DISCLAIMER: I own nothing associated with Avatar: The Last Airbender. However I do own my character: Kaida. As well as the names of Mai's mother (Inari) and father (Hoshi), for they were not named in the series.


Kaida skipped happily beside her father, grasping his hand. The two were in the gardens of Fire Lord Ozai. Hoshi was a great friend and important member of his council, meaning that he and his family was always welcome within their palace. Mai watched as her father walked with her half-sister.

Kaida was a mere two months old when her mother Kimi-crown princess of the Northern Water Tribe-was murdered. The heir to the throne was passed to her brother Arnook. It was asked of Hoshi if Kaida could take her place, but Hoshi refused, terrified that the same would happen to his beloved daughter. Grief-stricken, he returned to his birthplace the Royal Caldera City. That was where he met his future wife Inari. Within months the two were married and expecting their first child-Mai.

Inari took care of Kaida and treated her as her own child. Being that Mai was born as a daughter of Kaida's father, the two considered eachother full-blooded sisters, even though Kaida was extremely different from everyone in the city. Kaida's hair was light brown and her eyes vibrant blue. Her skin was white like a bleached shell with dusty pink cheeks and light rose-colored lips. She wore her hair like most of other fire-nation girls of her age. But everyone still stared at such an oddity.

Kaida tugged on her father's robe. "Look papa! Look at how Ty Lee flips!" She said, looking up at her father.

"Well, maybe Ty Lee will teach you how to flip." He said smiling.

Kaida's eyes sparked in excitement. "You really think so papa?"

He laughed. "Only if you ask nicely." He said and watched as she ran over to Ty Lee.

"Miss Ty Lee, I would be very pleased if you would teach me how to flip so magnificently as you." She said in her formal, yet sweet voice.

"Of course I will!" She said and led her to an open patch. Ty Lee grinned with as much pride as a seven year old girl could have.

Mai watched the scene unfold sitting underneath a great tree, looking for the prince she secretly fancied.

Kaida was making great progress when a billow of red fabric caught her eye. She fell onto her head and looked up into the eyes of Princess Ursa.

She got to her knees quickly and smoothed out her grass-stained tunic. "Good afternoon Princess Ursa." She said and smiled. Then she turned to the boy who grasped her hand. "Hi Prince Zuko."

"Hello Kaida." The two said in unison.

Kaida let her gaze drift down and she crawled out of the path of the two in respect. Unexpectedly, a hand was outstretched toward her. "We would be very happy if you would walk with us. Your presence is welcome among us, Kaida." Princess Ursa said with a smile on her face.

"Really Miss Ursa? I, ah, I mean Princess Ursa." Kaida asked, looking back up and smiling.

"Of course, don't you agree, my son?" She asked, looking back to Zuko.

Zuko looked away and blushed. "Yes mother." He said. Kaida grinned and took Ursa's other hand and the three walked the garden grounds.

Both Ursa and Hoshi knew at a very young age that Zuko admired Kaida, and more than just respectful admiration. Hoshi also knew, though, that Mai fancied Zuko. Even so, Ursa took it upon herself to take every opportunity possible to get the two together. She knew of Kaida's regal past and of her kind, young heart. Kaida admired Zuko in the same way, although the two would never make it obvious to one another.

Zuko was one year her senior. He was nine, she was eight, Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula were seven.

After the walk, Ursa released Kaida's hand at the same place she picked her up. She released Zuko's as well, giving him a wink and bending down to hug her son. "Be a gentleman, Zuko." She said and left.

Kaida flipped her way to Ty Lee, who beamed at her pupil. "You're so great Kiki!" Ty Lee said as the two tumbled in unison.

Zuko stood and crossed his arms, trying to hide his amusement. Azula punched his arm. "You don't have to act so tough Zu-zu. Kiki is old too but she doesn't try and act like our mother." Azula said, mocking her brother.

"Shut up Azula!" He said, trying to watch Kaida from the corner of his eye.

Azula, being the clever child she was, followed where his looks were directed. "You like Kiki." She giggled.

He blushed. "I do not." Azula smirked and ran off.

"Kiki! Kiki I have something to tell you!" Azula said, making Kaida fall onto her back.

"Ouch! Azula, what is it?" Kaida said from the ground, looking up at the young princess.

She took in a deep breath. "Zu-zu likes you!" She shouted.

Mai looked up, first to Azula, then to her half-sister, then to her crush Zuko.

His face was crimson, along with her half-sister. Her eyes stung with a hint of tears but wiped it away without notice.

Kaida, however, did notice her younger sister. She stood up, kept her face down, and brushed against Zuko's hand, telling him that the feeling was mutual. He looked at her and smiled, but watched as he took Mai by the hand and put her arm around her.

Ty Lee ran to the two. "Wait! Where are you two going?" She asked.

Kaida turned and looked, her face pink and biting her lip. "Home." She said, and looked to Zuko with a sad look on her face. His expression changed to one of understanding. He watched as the two walked back home.

...Three Years Later...

Kaida sat at her desk drawing images of flowers on the piece of paper. Mai sat in her room throwing knives at her wall. Kaida sighed and turned to her half-sister. "Mai, why must you damage your wall so much?" She asked.

Mai turned to her, looked down at the knife, then shrugged. Kaida, being the light-hearted girl she was, shrugged and went back into the royal garden. Mai followed her, hoping to see Zuko.

She sat next to the small fountain. Secretly, for the past two years she had discovered her ability to bend water. Not only could she bend the water, but she could bend fire as well. She knew she was not the Avatar, for the last Avatar was of fire nation. All she knew was that she was special, but her waterbending abilities were to be hidden.

Hoshi came into the garden. The tiny droplets that Kaida was able to elevate dropped back into the pond.

"Kaida, my dragon, would you care to practice bending with your old man?" He asked, she turned to her father and smiled.

She wasn't the greatest, but she was learning. She snapped her fingers, and small sparks appeared on her fingertips. Zuko sat on a bench and watched the two.

The sensation of fire on her hands was different from bending water. Whenever she was bending water, she felt calm and peaceful. With fire she felt powerful and strong. The different emotions were conflicting, and she could see why the two were opposites.

Ursa watched as her tea began to get unsettled. Someone was approaching.

She went straight to the garden to warn her son, Hoshi, and Kaida. "Hoshi, someone is-"

Before she could finish, men donned in water tribe armor burst into the garden. "We are here for Kaida." They said.

Mai watched from her seated position. Zuko stood beside his mother, preparing to defend Kaida. "Please do not take her!" Hoshi begged as he fell to his knees.

They took her by her arms. "Papa! Do not let them take me! Do not let them!" She begged, as tears streamed down her face.

Hoshi looked to her daughter. "My daughter, they have a right to you as royalty to the water tribe." He said as he looked away.

Ursa walked up to the men, Zuko followed beside her. "Do you have sensible reason for this?" She asked in a calm, royal tone.

"Yes we do miss. We were sent by Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribe to retrieve his niece. She has come of age to train with crown princess Yue as water nation royalty."

Mai's eyes widened. She never knew that her sister was of royal blood. Her blood began to boil, for years she hated the girl she called 'sister'. She took Zuko from her years before, and she would be glad to see her go.

Kaida wasn't listening. Her tear-filled eyes turned to Zuko. She rammed her feet into the dirt, trying to resist the men's strong arms.

"Zuko, please, help me." She said. Zuko looked at her and tears began to roll down his face. Ursa looked to her son, then to Hoshi.

She ran to him and touched his arm. "Please do something. Kaida does not wish to leave." Ursa begged, she knew of the affection the two had for eachother, and she didn't want to see the two part like this.

"There is nothing I can do. I made the decision once that she wouldn't be crown princess, but I never said she wouldn't be a princess. It was her birthright." He said, tears dripped from his face to the ground.

Zuko heard, then looked to Kaida. Her face was filled with sadness. He ran to Hoshi. "How dare you let water warriors take your daughter! She is your daughter! Your blood!" This didn't seem to affect him, so he brought up what Kaida had told him once.

"She's all you have left of Kimi!" Kaida screamed, they were dragging her away. "You're just going to give her up? What kind of father are you?" He yelled.

"Zuko!" Kaida screamed. She outstretched her arm and began to weep. The men would never slow for her pleas.

He ran after her, only to be stopped by the firm arm of his mother. "Kiki!" He yelled, reaching out for her as well.

"You must let her go, my son. There is nothing we can do to stop this." Ursa said, trying to hold back her tears.

Mai stood and went to Zuko. She put a hand on his shoulder and smiled to him. "Everything will be okay, I promise." She said, never looking to her half-sister.

Kaida watched, and her loud cries became soft sobs. She was picked up and loaded into a carriage, guarded by fire and water warriors alike.

Zuko looked to Kaida once more and freed himself from his mother's grip. He ran to the carriage and pushed through the warriors. He gripped her hand and smiled at her. "Everything will be okay, I will find you, and I will bring you back home Kaida. I promise. Everytime I will close my eyes, you will be the one I think of." He said before he was pushed back and the carriage moved down the streets. He saw a ship in the distance and knew it was a water tribe ship.

"I will never forget you Zuko!" She cried out.

Zuko turned and bit his lip. "Neither will I forget you, Kiki."

...Three Years Later...

Kaida walked the icy bridge along her cousin Yue. They both wore their hair in the same fashion. The hair was brought up to the crowns of their head, secured in a single ponytail bearing the water-tribe symbol, which was then parted and secured with two more symbols, then in long braids down the front of their chest.

The two both wore purple, signifying that they were the water nation princesses. "You look so beautiful Kaida." Yue said as she turned to her and stared at her cousin. The two now shared a sister-like bond.

Kaida smiled and told Yue the same.

She turned her back to her and stared out at the ocean. Yue continued walking and Kaida closed her eyes. In her mind she could see Zuko, being all grown up and handsome. "Everytime I close my eyes, you're the one I think of." She whispered and sighed, missing her past life.