Hey all, I am so proud, I finished another one yay me. Now if you want more Brady please tell me. Just feel free to PM me. I know begging for reviews sucks but I really want more. Its epic when I have heaps and hey I GOT 50

I own nothing: but a laptop, actually the government owns mine- but we don't have a government atm Sooo...

Like a teenage robot low on oil I went through my morning routine. I had a shower, washed my hair got dressed, put on my eyeliner and straightened my hair for the first time in America. It was so long now. It came down to my waist. I deliberated cutting it all off but decided against it. I refused to kill it just because I was upset. I had been growing it for seven years.

I headed down the stairs in a dark depressing fashion. My life was so stuffed up. I looked around the clean kitchen and headed towards the table. I did not feel like breakfast. I needed to lose weight anyway. I just sat there wearing my black veil bride's shirt with printed blood, denim jeans and black con's. I stared and just let my eyes get all glazed. If anyone walked in I must have looked really emo.

I thought about a lot of things, I called my mum and Shannon everyday but I still missed them like crazy, I actually missed the sun and heat of my home town. I missed my scabby public school and all my bisexual friends. I miss being able to buy tubs of Betty Crocker frosting in a tub and pig out with Shannon and my other friends. I miss our sleepovers. I missed my bed and I missed being loved. For no matter how hard I tried to fool myself this was not home, the people here had a basic and somewhat simplistic interest in me as I had an accent and a different upbringing. These people were my acquaintances not my friend. My real friends were back in Australia, and I wanted to go home to be with them.

"Come on Catherine, we got to go to school"

I looked up and saw Collin and Seth standing in the doorway awkwardly looking at me with caution in their eyes. I nodded and walked towards the vehicle of possibilities. I got in the backseat. The boys got in and started driving. They weren't even gay. The depressive aura I was seeping seemed to be contagious as there was no conversation in the front of the car. The boys remained silent all the way to school.

When we arrived I just walked out the car no word of thanks or anything and just headed toward my locker. I placed my bag in the tin container and got out my books for the first classes. On my way to homeroom I noticed the stared of interest once again from all the Americans. For once I wanted to fit in. I wanted to be normal. I just was over this. All of this. I walked in my homeroom class and sat down, speaking once to answer my name and just tuning out the rest of the time, ignoring all the chatter coming from all the idealistic American teens in the room.

I headed towards science and sat through the lecture on fossilisation, being a good student and taking notes. I ignored all attempts at conversation and attempted to learn. It was productive. This continued for several periods. I even studied in study hall. I was in math when Mr. Everman called the school for an emergency meeting.

On the way to the auditorium I looked for Brady. He was sitting with some chick in a purple sundress. She was Native American like everyone else and she had black hair. He was sitting with Seth and Collin as well as the other people whom I had considered my friends. They gestured for me to go and sit with them. I just turned and headed to where the only other caucasian people in the school. They all banded together. There were about four of them. They smiled at me as I sat down. I noticed Benja was not with them he usually was. They seemed really sad and one of the girls was crying. I looked at them in confusion. A really hot guy with died black hair, a lip piercing and more eyeliner than me just sent me a not now look. I nodded

"Boys and girls I am afraid I must be the bearer of bad news. For all of you who do not already know Benjamin mills are dead."

There was a collective gasp through the hall

"His body was found badly mauled and it looked as though he was ea-"

He was shot a glance from his secretary

"but you don't need to know that, I will now run by some basic safety procedures, there seem to be vicious wolves running around the place like rawww" he smiled "but this is not the time for humour so... All of you are allowed to spend the rest of the day here, reminiscing in memories of Benja" he looked down and the girl to my right sobbed even louder. He then turned to leave and walked right off the stage and out of the auditorium. His secretary ran out and grabbed the mic

"This is not an opportunity to bludge, those of you wanting to go back to class you are more than welcome to, those who stay please calm down and just be he " she cut off then and looked down.

Several of the students left the hall Brady being one of them, but that chick he was talking to stayed behind, she looked genuinely sad. It was all probably an act though. Bitches like that don't feel anything.

I don't know why I hate her. I really shouldn't she is probably a nice person. I turned my attention back to the crying girl. The boy with all the eyeliner spoke than

"Let's make a circle and just talk ok" his voice was deep and throaty not at all what I expected it to be like. I know this was not the time to perve but I couldn't help it. He had the whole hot emo thing going on. I liked it.

I joined the circle and we all sat there reminiscing. The sobbing girl's name as I found out was Kiara. She had black hair and blue eyes. She was related to the eyeliner guy, they were fraternal twins. His name was Callum and they were both in my year. There was another...uh...enthusiastic girl named Maddie and another guy called Andy he was very quite so I assumed him and Benja were close.

We sat there for a while talking about his bubble wrap iPod touch addiction, his intellect and his ability to make the teachers so annoyed they cried. I learnt allot about him that day and really started mourning. He was so young, my age; if it happened to him it could happen to me. I stopped mourning then and planning karate self defence against rabid killer wolves. Yeah those bitches wouldn't stand a chance.

I was still smiling when the police officer came to teach us safety precautions. He was the chief of police in forks, apparently someone was killed there too, and they said his name was Tyler something. Then he handed out free pepper spray. Pepper spray ha, who needed pepper spray when you have mad karate skills.

At the end of the day I headed out of school with my new friends. Callum drove me home and I quickly escaped to the fortress that was my room. I got straight to homework and only came out once to eat dinner. Other than that I chilled in my room.

From then on it was a routine, I'd wake up take my retainer out, Goth it up, eat, clean my teeth, Callum would drive me to school, id hang with them, they'd drive me home and I'd escape to my fortress, eat, put my retainer in and sleep.

This continued solidly for about a month.

It was lunch at school and I hadn't spoken more than three words a day to Seth and Collin all month, I was feeling pretty bad. I also hadn't called Shannon in a while, she was on their side.

"So Catherine, the girls and I were thinking. Sleepover soon, real soon" Maddie she was so odd, I loved her

"ah definitely, it would be so cool" I smiled at her. She was drinking chocolate milk through a spaghetti noodle and it kept breaking.

"don't look now but here come the bulky bullies" Callum spoke out around his own pasta

I smiled at him he looked adorable. And he was really sweet; I was still a bit upset over Brady. He seemed fine though. He sat with the rest of the BB's and just glared all the time. Maybe Callum was gay though, he was so feminine and al the make up

"hey Cat"

"fuck off Collin, I'm busy" of course he would choose now to appear

"language, that's not cool you know. Look we wanna talk, we don't know what happened that shopping day-Ooh" he stopped midsentence and opened his vibrating phone

"anyway we just wanna talk, please" Seth continued for his friend

"Shannon says hi" Collin butted

"please" Seth continued

I looked at my surroundings and glanced at the faces of my friends, they seemed a bit unhappy at this new instalment

"no" I glared

"fine but you asked for it" Seth that proceeded to pick me up and throw my ever his shoulders like an elephant would to his trunk...wait that doesn't make sense...anyway

"Seth Clearwater you put me down right now!" I screamed

By now everyone in the cafeteria was looking at us and I felt like a piece of cheese in a mouse house.

"nope your coming with us, come along Collin say' ily xoxo' and stop texting her it's really late there, you're being mean"

"fine" he sighed texted something and followed us. I now realised we were being moved to the car park and my friends shocked faces. Callum was following us. This was going to be interesting

"you put her down right now" that was Callum my hero, my knight in shining tin foil. I think I dreamt about something like that. hmm

"no, we need to figure something out. She's living with me and I want to know why she talks to me no more" he looked like a puppy that had his favourite slipper taken off him

"then ask her, you don't need to throw her over your shoulder in a barbaric fashion embarrassing her in front of the whole grade" Gotta love Kiara

"maybe that was a bit hast but she deserved it, she's being a bitch"

"don't you dare call her a bitch!" And with that Callum pulled me down from Seth's vice tight grip and then proceeded to punch Seth in the face.

Well I was in such a state of shock I completely blanked out I can't remember a thing; it wasn't until later when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead.

Jokes that's a scene from Chicago. It ended up with Seth being suspended, Collin bleeding. Shannon screaming at me over the phone and relinquishing our friendship and Callum in the hospital. All in all a fun day.

"Catherine, I'm really sorry about what happened at school today, I didn't mean for Callum to end up in a coma"

"yeah, whatever. Just leave me alone" he looked at me funny and then someone knocked on the door. He continued looking at me and they knocked again.

"go answer the door Seth"

He looked at me one more time before turning on his heels and going to answer the door. I turned my head down and continued to eat my soup. It was raining outside and the cottage was not entirely waterproof

Apparently neither was our guest. He was shirtless and drenched in water, and none other than the almighty Brady Brooks.

"hey" he said with a small smile

I just glared at him.

"Emily and well everyone is coming over for dinner tonight, it being Friday and all" Seth explained

Well that explained the delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

"please stay for a bit, Brady you can go use the shower" he gestured with his hands upstairs.

Oh this was just going to be oodles of fun.

"I'm going to my room, call me when dinner is ready, and Seth id you feel the urge to put anyone else in a coma, please refrain"

He just glared at me

I was in my fortress writing random lyrics on a piece of paper while skypeing Shannon, we had an almost gushy moment when she apologized for yelling at me and told me how she actually liked Collin. It was kind of sweet. Then she told me I had changed. Hmm I guess I had. After that I just sat there, before deciding it was time to go downstairs. It had been three hours and I'd ignored the dinner call.

On my way downstairs a sudden thought occurred to me. I turned around and head to Seth's bathroom. This was gonna be so good.

I turned back and headed downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

"well well, look who decided to join us, I haven't seen you in ages" that was Emily, half her face was smiling at me as I walked down.

"yeah sorry about that" I smiled back brilliantly.

"how was I supposed to straighten out Paul without your help?"

"sorry Shae, I can only do so much"

I sat down with the girls and we talked, I was very polite. I noticed Brady was nowhere to be found. Neither was Quill or Collin, but Seth was here, that was all I needed.

I ate some random ice cream and talked about things I will never remember, things that no one cares about. Basically they told me how 'epic' he was. Apparently he had a crush on this girl and he didn't know what to do about it. I was so pissed.

Katelyn was really sweet, even if she was straddling Embry when she complimented my hair.

I just sat there and nodded at the appropriate time, smiling. I was very polite.

Just then the girl I had seen with Brady earlier the month and basically all the time showed up. She was in purple again and Brady came running in after her, trying to calm her down?

I was closest to her when she started screaming

"Ahh, you're all fucking mental. I don't care what the bloody reason is, I hate all of you. I refuse to believe my life has been chosen for me since I was fucking three"

"Claire-bear please it's not like th-"

Shut up quill I don't want to hear what you've got to say, you're a freak, you all are. And why only ell me now, why?"

Well I had no idea what was going on, this Claire girl looked hysterical, Brady looked bored and Quill looked devastated, but why?

"All of you, no choices" she turned to me" stay away from them, they'll drag you down to their level, they're dogs all of them"

"Claire please you don't have to love me, just know 'i'll always be there for you, I always have. Just give me a chance"

Wait Quill was stealing Brady's girlfriend. How mean.

"no, I refuse to look at another boy in THAT way ever again, I hate you"

"no you don't Claire, now calm down" a man spoke

"no uncle Sam, I can't do this"

"just try, please"

"no as of now, I am a lesbian"

At this everyone laughed

"don't you laugh Quill Atera I'm serious"

"Claire you like the cock as much as Queen did"

She was bright red now and totally pissed.

"I'll prove it"

Oh no, I had a bad feeling about this, why did I have to be the closest person to her. The next thing she did was reach down and mash her lips against mine. I did not kiss her back but it was just so weird. This was my first kiss too. There was a collective gasp around the room, I was struggling to move but she kept me firmly in place.

I felt a tear on my cheek, the first thing I thought was why am I crying it's not THAT bad, then I realised they weren't my tears. This girl had more issues than tom and jerry.

She finally pulled back and turned to glare at Quill through her tears; he just took a few steps back and bolted out the door. I looked for Brady but he was not there either. I just stood up and walked to my room. I washed my face and lay on my bed.


That was not how I expected my first kiss" I replied to the voice without looking up

"I'm sorry I was just so mad at him"

"come sit here Claire"

She came over and sat next to me on my bed, we sat there in a comfortable silence before I spoke

"I like your converse, they're purple"

She smiled at me

"I'm sorry" she said in a small voice

I leaned back; I knew she was going to talk now

"Quill has been my friend since I was three, you know, we were so well, different, I never expected to get with him. I always knew there was something weird about him but I ignored it. You know. I was so delusional; you were my first kiss too. I was going to save myself for him completely. I thought I loved him-I guess I still do. Anyway I went to proclaim this to him but I found him arguing with Brady about something – and once I found out I lost it. Sorry"

I really wanted to know what but I didn't press it.

Ok I really, really hate, loathe gushy stuff. I cannot take it. I'll joke and tell someone I love them but I just try as hard as I possibly can to avoid it. So this was awkward. I had no idea what to do. I really wanted to call Shannon.

I just went with the basics

"shh it's going to be okay" and I hugged her

Eh what can I say I'm not a sap by nature?

Then she started crying. This was so awkward. She was clutching onto me and had just let her heart out to someone whose name she did not know.

The door opened and my face lit up, I didn't care who it was, I just needed a hero, anyone.

Of course the god's took that too literally and sent in Brady.


He looked at my situation and just smirked at my awkwardness, ugh that smirk was so hot. We had a facial fight and eventually he caved

"hey Claire quill pretty devo, maybe you should go cry on him"

He was so rude but she seemed used to it so she got up and nodded before heading downstairs.

Brady moved over towards me and sat next to my bed


"hey Brady, Catherine. Collin spilt stuff all over me so I'm going to shower"

I smiled at him, plan in action

"Sure thing, Seth, you have fun."

I turned back to Brady

"what" I said acidly

"ok look I deserved that but her I did just save you from an emotional teen"

"true", I smiled at him

He smiled back, showing me those dimples once more. He had put a shirt on, it was black and so tight he might have not been wearing one, black skinny's and his converse, his hair looked especially good today, so messy and drool worthy

"ok, listen I just wanted to say, you know how I told you I had a girlfriend"

Ouch, this was gonna hurt again

"yeah" I said nervously looking up at him though my lashes

"I lied" he smiled "I- fuck this is hard- I like you, and that's weird for me because I don't usually do that and-ugh what I'm trying to say is-"

"stop right there. I HATE it when people want to talk emotional. You just saved me from one, I refuse to do another. I have learnt enough from others to know that you do this with everyone. I'm sorry, but I refuse to be just another"

He looked so crestfallen, his eyes were watery and his face had paled

"why should I trust you" I muttered softly

"he took my hand in him and looked in my eyes

"because, "but he was cut off by a scream


That was Seth, I laughed so hard


He came running into my room; tears were visible in his eyes

"Catherine you bleached my pubes, my balls are on fucking fire"

I smiled


Now things are really important here. Callum needs to be in a coma, so a new person can come. There is something else at La Push that's is not as friendly as the wolves. So love it, hate it. Want more Brady POV. Isn't he a BEAST? hot hey Anyway review and I'll give you a surprise cookie. No I'll PM you a thank you. Cuz that's always fun. I like PMing it's epically cool