Hey there! Soooo I know I haven't updated this story in like, forever. My apologies- I've just been busy, busy, and busier these days, as you all probably have realized by now. God, I hate my tendency to repeat things. So yeah, enjoy this fic update!
We've been over this.
The 6 Reasons Why Kevin Shouldn't Attend School:
Reason 4: MORE Teacher Trouble.
Gwen's POV:
Have you ever been so steamed that you wanted to build a giant blender and throw anyone in it that had ever pissed you off in even the slightest way?
Now multiply that by at least one thousand.
Yeah, that's what I was feeling towards Kevin after his little episode in English class. It was like "kicking puppies" bad. Which was sad, because I've always wanted to work for the Humane Society.
It didn't help that that smoldering anger just began to grow and grow and grow throughout the day until it became one massive, giant monster that was threatening to devour my sanity.
And I loved my sanity. It had always been so good to me.
But with Kevin in my school, my sanity was as good as dead. Within the first hour of being here, he had already earned himself a badass rep for sending away a teacher that everyone was talking about, instantaneously making him the most popular guy on campus.
I hated myself for not seeing it coming.
After my "simply delightful" English class, I sprinted to Biology; every part of my body that I could possibly cross crossed that I wouldn't have to deal with Kevin being in my class.
I took an enormously deep breath before opening the classroom door.
Please don't be in here… PLEASE don't be in here… My mind pleaded for mercy.
And… there he was. The dark-haired bad boy was sitting there in all of his bad boy glory, trying idiotically to balance a pencil on his nose. Behind him, seven other boys were trying desperately to copy this attractive action, all while two way-too-skinny, cheap looking, blonde girls sat there giggling away stupidly at them; their khaki shorts so far up their asses that I honestly couldn't tell what was khaki and what was ass.
Anyways, as soon as I entered the room, Kevin glanced up at me with my favorite crooked side grin, making my insides melt and my heart hammer like a drum. He then warmly gestured to an open seat right next to his, wanting me to sit there.
That's why it took all of my hard-ass-Gwen strength to avert my eyes from him and choose a seat as far away from him as possible.
I'm not going to lie; at first it ached my psyche to ignore him like that, but then I received an extremely vivid mental picture from my conscience of that giant monster inside of me trying to eat my sanity, and I was suddenly fine.
In the end, though, I simply could not help shooting a glance over at him.
Let's just say that I'm one to make mistakes.
Kevin's previous smile had been transformed into a confused frown, an expression that somewhat resembled that of a puppy begging.
It was so damn cute that I almost mentally smacked myself for sitting away from him.
The thing was, though, he had to learn some time, and I just happened to be the most capable of punishing him, because I knew he cared about me more than almost anyone.
Oh, cruel irony.
Suddenly, the classroom door flew open and slammed shut again; the sound of it smothering my thoughts. My gaze flickered up out of curiosity.
And I wished that I'd never looked.
Because standing in that doorway was a creature so hideous and horrible and evil that I'd rather chew glass and then swallow than be her friend.
Aimee. Perfect skin, flawless hair, beautiful eyes, skinny waist, big boobs, even bigger ego "Aimee". And let's not even address the slutty clothes she shoved herself into. Aimee was notorious for wearing clothing that made the two blonde's high-up khaki shorts look like floor-length khaki pants graced with chastity belts.
It was bad enough that she was in my class, but my blood literally boiled with pure, unleashed fury as her freaking royal majesty plopped her little fanny down in the seat that I had idiotically refused.
The seat right next to Kevin.
I bit down so hard on my tongue that I didn't even feel pain as my taste buds first detected blood. Sure, she could tease me incessantly and mock me for my brains, (she obviously didn't have any herself) but my Kevin was off limits, and she would have to kill me for him. If it was a war Aimee wanted, it was a war she would get. Because she would never get Kevin.
The bitch was going down.
When Mr. Reeves finally showed up fifteen minutes late, he told us that there was an emergency faculty meeting, which, we all knew was centered around Kevin, as the man stared wearily at Kevin while he spoke of it.
"Now, Kevin." Mr. Reeves glanced over at Kevin with a slightly nervous expression. "I would at this time have you introduced to the class, but from what I have recently heard, you have already become, ah, acquainted, with the school." One of the boys behind Kevin whisper-snickered and high-fived him.
This had not gone unnoticed with Mr. Reeves, and he cleared his throat loudly and glared at the boy, who shrank back into his chair rather timidly with a tiny, sheepish smile creeping across his lips.
"Anyways, let us start our lesson." Mr. Reeves began, but was rudely cut off by Kevin, who yawned loudly and obnoxiously; the class erupting with laughter. That is, with the obvious exception of me. And even if I had found it remotely humorous, I still wouldn't have laughed, because I was too busy glaring at Aimee as she flashed not-so-discreet cow eyes at my bad boy.
The war had begun.
Mr. Reeves pretended not to have noticed anything, and continued on. "We'll start with going over the homework from last night." The man reached into his pocket and shoved a pair of rounded spectacles onto his nose bridge that somewhat resembled the pair that Harry Potter wore. He swiped a paper up from off of his desk, his eyes scrutinizing it silently. "Let's start with the first question: what part of the human body increases ten times when excited?" His gaze flickered over to Kevin's dark form, who was seemingly attempting to play thumb wars with himself.
I was about ten seconds away from shooting myself.
"Kevin? What part of the human body increases ten times when excited?"
Kevin's black stare shot up to meet Mr. Reeves, an evil grin playing across his lips that I knew all too well.
Oh… shit. Not again.
Kevin smirked. "The penis, sir?"
The class roared with laughter, a few of the kids laughing so hard it looked as though they would either pee themselves or throw up.
And I sure as hell hoped that no one would pee or throw up on me, because I was so thoroughly pissed off at the moment that there was a good chance of me killing said person.
"No, Kevin, you KNOW that's not what I meant." Mr. Reeves looked as if he wanted to set something on fire, presumably Kevin. "Gwen," He turned to me with a rather hopeful expression etched across his face. "Same question. What part of the human body increases ten times when excited?"
"The pupil of the eye." I gritted my teeth as I glared at the guilty, dark-haired boy that I had such trouble resisting but had to force myself to for his own good.
Why did he have to misbehave so much? He was worse than an over-exuberant puppy that hadn't been potty trained.
"Very good, Gwen, as usual." Mr. Reeves smiled at me, and I literally growled like a rabid dog as Aimee snickered at me from the other side of the room. "Now Kevin, you better behave yourself. I don't want any more funny business from you, or you're out of here alright?"
"Sure, why not." The raven-haired delinquent rolled his eyes at the man and snorted.
"Okay, then. Next question: How do you tell the sex of a chromosome?" Mr. Reeves inquired the class.
I groaned to myself as Kevin's hand shot up into the air.
Please don't call on him, please don't call on him… I begged silently.
So what did Mr. Reeves do? He called on him.
The man was digging his own grave.
"Alright, Kevin. If I pick you to answer the question, do you promise not to act up any more?" The man questioned the black-haired boy sternly.
"Cross my heart and swear to lie." Kevin grinned, and the class sniggered.
I simply glared at his blinding stupidity. It seemed to work better for me.
Mr. Reeves just ignored that last statement. "Okay, then, Mr. Levin. How do you tell the sex of a chromosome?"
I buried my head in my hands, bracing myself for the explosion of laughter that was sure to ensue. It sickened me.
"Pull down it's genes." The bad boy snickered obnoxiously.
More intense laughing from the class.
More murderous thoughts from me.
This wasn't going to end well. Then again, nothing seemed to end well for me.
"Kevin," Mr. Reeves snarled viciously. "Didn't you promise to behave?"
"Eh, kinda." Kevin's eyes glimmered with pure, unsheathed mischief.
"And didn't I promise to punish you if you didn't?" The man interrogated venomously.
"Well, yeah, but since I broke my promise, now you don't have to keep yours." The boy grinned widely at the fuming man.
My teeth clamped down on my lower lip as the class screamed with boisterous laughter.
Mr. Reeves was raging with fury. "Mr. Levin, are you aware that…"
"I don't give a damn about my reputation!"
My eyes widened with complete, terrifying horror as the Joan Jett song came blaring out from Kevin's general direction, or, say, his jeans pocket.
Looking fully pleased with himself as if he had just won the Nobel Prize for most annoying student ever, Kevin shoved his hand into his pocket, yanked out his cell phone, and flipped it open in a single movement.
This time around, the class was literally thundering with laughter, and it was almost a frightening sound to listen to.
I was definately going to be sick to my stomach.
"Ben, buddy!" Kevin chucked, putting his legs up on his desk in a relaxed manner and crossing them as he leaned back into his seat. "What's up, man?"
The boy that I hated but loved so damn, freaking much then turned to the rest of our on-looking class and gestured to his phone with his pointer finger while whispering with a devious grin: "Ben Tennyson."
Half of the female population in the room screamed, the other half fainted.
The monster's fangs closed in around my sanity's throat.
"What am I up to? Oh not too much. Just wreaking some havoc in class." Kevin smirked wryly. "Crossword puzzles? Awesome! You need a seven letter word for 'boring'? Damn it, if it were six it would have been perfect: 'Reeves'. Well, I guess you'll just have to be less specific and go with 'teacher'…"
The class screamed with laughter, my mind screamed with agony.
I was left with no choice: I was forced to sit on my own hands to prevent myself from using my Anodite powers on every single person in the room, especially the dark-haired demon in the corner yapping away on his cellular device like it was the only thing he knew how to do.
And maybe it was, because he sure as all hell didn't know how to shut up for more than like two minutes.
"Yeah, my teach is some old, ugly dude… really freaking boring type, ya know? Like worse than Azmuth-nerdy. It's so goddamn sad when people have no life. Alright, I gotta go. Later, man."
Have you ever been to see a comedian live, and whenever he says something humorous, all of those hundreds of people in the audiance start laughing like crazy and it sounds like a rabid army of hyenas watching comedy central?
You get the point.
All I know is that I had never seen Mr. Reeves so thoroughly pissed off before; he was glaring at Kevin with a simply furious facial expression worthy of Lord Voldemort himself.
Suddenly I had the crazy wish that I had been one of the girls that had passed out earlier when Kevin mentioned Ben's name. Because then I wouldn't have had to witness any of the following.
"KEVIN… LEVIN!" Mr. Reeves suddenly roared, and he stood up so fast that his entire desk went crashing to the floor. "FOR DISRUPTING MY CLASS AND FOR MOCKING A TEACHER, I AM SENDING YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!"
Dead silence. That was, until Tim Rogers suddenly fainted and tumbled in a dramatic manner from his seat, collapsing on the tiled floor.
Five, ten, fifteen seconds passed it seemed, and nobody moved. My heart was pounding like drums in my ears, my brain screaming: "CODE RED, EVACUATE, NOW!"
Because I knew that Kevin would not go along to the principal's office just like that. He was the type to fight back. To protest.
My eyes began to frantically search the room for possible places to hide.
And I was right to want to hide.
Because in the next second, Kevin had stood up, his face expressionless as he stared down the still seething Mr. Reeves. And instead of going quietly to the principal's office as I had silently hoped, he did something that I still hate him for today.
"Dude," He started with a certain, special grin laced with unmistakable mockery. "You need to cool down. NOW!"
And that single word held so much power, that suddenly, about forty water balloons came catapulting through the air all at once from the back of the classroom in what seemed like slow motion towards a now-petrified Mr. Reeves. And I watched in sheer horror as the wave of bulbous, water-impregnated orbs pelted Mr. Reeves dead-on; the force of their impact sending him flying backwards into the whiteboard.
I didn't know if I felt more pain for the barely stirring man lying in a soaked heap on the floor or for myself.
The class screamed with boisterous excitement, yet again hoisting their reigning king up above their shoulders and chanting: "Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, KEVIN!"
And there I was again, sitting in my desk, staring off into space with shocked eyes as wide as dinner plates.
It was a big, fat, horrifying, pain-in-my-ass déjà vu.
I silently mourned the death of my sanity.
Wow, Gwen can just can never win. But will she win in an upcoming chapter? Wait and find out. OK, so just a few things you can expect in the future: an epic food fight, students acting chaotic, and Gwen putting Aimee in her place. (Thank god) Not to mention: SOMEONE is going to get expelled. And you'll find out soon. Anyways, just a heads up- I will be changing the original six chapters to more in the near future. I'm thinking either seven or eight. Probably eight. So, yup. See you guys later! And remember: review and tell me if this chapter either sucked as bad as Aimee, or rocked as much as Kevin. Or it could be somewhere in the middle. You don't have to follow my spectrum of rating btw, I'm just throwing it out there for you guys. K, later! I love you all!