which was of my own creation. SO got this bright idea while I was listening to Nickelback's "Burn it To the Ground," and reading some teen titans fanfics, all of which were found on . How awesome would it be if I were to write a story about blood Orchid throwing a mini concert in the Titans West Tower with all of the teen titans there? But then I thought; well, they wouldn't' throw a party for nothing…so how about it takes place after the last episode, after they defeat the brain and that gorilla dude who I don't really care what the name is? (Sorry Gorilla Dude) SO yeah…now it does and there is a bit of slash with Kid Flash (Wally West) and Robin (Dick (haha) Grayson) inspired by melimsah's "Be Gentle with me" which was absolutely amazing, I hope that she updates soon. Oh, and I think I should write a quick paragraph about Blood orchid so you guys aren't wondering who she is.
Blood Orchid, frequently nicknamed Blood, Orchid, Orchey, Vange, Vangey, Eve, Vangeline, Evange, and tons of different variations of that. Anyway, she's half vampire because when another one bit her, the venom didn't fully do its job. So she isn't entirely blood thirsty, she could survive on human food, and she won't live forever, though so far she has lived for over two hundred years. She has extremely long black, silky hair (Which used to be light brown locks) and crimson red eyes. When she's drank enough blood, her eyes turn a shade of Baby blue, the color they were before she changed. Though she hasn't even touched a drop of human Blood…well…that is, until later with uh….well, there's this thing…well, it happens with Kid Flash and it's later on in my fanfic, which you can find the drafts on . Just look up Blood Orchid under Authors) Anyway, that happens after this. Speaking of which; I first wanted her to end up with Robin, but then I wanted her to be with kid flash. I mean, besides the bright primary colors, Wally is kind of…well, I'll just admit it; he's sexy for a cartoon, THERE! Damn, I'm glad I got that outta my system. Anyway, then I read Melimsah's fanfic, (Which was..well, DAY-YUM) and I fell in love with the idea of Robin and West pairing off, so there.
Oh, and how Blood became a titan; well, she used to be a thief and a criminal, practically starving and stealing food to survive while instead of living on the thrill of drinking blood, lived on the thrill of singing and dancing at a nightclub of my creation, called, "The Night Crawler", earning a few bucks here and there but nowhere near enough to keep on living. Then when she finally came face to face with the Titans, Robin realized that she wasn't a criminal by choice, and he saw that this girl was just trying to survive, so he offered her a place to stay and food to eat to get her back on her feet. But when Robin experiences a near-death experience in which Eve saves his life, he offers the chance for her to be an official Teen Titan. Eventually, she accepts, and becomes like a mother, a loyal friend, and over time their house maid. (She hates disorganization and pizza stains lol.) Her power is that she can do virtually anything to defend herself, from shrinking to the size of a dime, or creating a force field, to turning invisible or sprouting black eagle wings to make a quick getaway. But they only work well if she has had enough blood (or in her case, has saved up enough energy) and she can only perform them when she isn't blinded by light, though fluorescents don't do as much damage as sunlight. (I didn't want her to be a typical vampire, but I needed to give her some sort of weakness so that's he didn't become invincible.)
Oh, and the songs that she sings and performs I do not claim either but I have this link right here that plays the songs in order. I thought it would be cool if you were to listen to the songs while she's performing them in the story. That's what I did to write this in the first place and I think it makes it feel more real. This is the link; .com/watch?v=nsUdZrG1Fpo&feature=PlayList&p=1008F7E4DA9012DD&playnext_from=PL&index=1&playnext=1
Oh, and for the love of GOD (unless you're atheist, than I respect that) please, please, please, please, PLEASE don't shuffle the songs it took me two hours to get it set up. Well, actually, I suppose since it is a free country, you could shuffle these if you wanted…but don't you value my sanity?
Reader: …uh….
Author: Oh, fine then shut it. lols…
Also, read and rate if you wish, it is a free country, so you can or cannot.
Chapter 1: Pep talk
Location: Orchid's Room, Titans Tower
P.S: This story is mostly about Orchid, Robin, and Kid Flash but I include almost everyone else.
Blood Orchid slipped on her "little black dress" and put on the necklace that Starfire had given her for her birthday, a silver tameranian symbol meaning, "Warrior." She looked at herself in the mirror. Her crimson eyes were bright and tired looking, but still happy and coy. Her figure looked good in the black dress, and she had nice legs, the kind guys drool over in playboy.
She went over the preparations that had been made in her head; a platform had been built by some of the stronger titans to serve as a stage for her performance. Speedy and Bumblebee were going to lend a few of their musical skills for the instruments, and there was enough food that had been set up to serve over 500 people. (Teenagers CAN eat quite a lot, you know.) There were also plenty of soda pitchers and punch bowls, and although Robin insisted that they weren't supposed to be spiked with anything, she knew that Speedy, Cyborg, and even Jericho had spiked it with all the alcohol they could find. But who am I to spoil their fun? She thought. It is a free country, after all. (Please don't shoot me I know I say that a lot but it IS, you know. )
She looked absolutely awesome. Most of the young heroes would be dressed in their uniforms, but she wanted to look the part of a performer. Not bad for over two hundred years of age. At that moment she heard a knock on her door. She used her powers to see who it was; KID FLASH, she thought with a smile. Ever since she had met him, they became great friends, and it was always a joy to have him around the tower. He was laid back, cool, calm, collected, humorous, and just plain awesome. She quickly slid on her black, knee high boots and said in her quiet and clear voice, "Come on in, Flash."
He vibrated his molecules through her door. "How'd you know it was me?" he asked, pretending to be hurt. "Am I that obvious?" But he stopped, stunned at how beautiful she was, and he couldn't move for a minute.
She smiled to herself and turned around to face him. "Nah-"she stopped though, because he had frozen where he was, gaping at her figure. She raised her eye brow. "Oh, great…is it THAT bad? I thought since black went with everything it would be fine and It is pretty comfortable-"
But he cut her off. "It's not that…uh…whoa. Two words, Eve; DAY-YUM." He shook his head in disbelief, but her stunning figure was still there. He started to blush a bit uncontrollably. "How…I- uh-…you DO know how many teenage boys are going to be in this building at the same time, right? And I dunno if there are a few queers of the OTHER-"
She just giggled and walked over to him, embracing him in a hug and pecking her lips gentle once on his forehead. "It's wonderful to have you here, Wally," she said through giggles, looking into his coy blue eyes. "I really appreciate it. And I'm truly grateful for you being there for all of us before." She meant the battle they had fought a few days earlier, when they thought all hope was lost.
He blushed redder, than got it under control. "It was no problem. And OF COURSE I would be here! From what I've heard, you're voice is legendary." He wiggled his eye brows flirtatiously. "I can't WAIT to see if it's true."
She blushed slightly. "I hope you think so. But, can you promise me something, Wally?" she had a vision of how the night would go tonight…and…she saw something happen…of which she had no problem with it, so if not, why not encourage it?
His eyes suddenly became serious and genuine. "Absolutely. You give the word and it's done." He said.
She smiled and thought she should mess with him a bit first. "I want you to put on a pink dress and say the word "like" at least once in every sentence you say for the rest of the night."
His eyes widened in shock, and he backed away slowly."Uh…"
She laughed hysterically for a minute. "I'm just kidding, West. But seriously; Could you uh…." How did she put this without being too…weird? "Could you hang out with Robin, tonight?" she watched his face anxiously.
He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Well, sure, I was planning to. But why?" he crossed his arms, thinking.
Her red eyes met his, very seriously. "Well…I would be grateful if you could help him have a bit of fun tonight. He's not usually one for parties, and I want him to enjoy this one." And if the night turns out like I think it will…then he definitely will have enjoyed it…
Flash put his fist under his chin and his other fist underneath his elbow, pretending to think deeply. "I WILL try. But you DO know that you're sending me into deep waters here, Lady?" he smiled slightly and then suddenly really noticed the redness of her pupils and said, "Nice eyes."
She smiled at first, but then realized what he was talking about, and shyly looked to the ground, ruffling her hair and fidgeting. "Oh, yeah…uh…they used to be blue, kind of like yours." She suddenly frowned, and turned to look at herself in the full body mirror again. Then she sighed, and walked over to her night stand, grabbing a pair of black sunglasses, and putting them on gingerly. Then she turned back over to Kid Flash. "I was debating whether or not to wear these," she admitted quietly. "They were my security blanket…for a time. They shielded my eyes during the day, and covered my identity during the night."
Kid Flash looked down at the ground, thinking for a minute, and then walking back towards her, almost completely closing the distance between them. "Everyone in that room out here will accept you for what and who you are. You don't need those." He crookedly smiled at her and looked into her eyes with confidence in his words and coy. He took them off gently and put them in her hands.
She looked back at him. She was just an inch shorter than him. "I know." She smiled. "But thank you for reminding me." She took the glasses, looked down at them one last time, and snapped them in two, letting the remnants fall to the floor. She looked back up at him, more confidence lifting her spirit. She smiled mischievously, seduction and joy dancing in her glowing eyes. "Let's get this started, shall we?"