Sleeping Potions are Good

"Now we know the plan, Lily your going to gave Dad some with the sleeping potion in it and then we have fun." James smiled at his siblings. Al and Lily nodded.

"Kids, I'm leaving." Their mother called from downstairs. "Behave for your father." They heard the door close behind their mother.

They smiled at each other. "Now it's time to put the plan in motion." James said.

Lily went downstairs and saw that their dad was in the sitting room, reading the paper. "Dad, would you like a cup of tea with your paper." Lily asked.

"That would be great, Lily." Harry said without looking up at his daughter.

Lily went to the kitchen to find James and Al making the tea. Lily went to the cabinet were her mother kept the potions and grabbed the one they needed. James was pouring the tea in the cup when Lily came back with the potion. She put a few drops in there that would keep their father asleep until Mum got home. James and Al nodded telling her that they would see her outside. Lily walked the sitting room and gave her dad the tea and watched him put the cup down and fall asleep in his chair.

Lily smiled and followed her brothers outside. They had her broom already. They got on their brooms and went to the Quidditch pitch.

Ginny walked up her front pathway and noticed that the house was quiet. She walked in and found the house in order. She was the mother of three active children this was a surprise. Maybe Harry took the kids out for the day. But that not what happen when she saw her husband sitting in his chair with his glasses falling off his face. There was a cup of tea on the table next to him and the paper was lying on his chest.

"Harry," Ginny yelled at her husband. Harry got up and fixed his glasses to see his wife.

"Hi Ginny." Harry smiled.

Ginny didn't return the smile. "Where are the children?" Ginny asked.

Harry looked around and knew he was in trouble. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? You were to watch them." Ginny was getting angrier by the word.

"I fell asleep." Harry tried to make it seem it was a good idea at the time. "Lily asked if I wanted a cup o tea and I took a drink the next thing I knew I was a sleep."

Ginny took the cup of tea and smelled it. "Harry, how could you not smell the sleeping potion in this. It gave off a cherry smell." Ginny hit her husband on the back of the head. "You are an auror and you were outwitted my your three children." Ginny started to laugh.

They heard the back door open and close, they heard their children laughing and talking. The children walked out of the kitchen with glasses of water. They passed the sitting room on their way upstairs when they saw their parents standing in the doorway.

"Mum, Dad." James smiled at his parents. "Mum when did you get home?" James asked his mother, then turned to his father and said, "Dad when did you wake up?

"I just got home and your father just woke up and we found you three gone." Ginny said with her arms crossed.

"We were just outside." James said.

Ginny narrowed her eyes and looked at her other two children. "Is that true?" She asked them. Al and Lily nodded. They were not lying; they were outside but at the Quidditch pitch. "Why didn't you tell your father?"

"Because he was asleep." Al said. "We didn't want to wake him up because he gets mean when we wake him before he is ready to get up." Which was true, Harry didn't like to be up before he had to.

"Okay, you can go upstairs." Ginny didn't believe them for second. The kids ran upstairs before Ginny started asking more questions. They thought they got away with it. But what they didn't know was their mother was right behind. The children were all in James' room.

"That was close." Lily said. "Good lie about us being outside, if they knew we went to the Quidditch pitch without them, they are going to be so mad." Ginny heard enough; she smiled and went back downstairs. What the children didn't know was that Ginny was thinking about their punishment before she broke Lily for what they did today.