Here it is, the last chapter of this incredible fic! Thank you all of you for being patient with me and so sorry for the long wait, I just didn't know how to end it. Anyway, thank you for all your reviews and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please review!
Epilogue: Only the Beginning
Rachel had given birth to twins, one boy and one girl. Finn couldn't be any more thrilled that he is the father of two beautiful children. Quinn and Puck had arrived just a few days ago as soon as Rachel was admitted into the hospital to give birth. Now he sat in the chair adjacent to her hospital bed watching her sleep so soundly. The process was quite strenuous on Rachel, a tiny young woman giving birth to twins is not the easiest things to see or hear. She kept crying and complaining it hurt and Finn had to stand there as she screamed in agony, it killed him to hear her cry out in pain as she pushed out their two children. Now all is peaceful, the twins were sleeping in their incubators and she was sleeping, resting for motherhood. He sighs in relief and smiles as he turns to the window to look out at the hustle and bustle of New York City. He still hasn't gotten use to living in the city after living in it for a year now. He hears the door to the room open to see Quinn, Puck, and Kurt entering with balloons and gifts for Rachel and their babies, whom they named Lea Ann and Cory.
"Hey guys, nice to see you all here," he says as he gets up to meet and hug them.
"Its a nice break from preparing the nursery," Quinn replies after they hug. Finn laughs as he hugs his Puck next, then Kurt.
"Sorry I wasn't helping you guys," Finn apologizes as he sees how tired the three look.
Kurt shrugs. "You were here supporting your wife through one of life's hardships, we all understand," he replies.
Finn smiles and looks at Rachel's sleeping form. "She's finally getting the needed rest. I can't wait to see my little Lea and Cory," he says.
Quinn smiles and pats Finn on the back. "Me too, I just want to pinch their little cheeks," she adds.
Finn smiles at her. "So how's Ryan?" he asks.
Quinn's eyes light up at the mention of her and Puck's son. "He's with my mom right now in Central Park," she answers.
"He's probably breaking hearts," Puck jokes.
Quinn glares at him. "Puck, our son is a year old."
He shrugs. "Hey, its never too early."
Finn, Quinn, and Kurt shake their heads. Suddenly, they hear Rachel stir and Finn goes to her side as soon as he hears her. She opens her eyes to see Finn looking down at her, a smile paints itself on her face as she gazes into his brown orbs.
"Good morning, babe," Finn greets.
"Good morning, baby," Rachel greets back.
They smile at each other, instantly forgetting that their friends were watching them. Kurt clears his throat snapping the couple out of their reverie.
"Sorry to interrupt but Uncle Kurt wants to see his niece and nephew now," Kurt says as he walks to the cribs containing the sleeping new borns. "They are just too cute."
Rachel smiles up at Finn. "They are, good job daddy," she congratulates as she touches his arm.
Finn chuckles. "A good job to you, too, mommy," he replies.
Just then one of the twins start crying and Kurt immediately picks up Lea. Rachel smiles as she watches Kurt trying to soothe the crying infant. Lea is still crying, so Kurt hands her to Rachel. "Ok this kid is definitely Rachel's," he says as he places Lea in Rachel's arms. Rachel soothes the baby and Lea is quiet.
Quinn watches as Rachel calms the baby. "Yup, there is nothing like a mommy's touch," she states.
Kurt sarcastically laughs at her. "Very funny, when the girl is a teenager, she is going to need her Uncle Kurt helping her pick out an outfit for her first date," he states.
Finn can't think of his daughter dating someone, especially when she isn't even a day old. "Whoa, can Lea see her room first before we talk about her dating?" Finn begs his step-brother.
Kurt shrugs. "It's inevitable, Finn," he simply says.
"Well can we just wait before dating comes up?" he begs again.
Puck, Quinn, and Rachel chuckle. "Finn, honey, calm down okay?" Rachel soothes him. Finn calms down and goes to her side to watch Lea sleep.
Soon enough, Lea's brother, Cory starts to cry and Finn calms him down. Finn lies with Rachel on the bed with both of the twins in their arms as Rachel and the twins sleep that night. Finn looks at his new family and a big smile is plastered on his face.
"This is only the beginning, Rachel," he says quietly to her. He squeezes little Cory as he squirms in his father's arms. Finn presses a kiss to Rachel's forehead and also kisses Lea's forehead along with Cory's. Yeah, his father would be so proud of him.