Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. All rights are reserved for Naoko Takeuchi.

Author's Notes: Hello all! How are you guys? I apologize for the long wait. I've been struggling with this story, but I'm hanging in there. Thank you for sticking around and reading this story created by this inexperienced writer. Much love.

Please excuse the mistakes

Thanks to Guest, TropicalRemix, Syulai, krystal, Silver Star Argenteum Sidus, Guest, slightlyxjaded, caly-micaela, CherrySerenity-sama, and Guestfor their reviews!


With hands clasped behind his back, Kentaro slowly followed his toddling two year old granddaughter. The two were talking an afternoon stroll. Ever since Usagi started walking, she explored anywhere and everywhere her two small legs would take her. Kentaro smiled. His love for her was immense.

Usagi began climbing steps with clumsy hands and feet. Kentaro stopped at the bottom of the steps and looked up to where they lead to: Hikawa Shrine. After climbing about five steps, Usagi stopped and pointed towards the top of the steps. She grunted, letting her grandfather know her desire destination.

"Okay little one. Let's go."

He offered his index finger for her chubby hand to hold. Together, they ascended the steps until they reached the top. The child shrilled with excitement and began to explore wherever her feet would take her. She reached a woman who was standing by stall that sold various items available to those who visited the temple. The woman was sweeping away debris when Usagi ran up to her and began playing with her long pleated red skirt.

"Oh, hello there little one," the miko greeted. She set aside the broom and bent down to play with the little girl. "Where did you come from little bunny?" she asked as she tucked a stray blonde hair behind the little girl's ear.

Kentaro quickly made his way to the two and apologized for his granddaughter's behavior. The maiden smiled in understanding. Usagi turned to her grandfather and pointed at a nearby cherry blossom tree. She put her arms over her head, stretching to reach the soft petals. Kentaro came to the rescue and lifted her up.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, to which Usagi reply with a giggle.

"Would you like to make a wish?"

Kentaro turned around at the angelic voice of the miko. The maiden looked at the older man with a genuine smiled.

"What do you think Usagi-chan?"

The little girl clapped her small chubby hands in agreement. Kentaro carefully placed her down. The miko handed him a thin lightweight piece of wood with a string looped through the top and a pen. He accepted the items with both hands and thanked her. He knew instantly what he wanted to write and quickly scribbled his thoughts. Once finished, he hung the wood on the highest branch he could reach on the tree. With closed eyes, Kentaro clapped his hands twice before holding them together. He prayed that his wish would come true.

"Kentaro?" Whipping his head towards the voice, Kentaro spotted an older man standing ten feet away from him. Kentaro noticed the man holding a child similar to Usagi's age with two older boys by his side. "It is you!" the man exclaimed happily.

"Dad, you know him?" asked the maiden. She went up to him and took the sleeping child in his arms.

"He's a dear friend of mine," he replied before pulling Kentaro in an embrace. "How have you been?"

"Well, Your Majesty."

"None of that 'Your Majesty' nonsense! To you, it's Shiro."

The Emperor turned to the miko and introduced her. "This is Hino Risa, my daughter. The child she's holding is her daughter, Rei. And these two…" he looked down before noticing that the two boys were already off running around. The Emperor expelled a hearty chuckle. "Those two are my other grandchildren. The dark haired on is Chiba Mamoru and the light haired one is Furuhata Motoki."

Kentaro smiled. "What a family you have." He suddenly felt a tug on his pant leg. His hand came up to pat the top of Usagi's head. "This is Tsukino Usagi, my granddaughter."

The Emperor lowered himself down and greeted the young child. Usagi babbled cheerfully in response. Soon the adults moved into a room inside the shrine. Kentaro and Shiro conversed and filled each other in with what happened in their lives. Risa brought in a tray of tea and poured it for the elders. The children played in the room across from the one the adults were occupying.

"It really has been a long time. Time has aged you well my old friend. I regret not keeping in contact with you," Shiro commented remorsefully.

"We're adults and busy. You travel all over the world to attend to your diplomatic duties while I live my life as a quiet citizen. There's no reason to be in constant contact with one another to prove our friendship. Just know that when and if you need me, I am here."

Shiro smiled at his friend. He always knew he could count on him for his mature wisdom and knowledge. Kentaro's bluntness with him was something the Emperor always enjoyed in their younger years.

"I share the same sentiments," the Emperor agreed.

A piercing wail rang throughout the shrine. All three adults turned their heads towards the adjacent room and witnessed the little blond haired girl crying. Just as Kentaro was about to get up and tend to his granddaughter, the crying halted. What he saw next warmed his heart. The two young princes were at her side, tending to her fall and calming her down.

"A bunny needs her protector," Risa remarked while gently smoothing out her daughter's hair. Not too long ago, the toddler made her way to the room the adults occupied and fell asleep on her mother's lap. Risa glanced over at the children and smiled. "Those three have an affinity towards one another. But there's a strong bond between Usagi and one of the boys."

Kentaro looked on with amazement. The miko's prophetic words made an impact on him.

"What do you say Kentaro?" the Emperor interrupted. "Should we marry our grandchildren?"

"We'll see," the other man chuckled before taking another sip of his tea.

A black car pulled up to the columbarium. An older man stepped out of the driver's side and briskly made his way around to the passenger door. He opened it. His Imperial Majesty stepped out of the car before waving at the driver to allow him a few minutes of privacy. The driver nodded in understanding. The Emperor walked up the steps and made his way into the columbarium. He passed by multiple niches before stopping in front of one that held the ashes of his dear friend. His hand came up to touch the cool protective glass that sealed off the niche.

"Usagi has grown up to be a wonderful young lady, Kentaro," he praised with a smile. "I know what we planned was a stretch, but it had to be done," he whispered while remembering the day he met his dear friend at the hospital.

When Kentaro had told his granddaughter to see a doctor after noticing her shortness of breath and fitful coughs, Usagi did so with reluctance. It seemed as though her demeanor changed drastically afterwards. He didn't notice it until a week later. He couldn't pinpoint what had happened, but something was amiss. Usagi tried playing it off by blaming it on her test scores and her sensei at school. However, Kentaro had a gut feeling that she wasn't telling the truth; his instincts told him that his precious granddaughter was in trouble. That was the day he spoke to Shiro about his worries, asking him to help. And together, they devised a plan.

"I know you didn't want it to go this far," the Emperor spoke after a long silence. "I know you feel bad about involving Mamoru and Motoki in this. But I feel it was the right decision." He nodded his head as though he was reassuring himself. "Risa couldn't be wrong," he muttered the last part to himself, remembering her words of how there was an affinity between the three and an even stronger affinity between only two of them. "I had really hoped one day our families could be united. Even if it doesn't work out, at least I got a taste of what it would have been like. Usagi has been a pleasure to have at the Imperial Palace. I just hope nothing is seriously wrong with her. Don't worry dear friend, I have eyes on her. She's in good hands should anything happen. It's the least I can do for you considering what you have done for me."

His thoughts wandered off to the time when he needed a kidney transplant. True to his words, Kentaro stepped up to help; his words resonated with Shiro.

'There's no reason to be in constant contact with one another to prove our friendship. Just know that when and if you need me, I'm here.'

"Now it's my turn."


"Ne, Motoki. Who's Mina?"

The glass Motoki was cleaning dropped at Usagi's question. She gasped and jumped back a little as it shattered into pieces while Motoki stayed where he was. He muttered a quick apology before bending down to pick up the broken shards. Mindlessly collecting the broken pieces, he pierced his index finger and hissed at the pain.

"Motoki!" grabbing a napkin from her apron, Usagi placed gentle pressure on the wound. "Don't you dare move! I'll go get a first aid kit and a broom." She quickly disappeared in the backroom of the coffee shop to retrieve the items.

Left alone, Motoki walked over to the sink and rinsed his cut under cold water. He wondered why she asked about Mina. How did she know about her? Did Mamoru tell her? Did she find out on her own? However, Usagi didn't seem upset. She seemed almost neutral to the topic. Was he missing something? Furthermore, did Usagi know that Mina was Minako?

Usagi came back and set the dustpan and handheld broom aside. She placed the first aid kit on the counter and opened it to search for a bandage and antibacterial cream.

"Hand." Without much thought, Motoki automatically showed his wound to her. She dabbed some of the ointment on a cotton swab and began applying at the site. "You got yourself good," she sighed as if exasperated, but she was unable to hold back a small smile.

"Usagi-chan," he said with a hesitant voice.

"Hmm?" she responded while still focusing on tending to Motoki's wound.

"Why did you ask about Mina?"

"Oh, she came to visit Kai. At first I wondered who she was because of the crowd at the gates, but apparently she's a pop idol. How long do you think she's been active? It's my first time hearing her name, but then again, I'm never up to date with the latest entertainment news."

'So she doesn't know,' he safely concluded.

"I have a shell of a life if you ask me," she joked. "Motoki? Are you okay? You seem out of it."

He cleared his throat a little bit. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Do you have a crush on her?"


"Typical males." A knowing smile graced her features. "Figures, she is really pretty. Let me guess, you're a fan-boy, aren't you?" she teased with a wink. After wrapping the bandage around his finger, Usagi smiled. "There, all done." Next, she bent down and grabbed the dustpan and broom to sweep up the mess.

Lost in his stupor, he blinked a couple of times before reacting. He lowered himself as well. He grabbed her wrist in an attempt to stop her from cleaning. Usagi looked into his emerald eyes with confusion. Motoki froze. He quickly let go and stood back up. Usagi finished cleaning up the broken glass and threw it in the trash. After putting away the broom and dustpan away, she went back and resumed her place by the young man.

Studying his features, Usagi picked up something that was wrong. She placed a hand on his upper arm.

"Hey, what's wrong?" His bandaged wound came to mind. "Did I not do a good job?"

Motoki grabbed her hands in a gentle manner. His left hand went up to tuck a stray piece of golden hair behind her ear before his thumb lightly rubbed against her cheek. Both the touch and gesture was affectionate.

"Usagi, promise me that whatever happens, know that I'm here for you."


Both his hands were on her cheek, making her look at him. "Usagi, I'm here for you."

Usagi grinned and removed his hands. "Motoki, what's gotten into you? Are you ill?"

Motoki moved in closer. His strong arms wrapped around her waist and he buried his head in the crook of her neck. He embraced her as if he was afraid for his life. Usagi brought her hand up to back his back and began rubbing in a rhythmic up and down motion. She didn't know what brought upon this behavior from him. Perhaps he had a bad day and needed some comfort. She didn't complain and was more than willing to become Motoki's teddy bear if that meant he would feel better. She felt him start to loosen his hold on her.

"I can finally breathe," she joked.

A flash of emotion gleamed over Motoki's eyes. Usagi wasn't able to read his expression in time before his features returned back to normal. Quickly taking off this apron, Motoki placed it on the counter.

"I'm going to get some air." With that, he walked out of the shop.


The following day, the scene was similar to how it was when the pop idol, Mina, came to Kai. It was almost as if the events of the previous day were repeating itself today. Six men leaned against the railing of the rooftop building closest to the gates of Kai. They looked down below them to witness the commotion of the student body. Their faces showed no interest in the subject that was circulating the campus.

"I can't believe she actually did it," Jadeite began. "Mamoru-kun, did you know?"

Mamoru refused to answer. He turned away and shoved his hands into his jacket. Motoki examined his cousin carefully. Mamoru wasn't giving any sort of indication that the news had affected him. He was pro at concealing his emotions.

"This is just another headache. I really hope she's not staying," a brown haired man added.

"Nephrite," one of the men admonished.

"You guys…" All heads turned to Motoki. "Could you leave us alone?" Motoki's gaze was focused on Mamoru's. The tension was palpable. The four men looked at one another before silently retreating. Kunzite approached Motoki, placing on a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it with a firm grip. Motoki knew the meaning behind the gesture without having him voice it. "I know," Motoki quietly whispered and shrugged off his hand.

Motoki slowly walked and stood by Mamoru. He looked down at the student body who were gathered at the entrance of the school.

"What is Usagi-chan to you?" he asked Mamoru.

"Right to the point," Mamoru chuckled sarcastically. He turned to Motoki, giving his cousin his full attention. "I fail to see how that is of any concern to you," came the icy reply.

Motoki faced his cousin. "I need to know. How far are you willing to protect her?" There was no response from the stoic man. "Because you can walk away any time."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean." Taking a deep breath, Motoki continued. "I would do everything…anything for her."

Mamoru's head snapped up. "You don't mean…"

"You know exactly what I mean. I regret it. I regret not agreeing to the engagement in the first place. But I'm willing to make up for it. I'm willing to do everything to protect her." His firm declaration made no visible impact on Mamoru, but he knew that Mamoru understood him and what his declaration suggested. "If I haven't made my intentions clear, I'll say it now. Usagi is someone who is precious to me. I will do everything in my power to protect her, even from you."

Mamoru narrowed his eyes. His hand clenched the rail in a death grip. "Is that a threat?"

"It doesn't have to be." Turning on his heels, Motoki took one step before Mamoru's voice stopped him.

"She's someone who is precious to me too. I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her. I love her."

"Let's just hope so."

Motoki walked away and was beginning to feel the bile creeping up his esophagus. He knew he was too late. After months, weeks, days of agonizing back and forth with his heart and mind and even misinterpreting his own feelings, he now knew that he liked – perhaps even loved – Usagi. But it was too late. Too late to confess. But he knew that he would risk his life for Usagi. And if Mamoru didn't pull his weight to protect her, Motoki knew that he would step him without hesitation.