Name: Sakura Miyazaki
Birthday: February 22
Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'6"
Blood Type: AB
Grade: Third year, Class A
Status: Wealthy Lineage
Favourite Subjects: Geography and Japanesse History
Favourite Foods: anything spicy
Bio: Sakura is the daughter of Siegle Miyazaki - the owner of a large recording company in Japan. Her mother had died when she was 10. Before coming to Ouran she had gone to public school for her first year. After that, her father wanted her to go to Ouran - she went without argument. She has always been in the same class as Hunny and Mori. She has never spoken to anyone not because she is shy but because no will speak with her. She refuses to wear the girl uniform because she hates the color, and dresses. SO she wears the boy's uniform, modified to look more feminine.
Hobbies: in her spare time she plays the Piano(expert) trained in a number of martial arts and is as good as Hunny and Mori. She sits as the president of the gardening club at Ouran.

this is what she looks like here hair is don to the middle of her back.
that's all the info on her

It was early in the school year. I was out in the gardens with the gardening club working on making it perfect and caring for it. I do this club because i feel it makes me close to my mother in a way for she loved gardening.
I had been working for awhile when a shadow of a person fell over me. I turned I turned my head to the side looked up and saw Kyoya of the Host club standing there. He stuck his hand out to help me up.
"thank you" I said while dusting myself off.
"your welcome . ." he pushed his glasses up and continued "I was wondering if you could make some of your wonderful flower arrangements for the club again this year. Of course we will pay you for your club for it's services" he asked
"of course we will. I'll be here tomorrow afternoon, but could you send a couple of people to come help bring the flowers and such to your clubs rooms, as my club does not run tomorrow" I asked
"of course i will send a couple of our members to come help you. I see you tomorrow" he said
I spent the afternoon in the clubs office designing flower arrangements for the Host club this is what I designed
go here to see


I sat in the host club with Hunny entertaining our guests together. I looked outside and saw the gardening club at work. I noticed Kyoya head outside and was speaking with who i guessed to be the president; ensuring they would be making the flower arrangements for the club. I watched her with interest; i couldn't make out her face from where I was but I could tell she was very beautiful. I continued watching her but still paying attention to the guest and Hunny.
The hours of the club went by fast, but I still watched the girl from the window; it was 5pm and clubs where all finished.
"I got eh president of the gardening club to agree to come tomorrow and place all the flower arrangements, but . . . " Kyoya said and "she will be needing some help for her club doesn't run tomorrow; Hunny, Mori and Haruhi would you three mind and going to help her?"
we all nodded in agreement
"why me?" Haruhi asked
"do you know your flowers?" Kyoya said
she just nodded
"that is why" he said simply

~Sakura POV~

I drove myself to school like I always did; I arrived just in time. I walked down the long hallways; receiving a number of stares from the girls in the process.
I got to class and entered just as the bell was ringing. I took my seat at the back of the class next to the window. I stared outside looking at the gardens, i don't like being inside alot i prefer the outdoors. Especially know since the Sakura trees are in full blooms.
Class began and I lazily paid attention to what the teacher was saying. I never really liked math class. I did fine in it, I just found it to be boring, and sometimes very difficult for me.
As the day progressed it was the same as always no one talked to me and I to no one. It's not that i never tried, I did and have. I don't know why, and never really cared about it. No one likes me or it's that I am invisible to everyone. I don't care about it because outside of these school walls I have friends from my old school.
At the end of the day I headed to the gardening clubs office to wait for the people Kyoya promised me.
When I arrived at the clubs office I saw 3 people standing there waiting for me. As I got closer I recognized 2 of them as Mori and Hunny from my class the 3rd one I didn't know who he was. But I knew they were all from the host club.
As I was heading towards them I heard
"Sakura is the club running today?" Tohru asked me
"no not today, the Host Club asked for some flower arrangements. SO I am making them today" I said
"would you like some help?" she asked me
"No that is quite alright, some of the members of the host club will be helping me" I said
"aright I will see you tomorrow" she said waving goodbye to me
I sighed to myself thinking **these are the only people who are nice to me ever while I am here at school; yet they only talk to me during and about the club alone**
I walked over to the 3 boys and said "you must be the members of the host club Kyoya promised to help me. Right?"
Hunny jumped up in front of me and said with a cherry smile while holding a pink bunny said "HAI! I'm Hunny, this Mori and that's Haruhi"
I just nodded and smile **figures they don't recognize me from class** "alright well follow me" I said

I unlocked the door to the clubs office (which was a little brick building); turned on the lights and motioned for them to follow me in. I gestured for them to sit down while I gathered together everything they would need. They sat down except for Hunny who was inspecting everything in here. I just smiled at this and continued with what I was doing. I turned to them and asked
"so do you boys know your flowers" I asked
Mori and Hunny both shacked their heads in response but Haruhi said he did.
"Alright well Haruhi here is a list of the plants I would like you to find. Take either Mori or Hunny with you to help carry stuff. When you're done meet me back here. Okay?" I said
He just nodded, Hunny jumped up grabbed the bucket from him and they headed out the building.
"I guess it's just you and me now. Well let's get started" I said with a smile which he returned easily

I and Mori headed out to go collect flowers. All he did was carry everything never said a word. I had collected some greenery and such now I was at the rose section. I was going into be putting red and yellow roses in the arrangement which stood for happiness.
I started cutting the flowers I wasn't watching what I was doing and caught myself a number of thorns and cut myself. "OW!" I said out loud and before I could look at the cuts Mori and taken my hand and was inspecting the cuts himself. He took a handkerchief out of his coat pocket and wrapped it round my hand very gently. I was blushing lightly at his and then he said
"I will cute the flowers; just show which ones and how many" I nodded at this and he began cutting the roses for me.

I and Mori headed out to go collect flowers. All he did was carry everything never said a word. I had collected some greenery and such now I was at the rose section. I was going to be putting red and yellow roses in the arrangement which stood for happiness.
I started cutting the flowers I wasn't watching what I was doing and caught myself a number of thorns and cut myself. "OW!" I said out loud and before I could look at the cuts mori and taken my hand and was inspecting the cuts himself. He took a handkerchief out of his coat pocket and wrapped it round my hand very gently. I was blushing lightly at his and then he said
"I will cute the flowers; just show which ones and how many" I nodded at this and he began cutting the roses for me.
~~~~~~~~ SS
I showed Mori the right way to cut the flowers so they won't die as quickly. We had been cutting the flowers for a long time I pointed the flowers to him; he just nodded. After awhile we had finally finished, but had a long walk back. We were in the farthest garden for the clubs office. It was silence for the most part; not one of those tension kind of silence but a comfortable one.
Mori's POV
I was standing there waiting for Sakura, she started cutting the flowers when I heard "OW!" I instantly took her hand in mine and was inspecting the numerous cuts myself. I took a handkerchief out of my coat pocket and wrapped it round her hand very gently. I took no notice of her blushing lightly I told her
"I will cut the flowers; just show which ones and how many" she nodded at this and I began cutting the roses for her.
She showed me how to properly cut them so they wouldn't die too quickly on us.
After we had finished cutting all the flowers I took the basket of flowers and bag of tools from her. I would carry them for her, so she would hurt her hand any more than what it was. We walked in a nice silence, no tension at all. I decided to break the silence and asked her:
"Have you finished your paper for our history class?" she looked quite shocked I was talking to her about school work, I am not sure why though. I intend to find out why.
"Yes I've been done for awhile; I like to finish everything early; that way I have more free time. You?" She asked me
"Almost finished, what did you write your paper on?"
"I wrote about how the royal family is still seen as to be a god like figure. What about yours?" she asked me
"I am writing on early Japanese government and how it compares to todays. I would like to read your paper if you don't mind" I asked
"Certainly, I would also like to read yours. It sounds very interesting" she said
I saw her face light up as we came near a new section in the gardens, she turned and walked down a little path towards a section of flowers that smelled exactly like lemons; they were all a variety of purples. I am not sure as to what flower it was but they were beautiful, butterflies were everywhere. She was bent over smelling them and she turned her head to the side and asked

"Could I have the scissors so I can cut one?"
"I will, show me where you would like it cut at" I said
"right here" she said while pointing
I cut the flower for her and handed it to her. She took it with a grateful smile. "Thank you" she said
"it's not a problem. What flower is this?" I asked
"It's called an Iris. It's my favorite flower of all. I especially love the smell they give off" she said with a smile "we better get to the office, to meet Hunny and Haruhi. Then head off to the Host club so I can assemble the flower arrangements" she added
we left the section of Iris, and returned to the pathway. We walked back to the club office. I saw Mitsukuni and Haruhi there waiting for us. Hunny ran over to us and saw Sakura's hand and asked gently
"Sakura what happened to your hand?"
"I cut it on the rose thorns. I'll more careful next time" Sakura said gently to Mitsukuni
"is there anything else we need from the garden clubs office before we leave?" Haruhi asked
"nope, what we need we already have with us. Kyoya should have all the vases ready for me. So we can leave and head off to the Host Club" Sakura said cheerfully
"What's that flower your carrying Sakura?" Hunny asked
"It's called an Iris. It has a sweet lemon smell to it. Would you like to smell it Hunny?" she asked
"SURE!" Hunny said Sakura got down to his level and let him smell it he smiled brightly after
"It smells exactly like a lemon" Hunny said
Sakura smiled and nodded to him. We continued walking towards the host club. When we arrived it was very busy as usual
"HONEY MORI where have you been?" One of our customers yelled at us
"We were in the gardens with our friend Sakura collecting flowers for our arrangements" Hunny said with a smile
"Your down now so you can sit with us right?" she asked while glaring at Sakura
"Actually no were not, we have to make the arrangements with here, just like we promised" Hunny said again sweetly
"But that's a commoners job leave it to her to do Hunny, you don't want to get your uniform dirty do you?" she said again
"Actually I'm not a commoner Kotoko I believe your name is. Besides I wouldn't speak of your upper class men in such a manner. I also believe your father works for my fathers business if I am correct?" Sakura said in a sweet but threatening way
"I think not, my mother works a Miya . . ." but she was cut off by Kyoya saying
"I would stop Kotoko, your father does work for Sakura's; she is the daughter of Siegle Miyazaki. Now that this is finished and settled Sakura, Mori, Hunny, and Haruhi if you would be so kind as to finish what you started" Kyoya said, while pointing in the direction of the back area to work in.