Disclaimer: I don't own CSI:NY.
Series: None.
Spoilers: Mentions of the Mist Cube from 'To What End'.
So I got a request from afrozenheart412 that said: The Mist Cube + Don and Jess = a lot of happy fans? Now, it was actually a request for my 'Kindred Spirits' series, but even though I'm nowhere near season 7 yet, I still didn't think I could fit it in, so I added smut and put it in here.
Mist Cube
Don Flack had never really considered himself old until now. He'd run into a few high school buddies earlier that day and then felt obliged to accept their invitation to go clubbing with them that evening, just as he felt sure they felt obliged to issue the invitation in the first place.
He just felt uncomfortable, watching people he hadn't spoken to in years steadily getting more and more wasted, while he stayed comfortably sober.
It wasn't that he never got drunk; he'd just rather do it around Danny, who he knew wouldn't let him make a fool out of himself.
Thinking back, that didn't make much sense either.
The only redeeming feature of this evening was something called 'The Mist Cube', an elevated part of the dance floor that was equipped with sprinklers that allowed the dancers to quite literally inhale their alcohol.
While this in itself didn't appeal to Don, the majority of the dancers were female and wearing very skimpy clothes.
"Only reason we come here." Patrick told him, following his gaze.
"Can't imagine why." Don quipped, his eyes landing on a group of women on the other side of the floor.
It was one in particular that caught his attention, probably because she was dressed more conservatively than the others, but that didn't really matter. Her white tank top was damp and almost see-through, and her jeans were so tight they might have been painted on, hugging her hips and ass seductively.
Her dark hair swayed as she moved to the music and Don didn't realise he'd been staring until John waved a hand in front of his face.
"Don't bother." He advised. "She's a lost cause."
Don was about to respond, when the mystery woman turned and his mind went hazy again. He might have been looking at her through a crowd of people and a mist of alcohol but he'd know that smile anywhere.
"I wouldn't go that far." Don disagreed, captivated by the way her skin seemed to shimmer, somehow able to see a bead of liquid making its way slowly down her neck and disappear beneath the plunging neckline of her tank top.
Mark snorted. "Trust me. Every guy who makes a move makes a run for it. God knows what she says to them."
I think I know. Don smirked and set his glass down. There was a voice in his head telling him it was a bad idea, but it definitely wasn't for the same reasons.
Jess was definitely more comfortable than Don, but then she'd been to this club before. Although not girly in any way growing up, her three best friends were as good as her sisters and she made a point to go out with them at least once a month, more if she could make it.
Yet another man approached her and she shook her head. When that didn't seem to work – and it rarely did – she lifted her shirt just slightly to reveal the badge still hooked on her belt.
That did the trick and he beat a hasty retreat.
"Men." Sasha commented loudly. "Why do they …?"
"Head's up, Jess." Melina interrupted. "Here comes another one."
Jess didn't bother to look, knowing that would be taken as an invitation. She stiffened as hands landed on her waist, but a low voice cut of her rebuke before it could start.
"Mind if I cut in?"
Jess wasn't usually one for surprised squeals but she had to hold one back, spinning around to face him. "Don!"
Don chuckled, accepting her hug and kissing her cheek. "Small world."
"Tell me about it." Jess raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"
"Ran into some high school buddies; couldn't say no." Don rolled his eyes, jerking his head over his shoulder.
Jess followed his indication and recognised three guys who had all tried to hit on her before. "You're friends with those losers?"
"Used to be." Don repeated. "Made the mistake of forgetting what a git I used to be."
"What do you mean 'used to be'?" Jess teased. She turned back to her friends, all of whom were looking stunned by Jess's lack of venom towards the latest 'victim'. "Girls, this is Don Flack, my partner and the one exception to my rule. Don, this is Sasha, Melina and Emily, we've known each other for years."
"Nice to meet you." Don nodded to them.
"Likewise." Emily gave Jess a look that clearly said details later. "Drinks, ladies?"
The other two quickly agreed and vanished in the direction of the bar, leaving Don and Jess alone.
"What rule?" Don asked, over the music, pulling her closer so she could hear him.
"I don't dance with guys when I'm drinking." Jess explained. "Especially in a place like this. It's so I don't do anything stupid. Plus guys tend to take one dance as an invitation."
"I don't." Don offered.
"I know." Jess pushed against him, moving in time to the music. "So was that a genuine offer of a dance earlier, or were you just trying to make me jump?"
"First one." Don said in a low voice, his hands sliding to her hips again. "You look stunning, by the way."
"How much have you had to drink?" Jess smiled, taking his hand as he spun her away from him.
"Not much." Don insisted.
She had no idea he danced at all, let alone that he could, but he matched her every movement. As he stepped forwards, her body slid along his and she turned again, one hand sliding up to his shoulders. As she did, she caught sight of his 'friends' over his shoulder. "If they take this as an opportunity, Donnie, you're a dead man." She murmured.
It took Don a while to decipher the words, between her breathy voice and the scent of her hair, but he managed it. "They won't. Standard etiquette."
Jess rolled her eyes. "You know how many times I've had to pull my badge on those clowns?"
"I can take a guess." Don muttered.
"Are you jealous, Detective?" Jess teased.
"How can I be when I'm the one you're dancing with?" Don smirked, beating her logic. "I just don't like the idea of other guys hitting on you."
The part of Jess's mind that wasn't slightly drunk was screaming at her to walk away from the situation, but the way his body felt pressed against hers felt too good to ignore. "Then why don't you do something about it, Detective?"
His eyes met hers. "I am."
Her fingers gripped the back of his shirt for a second. "That would be a bad idea." She warned.
A smirk touched his face and he leaned forwards, taking advantage of her heels to lick a bead of alcohol from her neck, before kissing the skin there. "Then walk away." He challenged, pressing his hips against hers.
Jess let out a soft moan, feeling how hard he was already. She stepped away from him, held his gaze for a second, then walked away.
Don was stunned. He'd never read her wrongly before.
Part of him wanted to call her back, but now was not the time to get into a discussion about this.
Letting her go, he returned to his companions, feeling more than an ache than he expected. He just hoped he hadn't completely lost her, mentally calculating how many hours of apologising he'd have to put in tomorrow.
"Hey, you got further than we did." Patrick offered, clapping him on the back. "How'd you get that close?"
"Luck of the draw." A familiar female voice purred from behind him, and a hand slipped into his back pocket.
Don turned to see Jess standing there, a dark jacket on over her tank top.
"You driving me home, Detective?" Jess asked sweetly.
"You bet." Don grabbed his own jacket. "Good seeing you again, guys." A hand resting on her lower back, he guided her out without a backwards glance. "You had me worried for a second there." He murmured.
"Had to say goodbye." Jess tilted her head, her lips brushing his jaw. "And promise to make it up to them."
"Fair enough." Don unlocked his car and held the door open for her. "Your place or mine?"
Jess's eyes swept over him. "Wherever's closest."
Don's gaze darkened and he moved closer, trapping her against the car. "That would be here, Jessica. And I doubt you want that, do you?"
Jess tilted her head back as his lips landed on her neck again. "N-no …"
"You don't sound too sure." Don smirked against her skin, his hand slipping beneath her tank top to caress her. "Do you want that?"
Jess gasped as he nipped at her collarbone and she gripped his shoulders. "Don, I don't care what you do or where you do it, just as long as it happens soon!"
Don chuckled and pulled away. "Your place is nearer, right?"
Jess nodded, forcing movement back into her legs so she could get in. "Start driving then, Detective."
As soon as Jess's apartment door shut behind her, her back landed against it, his lips finally – finally – on hers.
A shudder ran through her as she clung to him; they had spent too long denying the obvious connection between them and it wasn't an option any more. In that moment, she didn't care about the fall-out that was sure to come; she couldn't fight it any longer.
Don kissed her hard, coaxing her mouth open as he pushed her jacket off her shoulders, followed by his own. His hands shot to her waist again, dipping to stroke the skin just revealed by her tank top as it rode up. A shiver ran through her at his touch and she moaned into his mouth and he found himself reluctantly chasing logic round his head. He pulled away abruptly, taking a step back. "We can't do this."
Jess gaped at him. "You were the one that started it!"
"I know." Don sighed. "How much have you had to drink?"
"Not so much that I don't know what I'm doing." Jess rolled her eyes, folding her arms.
"Are you sober?" Don pressed.
Jess sighed. "No." She admitted.
"I can't do this, Jess." Don told her. "If I lost you …"
"Whoa, who's going anywhere?" Jess interrupted. "Don, I might not be completely sober, but I'm not drunk; believe me, you'd know if I was." Her gaze roamed unashamedly over him and she leaned against the door. "I want you so much right now. If you walk away and make me deal with this by myself again, I swear to God I will never forgive you."
"Again, huh?" Don asked softly, and she knew he'd stay put. "You think about me a lot, Detective?"
For some reason, she blushed. "More than I should."
He watched as she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth and wondered if she did that when she was 'dealing with it' alone. The thought of her touching herself, thinking of him, turned out to be all he needed to give in to the combination of lust and desire that was coursing through him and he grabbed her hand, pulling her into his arms and kissing her once more.
Her moan was one of relief and she pressed herself against him, grinding her hips into his. He broke their embrace with a hiss and began trailing kisses down her neck. "Bedroom." He whispered, his breath hot on her skin.
Jess disentangled herself from his embrace and took his hand, tugging him towards her room, smiling as his hands began tugging her tank top over her head. Her back collided with the wall beside her bedroom door and he took advantage of the break in movement, his hands sliding across her stomach to her breasts, caressing them almost roughly, causing her to gasp. "Don …"
"No bra, Detective?" Don smirked, nipping her collarbone.
"Looks weird with …" Jess broke off with a gasp, as he began playing with her nipples "… that top."
"You ever go commando at work?" Don asked, shoving one leg between hers.
"That's for me to know and you to find out." Jess managed a smirk, her desire rising rapidly. She ground against his thigh, desperate for some relief from the ache inside her. "Don …" Her moan turned into a cry halfway through as his mouth closed around one of her nipples, taking the hard nub between his teeth and tugging it softly.
"Not like this." Don murmured suddenly, straightening up.
Another shot of frustration ran through her and Jess grasped his belt, stopping him from pulling away. "Don't … you … dare." She growled.
Don chuckled lowly. "You are so sexy when you're pissed off, you know that?" He murmured, his voice almost affectionate if it weren't wrought with desire. "I'm not goin' anywhere without you, Jess. But you're drivin' me crazy. If my only option is to fuck you senseless, I'm not doin' it against a wall."
"That's alright then." Jess released him and slipped through the small gap between him and the wall to get through her bedroom door. Catching his eye, she walked backwards towards her bed, somehow slipping off her jeans as she walked, leaving her in silk white panties. "I am taking that as a promise, Detective. Strip."
"Yes, ma'am." Don grinned, tugging his own shirt over his head, along with his wife-beater. As he pushed his jeans down to join hers on the floor, he allowed a satisfied smirk to escape, seeing her gaze sweep slowly over it. "See something you like, Jessica?"
A small shiver ran through her; he didn't use her full name very often, but when he did it never failed to affect her. Determined not to let him get the upper hand again, she sat on the edge of the mattress and beckoned him towards her. "Oh yeah …" As he reached her, she pushed his boxers over his hips, freeing his impressive erection.
"Jess …" Don groaned as her hand wrapped around his cock and stroked upwards. "Baby, I … I want …"
"What do you want, Don?" Jess whispered, kneeling so the heel of her foot pressed against her aching mound. "Tell me."
"I want," Don grasped her waist, slipping her panties down, "to be," as he reached her knees, he tugged, causing her to fall back with a surprised shriek, "inside you." He dropped her panties on the floor and caught her wrists, pinning her to the mattress. "Now."
Jess gasped as his hard member pressed against her throbbing clit, arching up into him. "Oh God …"
"Your turn, Jessica." Don murmured, kissing her. "What do you want?"
"Don …" Jess groaned, bucking against him as he teased her, staying away from where she really wanted him. "Just …" She cut herself off with a moan as he trapped both of her wrists in one hand, freeing his other to cup her breast, teasing it gently.
"Just what, Detective." Don smirked.
Jess glared up at him. "Goddammit, Flack, just fuck me!"
There was that growl again, filled with lust and desire, and he couldn't hold back any more, slipping inside her with one thrust.
Jess let out a scream of pleasure as he filled her, burying himself in her warm wet pussy. He didn't give her any time to adjust, immediately setting a fast pace, hammering into her.
"Oh God, Don, fuck me … That's it …"
"You look so sexy right now." Don murmured, finally releasing her wrists. She fisted her hands into his hair and tugged his mouth down to hers. He chuckled into the kiss and pulled away. "How long's it been since you got properly fucked, Jess?"
"Too long." Jess gasped, as his cock seemed to go even deeper inside her. "But it was never like this."
"Tell me." Don hissed, as she hooked one leg over his hip.
"You feel so good." Jess groaned. "So big. Harder … please …"
Don moaned himself, slightly disbelieving that his hot, sexy co-worker was really begging him to fuck her, but she had to be, because the reality of her body was so much more stunning than the fantasy and he could never have imagined how she felt, wet and tight around his cock. Getting an idea, he pulled out, grinning when her eyes snapped open to glare at him. Pinpointing the exact moment she opened her mouth, he cut her off in a low voice. "Turn over and get on your knees."
The irritation on her face vanished as quickly as it had appeared, to be replaced by a sultry grin as she did as she was told, rolling onto her stomach and propping herself up on all fours.
Slowly, Don ran a finger down her spine, watching the skin erupt into gooseflesh as he did. "God, you're fuckin' stunning." He slid inside her again, moaning as her walls grasped him, pulling him further in. "Fuck …"
"Yes …" Jess pushed back, silently begging for him to continue.
Obeying her silent plea, Don began thrusting into her again, gritting his teeth as he hurtled closer towards his release. He needed her to get there before he did.
Kneeling on the bed behind her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her up so her back was pressed against his chest and she was riding him. The change in position caused him to sink even deeper into her, hitting that sensitive spot within her that made her cry out again.
"Come on." Don murmured, kissing her neck. "I know you're close, Jess."
"I am." Jess moaned. One hand gripped at his thigh while she rode his cock hard, desperate for release. The other slid down to caress her clit, stroking it softly.
"That's so hot." Don whispered, cupping her breasts. He slid a hand down to join hers, but didn't remove it, moving in tandem with her. "Come on, Jess; come for me."
She did, screaming his name as she tightened around him even more, and he dug his fingers into her hip, trying to hold back his own climax.
As she came down from her high, Jess twisted her head to see his face, pressing a desperate kiss to his lips. "Don …" She whispered, a soft plea in her voice. "Please … need you …" She lifted herself up, letting him slide out of her, and turned, settling back in his lap facing him, drawing him back inside her with a snap of her hips. She rode him slowly, her eyes fixed on his, before lowering her mouth to his neck and sucking gently. "Don …"
Her last moan was so full of desperation that he could deny her no longer and her name echoed off the walls as he came, spilling inside her with a groan.
His climax triggered a second, smaller orgasm in her and she shuddered, rocking her hips against him, trying to keep the contact between them for as long as possible.
Finally, the aftershocks ceased and their grips on the other loosened, though not that much. As their breathing slowed, Don let out a soft disbelieving chuckle and kissed her forehead. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"Probably about as long as I have." Jess murmured.
Somehow, they managed to move under the covers without letting go of one another. Jess wasn't sure how they managed it, but she didn't care; she didn't usually get clingy after sex, but she never wanted him to let her go.
Thankfully, he seemed more than happy to oblige, running a hand through her hair while she rested her head on his chest.
Jess bit back a yawn and tilted her head back. "You'd better be here when I wake up."
"You sounded more threatening earlier." Don teased, twisting a strand of her hair. "Relax, baby; I'm not going anywhere." He leaned down to kiss her. "I told you, I've wanted this forever, Jess; I'm not walking away after one night."
"Good." Jess nestled into him. "Because I'm not letting you go."
"And I thought I was the possessive one." Don smirked.
"You are." Jess grinned. "But I don't bruise easily."
Don frowned slightly. "What's that got to do with anything?"
"You're the one with the hickey, hun; not me." Jess sniggered, swiping a thumb against his throat. "Have fun hiding that tomorrow."
Don sat up, dislodging her, catching sight of his reflection in the mirror across the room. Sure enough there was a dark discolouration on his neck. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that."
Jess just smirked. "I hope so."
AN: Take this as proof of 'Ask and you shall receive'. If you've got any requests, tell me. And review please!