Hi guys, I've been working on an Avatar the Last Airbender story seeing as how the live action movie is coming out. Yay I'm so excited I can't wait to see it. From the looks of the trailers it looks like it's going to be awesome. Anyway, this story will follow the show from beginning to end. There will be different twists to it and two new characters. My OC and my brother's OC. I hope you all enjoy. :)

I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender in any way. Just the two OCs.


Sapphire's Voice: Water...Earth...Fire...Air...Long ago, these four nations lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the Fire Nation Attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

Growing up in the Fire Nation, I've witnessed the Fire Lord send out his army to destroy and conquer cities in the other nations. My parents were gifted fire benders who were apart of his army. But after witnessing countless cities fall, they couldn't take it anymore and so they quit the Fire Lord's army. My parents then fled the Fire Nation leaving me behind. They wanted to take me along but they didn't want me to end up captured by the Fire Lord.

Soon after my parents left the Fire Nation, my best friend now boyfriend and his uncle were banished. What really angered me about this, was that my boyfriend was the Fire Lord's son Prince Zuko. I couldn't understand how someone could banish their own child. They were the only ones I had left since my parents left the Fire Nation. His uncle practically raised me after they left and so I decided to leave the Fire Nation with them.

Prince Zuko was on a mission to capture the Avatar but I wasn't. I wanted the Avatar to win the war against the Fire Nation. And even though some people believed that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and the cycle was broken, I haven't lost hope. I believe that the Avatar is out there and that one day he will return to save the world and bring peace to the nations once again.

Chapter One

The Boy in the Iceberg

It was a cold afternoon in the south pole and a large Fire Nation ship was cruising the icy waters. On the deck of the ship were three people, two men and one woman. The girl was fifteen years old. She had long black hair that flowed down to the center of her back and it had a natural wave to it. She also had golden brown eyes. She wore a black long sleeve shirt, a red tunic, black pants, red boots, and a red cloak was wrapped around her to keep her warm. Her name was Sapphire.

Sapphire was seated at a table across an old man. The two were drinking tea and playing a card game. The old man had long white hair, a beard, and golden brown eyes. He was wearing a long sleeve gray colored cloak and a dark red chest plate over it. And to finish off the look, he wore dark red boots. His name was Iroh.

"More tea Sapphire," Iroh asked her with a smile on his face.

"Yes," Sapphire said as she held her teacup out to him. "Thank you Iroh."

Just then a bright flash of light shot into the sky in front of the ship. Sapphire looked up from her game as did Iroh. But Iroh just glanced at the light before going back to their game.

"I wonder what that was," Sapphire said after the light disappeared.

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source Sapphire," a young teenage man of sixteen said. He had a shaven head except for a black ponytail on the top and he had golden brown eyes. Over his left eye was a badly burnt scar. He wore a light red long sleeve shirt, a dark red chest plate, light red pants, and dark red boots. His name was Prince Zuko. "Do you two know what this means," Zuko asked as he turned to them.

"We won't get to finish our game," Iroh said without looking at him.

"It means my search, is about to come to an end," Zuko said as he looked back out at the ocean. "It has to be him!"

"Zuko," Sapphire said as she got to her feet and walked over to him. She then placed a hand on his shoulder. "What if it is him? What do you plan on doing about it?"

"What do you mean what do I plan on doing about it," Zuko asked as he shrugged her hand off. "I plan on capturing him."

"Prince Zuko why don't you stop worrying about it," Iroh said. "Please sit. Why don't you enjoy some calming Jasmine tea?"

"I don't want any calming tea," Zuko shouted. "I need to capture the Avatar! Helmsmen," he shouted as he turned towards a soldier who was steering the ship. "Head a course for the light!"

"I'll be in my quarters," Sapphire said as she got to her feet.

Zuko turned back to her with a look of confusion on his face. "What's wrong," he asked.

"You," Sapphire told him.

"Me," Zuko asked with a look of shock on his face. "What did I do?"

Sapphire didn't answer. She just continued walking until she disappeared through the door that led to the lower deck. Zuko then turned to Iroh with a look of confusion on his face.

"What did I do to her uncle," Zuko asked. "Ever since we left the Fire Nation, we barely talked so I couldn't have said anything to make her angry."

"And that is the reason why she is upset with you Prince Zuko," Iroh explained. "Ever since we left the Fire Nation, your mind has been on capturing the Avatar and nothing else. The two of you have always been so close. I think she is worried that she is losing you over this. You're all that she had left after her parents left the Fire Nation. Without you, she has no one. That maybe something you might want to think about."

With that said, Iroh went back to his game. Zuko thought about what his uncle had told him for a few seconds before heading down to the sleeping quarters. Once he got to Sapphire's room, he knocked on the door.

"Sapphire," Zuko said. "We need to talk. Can I come in?"

"It's your ship," Sapphire told him.

A hurt expression appeared on Zuko's face at her cold response. He let out a sigh before he opened her door and he entered her room. He found her sitting in front of a few lit candles. It looked as though she was mediating. She was using her fire bending skills to make the flames rise and fall.

"Hi," Zuko said. He had tried to think of something to say but for some reason that was all that he could come up with.

"Hello," Sapphire said as she turned to him. "You wanted to talk?"

"Yes," Zuko said. A somewhat sad expression then appeared on his face. "What's happening with us?"

"I don't know," Sapphire said as she got to her feet and walked over to him. "You tell me."

"I don't know what you mean," Zuko admitted.

"Zuko, it feels like we're growing apart," Sapphire said as she lowered her head. "We were so close when we were at the Fire Nation and ever since we left, we've barely said one word to each other. I've tried to talk to you, but all that's on your mind is capturing the Avatar. It's like you don't even care about me anymore."

"But I do care about you," Zuko said as he lifted her head to look at him.

"Really," Sapphire asked.

"Yes," Zuko said. "You know I'm not good with saying things like I love you but I do."

"I love you to Zuko," Sapphire said as she placed a hand on his cheek.

A small smile appeared on Zuko's face as he leaned in to kiss her. After a few seconds they parted and Sapphire spoke.

"Zuko, I have a question to ask you," she said.

"What is it," Zuko asked.

"Do you love me enough to stop searching for the Avatar," she asked him.

"What," Zuko asked with a shocked expression on his face. "What kind of question is that?"

"A good one," Sapphire said. "You know my feelings towards this whole matter. I want the Avatar to win this war after what your father did to you and my parents."

A look of anger appeared on Zuko's face. "My father did nothing except teach me a lesson for speaking out of turn! And he did nothing to your parents! They are the ones who decided to make a run for it!"

"How can you defend the Fire Lord like that," Sapphire asked with the same amount of anger in her voice. "He is cruel and ruthless. Just look at what he did to you," she said as she placed her hand on his left cheek over his scar. "If you really think that capturing the Avatar will change your father's mind about banishing you, then you've lost your mind."

Zuko knocked her hand away from him. "You're betraying you're own nation by siding with the Avatar," he shouted. "You're betraying me!"

"Is everything alright," Iroh asked with concern in his voice as he poked his head into the room. "I heard shouting."

"Everything's fine Uncle," Zuko said. "I was just leaving."

Zuko then turned around and started headed towards the door but Sapphire spoke.

"Zuko wait," Sapphire said.

Zuko stopped walking for a second and thought about staying but decided against it. He then left her quarters and headed back to the deck. A tear fell down Sapphire's cheek as she sat down on her bed.

"Are you sure you're alright Sapphire," Iroh asked.

"No I'm not alright Iroh," Sapphire admitted. "Zuko said that he loves me but I still think it's over between me and him. We just don't see eye to eye anymore. Anyway, I'd like to be left alone please."

"Of course," Iroh said. "Just let me know if you'd like to talk."

"I will," Sapphire said.

Iroh then left her room and shut the door behind him.

As Zuko walked back up to the deck, he pulled out a telescope and looked through it. He then spotted an old Fire Navy ship and he saw what appeared to be a man gracefully hopping out of the ship with a young teenage girl in his arms. Once the man got out of the ship, he let go of the teenage girl and the two of them started running towards a small village.

"The last air bender," Zuko said with a smirk on his face. "Quite agile for his old age. I have finally found the Avatar. As well as his hiding place."

And that's the end of the first chapter. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Oh and I know that I said it was going to follow the show but I wanted to focus on Zuko and Sapphire a little in the first chapter. We all know how Aang is discovered due to the show. Like I said, this story will have different twists to it. It will be my version of the show. I'll try and have the next chapter up soon. Aang, Katara, and Sokka will be introduced in the next chapter.