Chp 1

(Severus pov)

"Ahh! For once I won't have to deal with the Potter boy. No, not this year. Not even the Golden Boy would be foolish enough to come back to school after the war. After all, Dumbledore had given him permission to skip it." Severus Snape thought happily while pouring himself a cup of tea.

Not having to deal with the brat was like a dream come true. No more problems in the potions classroom for a year. Well not exactly, it didn't stop other students from being big airheads, he knew that. Like Longbottom for example, the dumbass he'd had the pleasure to teach dearly more than could possibly be necessary. It still amazed him how the boy was capable of ruining even the simplest potion. Never mind the complex ones. He didn't want to know what would happen if Longbottom would try to brew one. The consequences could be disastrous.

But not having to face the Golden trio for a year really was something worth celebrating. He could stand Longbottom if he didn't have to see the Golden boy and his loyal followers, the Now-it-all and the Weasel, in his potion classroom.

"I might just throw a party!" the man exclaimed sarcastically to himself. His famous smirk playing across his face. Just the thought of him at a party was improbable and him hosting one was impossible.

While sipping his tea, he casually flipped the Daily Prophet open. Checking the headlines for anything to read, his eyes froze on a small article at the bottom left corner. The teacup fell from his hand and hit the floor shattering into pieces.

"Just perfect!" he muttered.

(Harry pov)

"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed at the sight of his godfather standing ahead of him.

The man slowly turned around with an annoyed but hurt expression on his face. "What do you want?" the man asked coldly.

"I…I-"Harry stuttered, taken aback by his godfather's harsh tone.

"Spit it out would you? Otherwise be kind and leave, I'm quite busy at the moment." the dark haired man answered his words like ice.

"What... What's wrong Sirius? Why are you acting like this?" Harry managed to whisper, this was not typical of him to talk like that. The puzzlement on Harry's face visible as he stared at his godfather.

"What's wrong you say? Did you forget something my dear boy? I'm dead! D-E-A-D!" the man spelled out to him. "And it's because of you. Did you already forget that?" He asked bitterly.

"You walked straight into Voldemort's trap. And I had to pay the price, as many others likewise." Sirius spat and continued when Harry didn't say anything: "Did you even consider for a moment, that it might be a lie? Hermione tried to convince you, but you didn't listen. You could have gotten all your friends killed not to mention yourself and then we would have been screwed for good. I thought you were better than that. I TRUSTED you!"

Harry was on his knees by now, shaking, as tears rolled down his cheeks. Shocked and hurt at the same time. He had always loved Sirius and he was the closest to family he had ever had. The anger was something he could deal with, he was used to that. But the loathing and pity in his gaze was the things that ripped him apart.

"Answer my question."Sirius asked with a hurt voice. "Did you forget it's your fault I'm dead?"

Unable to look up at him Harry settled for staring at the man's feet. "No. I never can." he managed to say.

Sirius tugged Harry up to look at him in the eye. Tears ran down Harry cheeks and he closed his eyes. He couldn't stand his godfather's glare. "Don't cry like a little kid, it's your own fault. Oh, and by the way, being dead sucks, so thanks for that." the man said in a lazy tone, letting him go and Harry slumped to the ground. Sirius turned around and started to walk away. Harry scrambled after him and reached out and grabbed the hem of the man's robe.

"Sirius, please, don't go. I'm so sorry, please don't go." Harry cried quietly his eyes red from tears. Finally raising his gaze to meet the others eyes.

"Hmph." the man said as he pulled his cloak out of the boy's grasp and started to walk away.

"Sirius wait! Sirius! Sirius…" Harry shouted desperately after him. Leaving Harry alone in the dark room, the voices started to fill his head. All the blames and criticism screamed at him:"You killer! Traitor! Can't you do anything right? You piece of filth!"


"Please stop…" Harry begged, but the voices only laughed at him and accused him even more. Shaking, he desperately curled up into a little ball, quietly rocking himself as the voice continued there cries.


"You couldn't save Black or your parents, how do you think you could ever beat Voldemort? You're supposed to be the savior, not the killer! You foul! You arrogant little brat…"

"HARRY!" one growing voice in his head shouted, above all the others.

Harry snapped out of his dream to see Hermione staring at him with a concerned look on her face, her chestnut brown eyes looking deep into his own, trying to figure out what just happened. She asked him carefully: "Harry, what happened? Are you okay?"

It wasn't until then, that Harry realized that he was hyperventilating and the feeling of wetness on his cheek he guessed it must have been from his tears. Embarrassed of his actions he turned away from Hermione's gaze and muttered: "Just a dream. I'm okay. "He gave her a weary smile. But it didn't reach his eyes.


"I'm okay!" Harry exclaimed loudly. He was almost angry now. Why did she have to bug him about it even though it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it? "Why can't she just let it be for once?" Harry thought.

She reached out to take his hand. The feeling made him flinch slightly. Unfortunately this didn't get unnoticed by Hermione and she eyed him quizzically, but didn't say anything. Pulling his hand away he made an excuse: "I'm going to the bathroom." and quickly made his way out of the room. Leaving a very confused Hermione to stare at the now empty doorway.

AN: Please tell me what do you think, do you want me to continue it?Sorry for grammar or other mistakes, I tried my best on those. Leave a review but no flames please! I'm super excited about this fic because it is my first longer one, so hope you guys liked it!