Michael turned at the mention of his name, a soft smile making its way to his lips when he saw who it was, "Lucifer."
Lucifer smiled as well, gladly accepting his elder brother's offered embrace. He felt Michael's hand run lightly through his long, beautiful hair, and then rest under his chin, and his head was lifted to meet his brother's gaze, "Something is troubling you." Michael said, staring through his younger brother's eyes and into his soul.
Lucifer nodded, looking at Michael earnestly, "I believe our Father is...up to something."
Michael tilted his head to the side, curious, "'Up to something'?"
"Something...bad." Lucifer confirmed, hoping that Michael would believe him. That hope shone clearly in his eyes, and Michael smiled again.
"It cannot be that bad, Lucifer." He said, again running a hand through his brother's hair to soothe him, "He is our Father. Everything he does is just. Do not worry."
"Are you sure?" Lucifer asked with a frown, doubtful.
"I am sure." Michael assured.
Lucifer nodded, sated for the time being as he leaned into the embrace. "If something bad does happen...you will be there for me, right?" He asked after a moment, looking back up at Michael with uncertainty.
Michael tilted his head again. "Of course I will."
Michael smiled, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to Lucifer's lips. "I promise. I will never let anything bad happen to you."
Lucifer smiled, satisfied with his brother's words, and kissed him back. Michael loved him. Michael would keep him safe. Michael would always stand by his side.
Michael wouldn't break his promise.