Notes & Disclaimers: Anything you recognize as familiar belongs to Janet Evanovich. I am just borrowing her characters for fun and am not making anything from the story.
WARNING! This is rated M. It has major violence and angst in it. I am not a violent writer, but as JE has had Morelli become more and more demanding of Stephanie in recent books, I wanted to explore the story line of what would happen if he became an abuser. Please use your own discretion at reading because this story is not Morelli friendly. Major angst! Remember that this is fiction, so I have taken some creative liberties.
Stephanie's POV:
I looked around the apartment at all of the boxes and bubble wrap. I certainly had a big mess on my hands. I was boxing up my belongings. I thought back on how many times this apartment had been broken in to. I had actually lost count over the years. I guess it had never really been safe. At least not in my line of work. But it had been my home for many years. And a part of me was going to miss it. As I looked around the apartment, I realized that this really wasn't my true home anymore. Since Ranger and I had been dating, we usually stayed at his apartment over night. Occasionally he would stay here, but starting tonight, my home would be with Ranger at Haywood. He had already asked me to move in with him several times, but I hesitated. I knew that I loved Ranger, but I wanted to make sure that he loved me and that it wasn't just about the sex. And I wanted to take things slow. But over the past several months we had become closer and closer. And last night I finally agreed to move in with him. I'm not sure if marriage is what either of us want right now, but I'm sure that I don't want to live without him.
Morelli and I had been split up for 7 weeks when Ranger finally asked me out. I had found out that Morelli cheated on me with Terry Gillman. He swore it was a onetime thing, but I doubted it. I thought that Morelli was going to turn out different than the rest of the men in his family. But his actions had proved otherwise. The night of our breakup, he turned into a very different person. He was livid when I broke things off. But I just couldn't see myself being with someone that I didn't trust. I still saw him around Trenton from time to time, but there was a cold distance between us. I had hoped we could be friends, but he seemed to have a deep anger after I found out about Terry. I should be the one who was angry. But yet again, Morelli made the situation all about him. He was good at doing that. I had heard through my connections at the police department that Morelli had begun drinking heavily. One more thing to add to the "like father like son" list.
Ranger was a real friend to me during the time that I broke up with Morelli. Our relationship blossomed after that. I let my mind drift back to the day he asked me out on a real date. He seemed almost nervous. And it gave me butterflies to think back on the night of our first date when he brought me back to this apartment and gave me a good night kiss. We were both left wanting more, but I had told him I wanted to take things slow. Eventually things progressed, and now I can't imagine spending one night apart from him. His government work has ended, and he only has to go out of town for the occasional trip to Atlanta or Boston to one of the Rangeman buildings. Things have really been progressing.
I stood up and surveyed the apartment. I crossed the room and went to sit on the couch near the entry way. I smiled as I let myself think back to all of the nights we had spent on this couch. We had watched movies on this couch, kissed here, and made out here. And when we finally made love again, it started here. I would be sad to see it go, but I no longer needed the couch, Ranger's furniture was much nicer than mine. I let myself smile as I thought back to all of the memories that this apartment held. My phone rang and pulled me back to reality.
"Hey Babe! That's my line! How's the packing going?"
I smiled and sunk back on to the couch. "It's going ok. I only have to pack a few more boxes and then the rest can just be donated."
"Babe, you know that you are welcome to bring anything you'd like to Haywood. We can make room for whatever you want or need."
"I know Ranger, it's just that I don't need some of these things. The furniture at your place is nicer, and a lot of mine was just bought second hand from thrift stores. I never really invested a lot in furnishings since they were regularly being burglarized and set on fire!"
Ranger laughed, "You never disappoint Babe! Do you need me to send one of the guys over to help? I'll be over around 6 to help you load up anything you're ready to take to our apartment tonight."
"Mmmmm. Our apartment. I like the sound of that. But actually, I think I'll just wait on you to get here. Like I said, there's not that much, and I should be finished by the time you get here."
"Ok. See you then Babe."
I flipped my phone closed. I walked back over to the kitchen to finish wrapping the cookie jar in bubble wrap. I removed my gun and handcuffs from it and laid them on the counter. I had already packed most of what was going to make the trip with me. I had already boxed up my clothing, makeup, pictures, movie collection, and a few dishes my grandma had given me. Rex was already at Ranger's…I mean our…apartment. The guys in the control room regularly fed him and sometimes I let him stay in the break room on the 5th floor. Rex liked living at Haywood. And I felt sure that I was going to love it there as well.
As I was pulling out paper to wrap the lid in, there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peep hole to see Joe Morelli standing at the door. I really don't want to deal with him right now. But the sooner I talk to him, the sooner I can finish packing. I figure he's going to hear that I've moved out of this apartment eventually. I don't owe him an explanation, but I'd rather he hear it from me. God knows the Burg has its fair share of gossip mills.
I unlocked the door, and opened it halfway. "Hi Joe. What brings you by?"
Joe shifted uneasily. "Hey Cupcake. I was hoping you and I could talk. Is this a bad time?"
I stood there glaring at Joe. I couldn't help but wonder what he hoped to accomplish by coming over here.
"Joe, this really isn't a good time. Why are you here?"
"We need to talk Cupcake. I miss you. Bob misses you. And the boys miss you. Can I come in?"
"Joe, we haven't been together in months. I've moved on. You need to do the same too. And from the smell, you've been drinking, so no, you can't come in."
"Come on Cupcake. I haven't had THAT much to drink. And I need to see you."
I started to close the door but Joe shoved past me. He walked into the entry way, and saw all of the boxes in the floor. He turned to me and put his hands on his hips.
"What's going on here? Why are you packing up your apartment? Where are you going?"
I sighed. This is really not how I wanted to tell him I was moving in with Ranger. I don't owe him an explanation, but at one time I did care deeply for Joe. So I wanted him to hear it from me.
"Joe, I am packing up my apartment because I am moving. "
Joe looked a little angry before closing his eyes and clinching his fists. He staggered slightly. "Where are you moving to? Why are you moving?"
"Joe you are drunk. Let's have this conversation at another time. I think you should probably go."
"Answer me Cupcake," Joe yelled. "Where are you going?"
Fine! If he wanted to know so badly, then I'd tell him. "I'm moving in with Ranger. I've ended the lease on my apartment. I'll be moving in with Ranger tonight."
As I said that Joe had a strange look come over him. It was as if he became a different person right in front of my eyes.
"What do you mean you are moving in with Ranger and getting rid of your apartment? You never ended your lease when you lived with me! Why now? You can't be serious? He's nothing but a thug and you know it. It won't last a month. You need to think about this Stephanie!"
Joe was yelling now. And he was getting louder. I took a step back from him and cleared my throat before starting again. In my best calm voice, I started speaking. "Joe, I am asking you to please leave. I cared for you deeply at one time. But I don't trust you. You cheated on me. And we are over. Now please leave!"
And just like that he snapped. Before I knew what was happening, Joe had locked the deadbolt on the door and had me pinned against the kitchen wall with his hand on my neck. His breath smelled strongly of alcohol and his eyes were glazed over. I no longer knew this person standing in front of me.
"You don't mean that Stephanie. Do you? You can't be serious?"
I gasped for air. His grip was tight and it was starting to hurt. "Joe please! Please stop this. You're drunk and you don't know what you are doing! You are hurting my throat!"
Joe hissed through clenched teeth. "Oh I know what I'm doing Cupcake. I'm going to make you remember me. I'm going to burn an image of me into your brain and every time you close your eyes you will see me. I'll be in your thoughts and in your dreams. I'm going to have my way with you right now. Do you think Ranger will still want you after he's found out you had sex with someone else? I'm going to make you mine. He can't help you now, Stephanie. You're mine and I intend on you staying that way. "
I had never seen him like this before. Sure he had gotten drunk before. He had even slapped me once or twice. But never had he been this angry and volatile.
It was getting harder to breathe as he clamped his hand around my throat. I managed to struggle out the words. "Joe let's sit down and talk about this. I'm not yours. You can't really think I'm going to…"
I gasped as his grip tightened around my neck. He leaned in and bit a place on my neck near his hand. "Yes you are mine. I've been watching you two around. You've become quite close to Ranger. But I never thought you'd move in with him. I just have to remind you of what we had. And yes, you are going to have sex with me. And you're going to like it. And you will not tell me no. Do you understand?"
I stood there looking at Joe. He was serious! I can't believe that he was acting this way. My mind started racing as I looked for a way out of this situation. My gun was on the kitchen counter, although I wasn't sure I could shoot Joe if I had to. I could possibly get out the door, if he'd loosen his grip, but I'd never make it to the stairs before he caught me.
I pleaded, "Please Joe. Turn me loose and let's talk, ok?" Hot tears were forming in my eyes and I was scared. Really scared.
Once again his grip tightened and he backhanded me with his free hand. I grabbed at my face and saw white spots as I closed my eyes. I looked at the clock and it was only 2:20pm. Ranger wouldn't be here for almost 4 hours. And I was regretting my decision of not allowing one of the guys to come and help me. Joe continued to hit me again and again. I fell to the floor and grabbed my head. My thoughts were coming at a thousand miles a minute, and I was unable to process any of them. My only thought was for survival. I tried to scramble up and get to the door, but I was intercepted by Morelli. He caught me and picked me up and threw me onto the table. He continued to smack me and punch me in my face, and I tasted blood. I somehow slid from under his grasp and made it to the bedroom. I had to get to the fire escape. If I could just get to the window, I could get out and go down the stairs. As I was coming near the edge of the bed, I tripped over some boxes and he grabbed me. I turned towards him just in time to see him hit me in my head with the cookie jar. It cut my temple and I fell backwards on to the floor, dazed and confused. Joe had picked up my handcuffs when he got the cookie jar, and he grabbed my wrists. He straddled me on the floor and put one wrist in the cuff. He threaded the cuffs through the iron bed railing near the post of the bed, and then handcuffed my other wrist in the free bracelet. I screamed as I was now at his mercy and I could go nowhere. I yelled and screamed as he kicked me a couple of times before going to the kitchen.
"Joe please! Please don't do this. We can talk about it ok? We can work something out. Please just let me go. Unhook the cuffs and we'll sit and talk!"
Joe started back towards the bedroom, and I saw that he had packing tape in his hands. I immediately began screaming and kicking at him, and he smacked me again and kicked me in my stomach. I pulled my legs up to me from the pain, and as I sobbed, he taped my mouth closed with the packaging tape. My screams were muffled, and hot tears poured from my eyes and I strained against the cuffs. My arms and wrists were above my head and I was on the floor, at Joe's mercy. He jerked my pants off and I closed my eyes as I heard the sound of his zipper being unzipped. He leaned in to me, as he pulled up my shirt. He bit down fiercely on my breast, and brought blood as I screamed. He pulled my head up to meet his by grabbing my hair and pulling. Joe kicked me and continued to beat me for what felt like ages. He pummeled his fists into my face and sides until his own knuckles were busted from the contact. All the while he was telling me in a low voice "You're mine! Do you understand? You will never be his. He will never want you again when I'm done with you! Stephanie, I am going to make you mine and you are going to take it! Do you understand? Ranger will never want you when I'm finished!"
I could do nothing but cry and sob. Who was this evil person in front of me?
"Listen Cupcake. You're gonna lay there and take this. And you're not going to tell your little thug of a boyfriend that I did this. I have evidence locked away that he killed Abruzzi. You and I both know that he did. And while I can't say that I blame him, I'll be all too happy to implicate him in the murder. I'll reopen the investigation quicker than you can say your name. When I finish with you, Ranger is going to think some common criminal came in and raped you, and then he won't want you anymore. You got that? And then you'll be mine."
I continued to cry, and whimper, but I couldn't struggle any longer. I heard a condom wrapper being torn open, and he slid it on. I tried pulling my knees up to my chest to push him off of me, but he shoved me back down.
"I'd just love to spill my seed in you. Maybe even make a kid finally. But then there would be DNA as evidence. Although that won't matter will it? Because you love your precious Ranger too much to see him sent away to prison for life!"
And with that I felt him at my entrance. I struggled against him, but I was no match for his strength. He rammed himself into me and I felt a searing pain. He continued to pound me over and over again. The more I cried, the harder he went. And the more he beat me. All of a sudden, he stopped and flipped me over. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but now my hands were twisted together and the circulation was being cut off from the tightness of the cuffs against the railing. Before I knew what happened, he had pulled my legs apart and was pummeling into me from behind. I sobbed from the pain, and he continued to beat me with his fists. He pulled my hair back and bit into my neck again, and then pushed my head forward into the iron bed post. Dark spots splashed across my vision, and I fell forward into the floor. Joe's weight was crushing me and it seemed like it would never end. I finally lay there, with him thrusting into me over and over again, and tried to will myself to survive.
Joe raped me for over an hour. When it was over, and the beatings had finally stopped, I was no longer crying. My sobs were quiet, and he stood to remove the condom. He methodically placed it in the open wrapper, and then in his pocket. He bent over me and kissed me lightly on my forehead and I turned away. As I did it he slapped me one last time. I couldn't feel my face any longer, and the taste of blood from my busted face and lip had long ago made me nauseated. He pulled me by my hair and forced me to look into his eyes.
"Remember Cupcake. You're not gonna tell Ranger who did this, are you? "
I made no reply and Joe jerked my head even harder. "Answer me! Are you?"
I whimpered and shook my head no. I knew that he was right. If he had evidence against Ranger, I couldn't tell him about this. Ranger would kill Joe for what he had just done. I wanted to kill him for what he had done. But I couldn't let Ranger go to jail for me.
"Are we clear on this? He's gonna come find you, but you're gonna keep who did it to yourself, right?"
I nodded my head quickly. Joe kissed me once again, as if what had just took place was a normal occurrence, and he stood once more to button his pants. He tucked his shirt into his pants and I closed my eyes.
He laughed an evil laugh. "Go ahead and close your eyes Cupcake. But from now on, when you close your eyes, I'll be the one you see. Remember that I'm watching you. And I'm not above doing this again!"
I opened my eyes to see him unlocking the apartment door, and leaving. I listened as his footsteps fell on the hardwood flooring in the hall, and I could hear the elevator ding as it opened for him to get on it. I saw spots across my eyes and finally gave in to the pain that was searing through my body and passed out.