This is the sequel to Blue Roses as I promised. It is Alice/Bella so if you don't like go read something else ;) Also italics are visions for future reference.

Disclaimer: If you recognise it then it doesn't belong to me...unless you're Sunshine cause you'll probably recognise the OCs then and I definatly own them I asked them :P

Alice Cullen sat upon Bella Swan's windowsill, facing outwards so she could watch the world go by. Her human was downstairs talking with Charlie over their dinner. Alice missed being able to do that, even though she couldn't remember having eaten, or drunk anything for that matter, that wasn't blood. It was kind of hard to converse over a writhing deer.

She turned the tulip in her hands over carefully; it was yellow: hopeless love and happiness. Two things she had been feeling for what seemed to her like forever. She kept bringing Bella flowers now, just a single stem, and the girl had taken to pressing them in a blank book, drying them out into flattened versions of their former selves. Alice was also teaching her the meaning of the flowers and Bella was writing it beside them. One of Jacob's blue roses had been placed in there months ago on a whim, followed by a purple petunia that had been Edward's last gift and a daisy Alice had plucked from Bella's own garden.

Warm arms wrapped themselves around Alice's waist from behind startling her slightly until Bella's scent invaded her nostrils. "I missed you." Bella whispered in her ear, eliciting a tiny shiver from the vampire. It was never her blood that Alice lusted over when they were so close, it was the girl herself.

"I missed you too Sweetheart." Alice and her family had been on a hunting trip in the mountains most of the week due to the sunny weather and the girls had had no contact with each other bar a single phone call before she left. Alice placed the tulip into Bella's hand gently and felt the human smile into her neck. "Hopeless love and happiness." Bella's warmth left her back and she could hear the human wander over to the other side of her room and begin to leaf through the book of flowers. Alice slipped inside the room silently to sit on the bed. "I smell Jacob. Is he here?" The earthy smell of werewolf that she used to despise and now found comforting lingered in the room. She cast a lazy glance around the room even though at nearly seven foot tall he wouldn't be able to hide from Charlie let alone Alice.

"He dropped by earlier to ask how the vote went…" Alice lay back on the bed, revelling in Bella's scent. Bella wanted to be a vampire, it was a well-known fact and she'd put the idea to the rest of the Cullen coven the day before their impromptu vacation. Only Rosalie had objected to the idea of Bella becoming a vampire but she had her reasons and Alice knew that it wasn't to deny Bella the chance, just to make sure she knew what she was doing.

"And?" Alice closed her eyes, knowing that there was something else; Bella had left the sentence hanging, as if she'd forced herself not to finish. Bella sighed slightly keeping her back to the vampire.

"There's a barbecue on the Reservation tomorrow. He asked me if I wanted to go." Alice stayed silent. "It's with Sam's pack too so Jake said it'd be best if you stayed this side of the border." Bella rushed the last line and Alice had to fight a giggle.

"What did you say?" The human sat on the bed beside her and Alice opened one golden eye to watch her. She looked slightly downcast and the vampire frowned lightly.

"I said no. I didn't think you'd-"
"I'm not Edward." Alice cut off her excuses with the simple fact. "I trust you and I don't need to be with you every second to make sure you're safe because I trust Jacob too." She rolled onto her side to look at Bella. "If you want to do something just do it. I'm not going to get mad because you can make your own plans. Ok?" Bella lay down on her side facing Alice with a half smile.

"Ok." Alice brushed her nose against the human's.

"Good." Bella yawned, eyes closing involuntarily eliciting a giggle from the smaller girl. "Tired?"
"Well it is nearly midnight." Alice finally noticed that Bella was in fact wearing her pyjamas and night had already fallen outside.

"Sorry." Bella smiled.

"I don't mind. It's always easier to sleep when you're here." A grin pulled at Alice's lips; Bella really was good for her ego. The human scooted closer, resting her head into the crook of her companion's neck. Alice ghosted her fingers across Bella's back, drawing random patterns absent-mindedly.

"You're not scared of me are you?" She murmured softly feeling the human frown into her neck.

"No. Of course not. Why would I be scared of you love?" The term of endearment that Edward had always used didn't bother Alice anymore and she let the reassurance wash over her.

"It's just something Edward said once. Nothing really." Bella hummed her agreement sleepily as if it really was nothing but Alice could still hear her brother's voice hissing the words. 'She's probably as terrified of you as she is me by now.' She tried to denounce the voice as a liar but there was a tiny piece of her heart that was stricken dumb with fear that her Bella was afraid of her. Seemingly sensing her worry Bella draped one of her arms over Alice's slight frame with her warm fingers just touching the base of the vampire's spine

The human's breathing evened slightly and Alice's eyes fluttered closed, loving the feeling of being back with Bella. Her mind started to drift and she found herself half-believing she was falling asleep, that is until a picture swam into her mind.

There was a beautiful young girl, who couldn't have been more than nine years old, with snow-white hair and sparkling carmine eyes standing beside the sign that stated you were now entering the town of Forks. An older girl with cropped blonde hair was creeping up behind the younger girl and once she reached her she swung the child around in her arms, tickling her. The girls laughed raucously. A boy joined them now, towering over them for a brief moment before tackling them both to the ground.

The picture blurred but Alice didn't get chance to open her eyes as she was thrown straight into another vision.

There were two figures this time. A boy and a girl, both with long dark hair and they were standing over the laughing trio. The boy was smiling but the girl was speaking. The playing three stood slowly and followed the pair hand in hand in hand, with the blonde girl and boy swinging the child between them.

Alice gasped as the second vision faded; it was remarkably rare for her to have visions so close together and she could feel yet another hovering at the edges of her mind.

Five figures this time. All of them solemn and all of them wearing black cloaks. Their faces were covered and a gold Volturi pendant glinted just out of their cloaks.

The visions finally stopped, leaving Alice breathing heavily but thankfully she hadn't woken Bella. The human would only worry and insist on going with her to talk to Carlisle. Bella was best left until morning Alice decided as she slipping out of the slumbering girls grip. She smiled down at the other girl before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well Bella." She whispered before jumping from the window and racing home, determined to find Carlisle and tell him about the strangers that were headed their way.

Well then. I know nothing about what's going on here so I better go and think something up quick. Thank you for reading :)