Chapter 7

Tsuna slowly opens his eyes 'W-where am I?' he rubs his eyes.

"I think he's waking up!"


"Y-Yamamoto? Gokudera-kun?" he opens his eyes and finds his two friends looking at him worriedly. He looks at his surroundings then realizes he was in the clinic.

"We heard someone brought you to the clinic and we immediately came…" Yamamoto said giving him a relieved smile. Seeing Tsuna wake up made him feel relieved.

"Juudaime! I'm so sorry for not being there!" Gokudera said bowing down the ground.

Tsuna sits up "I-it's fine… nya?" he then realizes he wasn't wearing his cap as he held his fluffy cat ears "Hiiiii! Where's my cap nya?" he looks around

Yamamoto chuckles and held out the black cap "Maa, maa… calm down, it's just right here…I'm glad to see you energetic Tsuna." Yamamoto said with a bright smile.

Tsuna took the cap and puts it on his head "Ah well…" 'Hibari-san doesn't want other people finding out about this…' I scratch my cheek

"Daijobu Juudaime! I made sure no one found out about them!" Gokudera said with a huge grin.

"Haha! Gokudera even kicked out the nurse when she tried to take off your cap." Yamamoto said scratching the back of his head.

Tsuna sweat-drops "E-eh?"

Yamamoto puts a hand on Tsuna's forehead and grins "Well it seems your fever dropped, but you're still a bit warm."

"A-ah…" Tsuna looks at the both "Thanks for taking care of me nya…" he said with a bright smile.

"Ah well… it's also our fault for not dragging you to clinic sooner when you didn't look so good." Yamamoto said scratching his cheek

"I'll do anything for you Juudaime!" Gokudera said

Tsuna sweat drops "So. Who brought me here?"

Gokudera and Yamamoto looks at each other and back at Tsuna "We don't know Juudaime…"

"We just realized you were in the clinic when we tried to look for you when you left." Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Ah…souka nya…" Tsuna's thoughts suddenly drifted to a certain prefect 'Mazaka…Hibari-san?'

"Hey Tsuna." Yamamoto suddenly spoke making Tsuna snap back

"H-hai?" Tsuna blinks

"Do you wanna hang out at the sushi shop tomorrow?"

"S-sushi?" Tsuna starts thinking

"A-ano, Hibari-san…" Tsuna looks down while his ears lay flat on his head "…thanks a lot for saving me everytime! AndIwanttogivebackthefavor!" he suddenly looks up with his ears perk up

Hibari was a bit surprise by this, and smirks "If you say so neko-Herbivore… then come with me tomorrow."

'I remember I have to go with Hibari-san tomorrow! Although I'm not sure what we'll be doing.' Tsuna thought

Yamamoto notices Tsuna thinking really hard "It's ok if you don't want to go Tsuna…"

"Tch…baseball idiot! Of course Juudaime won't go! He is very busy!" Gokudera said with his nose up in the air

"G-gomen Yamamoto…" Tsuna said scratching his head

"Daijobu, you can come by some other time then?" Yamamoto asks hopefully

Tsuna just nodded while Gokudera huffs.

*Next day*

Tsuna looks at the mirror before him. He was wearing a dark blue and white hoodie with a pair of black jeans. He tucks in his tail and puts on his hood. As soon as he was done preparing himself, he immediately rushes out the house while putting on his snickers and say the usual 'Ittekimasu'.

Tsuna soon arrives in front of Nami-chu and saw the prefect leaning by the gate while waiting for him. Tsuna was surprise to see Hibari wearing something else besides the uniform he practically wears all the time, he was wearing a black undershirt with a black and white checkered overshirt for his top and of course dark pants for his bottom.

"S-sumimasen nya." Tsuna said panting. Hibari stood straight and walks off. Tsuna took that as a sign to follow him.

Tsuna watches the back of the prefect as they walk towards uhm…somewhere?

'I wonder if there's something wrong.' Tsuna thought still eyeing the back of the prefect 'D-did I do something wrong?' he gulped "A-ano…Hibari-san…is there something wrong nya?"


Tsuna could feel some tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He hated how Hibari ignores him and won't tell him if he did something wrong. It made him all confuse and guilty even though he didn't know what he should be guilty of.

He shut his eyes tightly and furiously wipes the tears away.

Hibari sighed as he saw this. Oh how Tsuna cries over little things.

"Baka herbivore, stop crying." he hates to admit it, but he really hates seeing the young brunette in tears or almost in tears. Even though he was pretty mad about 'something'.

Tsuna immediately nodded while sniffing. He didn't want to ask Hibari yet on why he was in bad mood. Yet.

In the meantime, he should enjoy his outing with Hibari. That is the reason why Hibari told him to come, right?

Before Hibari could speak Tsuna grabs the prefect's arm and drags him "Saa Hibari-san nya! Let's go to the amusement park!"

Hibari felt his lips twitch into a smile. The brunette can be so childish sometimes.

Hibari scowls, he hated all the crowding. But if it weren't for Tsuna's smiles and giggles, he was able to control his anger. He stares at Tsuna's hoodie, he could see the ears moving under the cloth and frowns at this. He then remembers what happened yesterday after taking the brunette to the clinic.


#Reception Room#

"Hibari, good job on protecting Tsuna." Reborn jumps by his window sill.

"Infant." There was a long staring contest

"You're probably wondering how Neko-Tsuna got those cat ears and tail." Reborn said with a smirk.

"Hn." Hibari just looks away, but, yes, he was curious.

"I shot him with a bullet." He took out the green bullet "And Neko-Tsuna won't turn back unless he gets a kiss on the cheek who first realizes his secret. And that person is you Hibari Kyoya."

Something suddenly struck Hibari, what if the reason why the herbivore was starting to act nicer to him (not to mention closer) was to gain his favor and ask for the cure. He clenches his fists, not even aware that the infant left.

All this time…he was being a fool.

Well, little did the prefect know the true reason why the cat eared brunette was acting so close to him.

End of Flashback…

"Hibari-san?" the innocent face of our cute boss came into view as soon as Hibari snaps out from his thoughts.

"Nani Herbivore?" he said trying to not sound surprise from the sudden appearance in front of him.

"I wanna ride the Ferris wheel next!" he said grabbing the prefect's hand.

Too bad Hibari couldn't resist those huge caramel eyes, he sighs in defeat as he let the brunette drag him towards the huge Ferris wheel.


"Next please."

"Hai!" Tsuna then enters the cart while dragging the prefect with him.

Tsuna stares by the window of the cart with a huge smile on his face 'Sugoi!'

The prefect watches Tsuna look down below like a child, with a frown.

Tsuna looks at him and notices the cloud guardian looking…well… serious, and more upset.

'Why?' Tsuna settles down his seat and looks down. He was about to ask him that when Hibari interrupts him. He then asks "Why are you acting so close to me? Why are you acting too nice to me as well?"

"E-eh? I-I… unya!"

Hibari suddenly went near him, his face getting near the other teen's blushing one.

'H-Hibari-san?' His eyes widen and immediately shut them tightly.

"Tch. Pathetic."

Tsuna's eyes snaps open and look at Hibari. He looked mad "And to think I was wrong." He murmurs.

'W-what is he talking about?' Tsuna gulps "W-wha-"

"Why didn't you stop me? Was it because you wanted me to continue what I was about to do?" Hibari said with a cold voice

Tsuna blushes at this, thinking that Hibari found out his feelings "E-e-e-eh? W-what a-are you talking about? I-it's not what you th-think-!"

"It is… isn't it?" Hibari's eyes shadowed. And with one swift movement, Tsuna's hood fell from his head, showing the cute fluffy ears.


"You wanted me to kiss you so that you'll lose these, didn't you?" Hibari said, his voice mixed with anger and hurt.

'Lose…my cat ears?' then something hit him as soon as he realizes what the prefect was trying to say.


"I've been reading the instructions of the bullet I just shot to you. And I found out a way to turn you back to your Dame-self." Reborn said showing the scroll

"Y-yeah? S-so what did it say?" Tsuna said looking desperate

"It says, you'll turn back to normal once you get a kiss on the cheek from the person who first realized you turned into a half neko, half Dame-Tsuna." Reborn then added "Except for me though."

End of Flashback…

Slowly Tsuna's eyes shadowed 'So…all this time…the reason why Hibari-san…'

Hibari's frowned deepen as the brunette gotten silent 'So…I was right…' he slowly felt angry…to be used like this. He felt ashamed.

Hibari was about to open the cart's door, even though they were still high up, and just jump down and leave. He couldn't take being with this herbivore.

That is until he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. His eyes widen a bit as Tsuna hugged him, his cat ears lay flat on his head as tears fell from his shut eyes "You're wrong! It wasn't like that!" he sniffed "T-the reason why I act so nice to Hibari-san…and why I want to be close to you is because…" he hiccups '…it's because…!'

"Stop lying to me." Hibari said with a hiss as he tries to push him off "Stop pretending you have feelings for me." He gripped the younger teen's shoulder trying to push him off "Cause I'll never have such things for you..."

Tsuna opens his eyes in shock as he heard what Hibari just said. He slowly lets go of Hibari.

Hibari looks away, he had no idea how much he hurted the poor brunette "Saa, so what were you going to say?" he said in a mocking tone.

Tsuna looks up, his cat ears were flat on his head, his caramel eyes still full of tears, his cheeks a bit flushed from all the crying and his expression full of pain… his trembling lips move as he said what the real reason was.

Hibari's eyes widen as he heard what the small teen said…

"It's because…I do like you Hibari-san."

WOOOOT! What a cliffy! Thanks for the reviews. May I ask for more?

A little preview for the next chappie: *wink* *wink*

Hibari watches the brunette pull the hood back on his head as he ran out the cart. Still shock, he slowly felt guilt cloud his heart

"I-I just realized t-these feelings to be honest!" Tsuna said trying to wipe away his tears, but failed miserably "I was confused at the beginning…b-but I soon realized…I was a bit glad but n-nervous…th-that maybe H-Hibari-san will reject me…"

Tsuna looks up with a sad smile "…l-looks like I was r-right…" a new batch of tears was about to fall yet again…
