Anita's Pov
I shivered as Fae moved around me holding up several different dresses, shoes and accessories. It was all very beautiful, but it had a haunting look to it. The earrings looked like it had spiders dangling off of it, the dress looked like shimmering cobwebs and the shoes looked like onyx.
"What do you think of this, milady?"
"Or what about this?"
"I think my dress would look the most beautiful than any of those rags your bringing her!"
They all shouted at the same time, I backed up overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. One moment I was in the forest then I was in the court hall of the Unseelie and now I was in my new room surrounded by Fae poking and prodding me like I was a new toy.
"Now, now ladies. The girl can't choose, she's never had so many choices." A deep voice said behind me, I nearly jumped out of my skin as I looked back to see Midhir standing behind me.
"I believe the ebony gossamer dress will be suitable, don't overwhelm my bride, girls." He chuckled as I felt myself shiver again, I wanted so badly to get home. I felt his fingers twist through my hair, I instantly yanked away from him. He smirked as he watched me then frowned.
"Hmm…there is one thing…I'm tiring of a Mobian." He said as I felt a tingling sensation, but when I looked down at myself I saw something impossible. Pale fur-less arms, pink fingernails, and everything else seemed smaller. A Fae girl danced up to me holding up a mirror, only instead of me seeing a white rabbit I was looking at a human girl. She had the same eyes and the exact same fire red hair as me. I gasped taking a step back.
"H-how? I-I…it's not possible! I…I'm-" I gasped out as Midhir smirked.
"-human. Yes, and I must say you're even more beautiful than before. I'm afraid I must leave, a stor. But it will only be till the banquet." He said taking my human hand and lightly kissing it, I yanked back again this time really shivering from how cold it was. Midhir watched me chuckling then left the room, leaving behind an air of silence. Which only lasted a minute but it was finally quiet. Within moments I was dressed in the ebony colored dress and as much as I hated to admit, I thought I almost looked like a fairy queen. I lightly touched my cheek still in shock that I was human, it didn't feel any different from being a Mobian except that the temperature dropped a few degrees. I turned to look at the fae, but found them curtsying to me.
"Your highness, you look stunning." A Fae girl with long silvery hair said as she curtsied in front of me and smiled.
"Thank you. All of you." I said as all of them gasped and burst into smiles and laughter.
"What? What did I say?" I asked the girl with silvery hair, she smiled shaking her head
"Oh, I wouldn't worry. They're just happy that their queen will be kind to them." She said as I felt another chill run through my spine when she said 'queen'
"Umm…what's your name?" I asked as she lightly took my hand smiling.
"I'm Aisne, your highness." She said as I frowned then took both her hands in mine.
"You can just call me Anita. All of you." I said as all the girls smiled and giggled each of them saying my name out loud, laughing at how it sounded on their tongues. This was certainly going to be an interesting experience, I just hoped Sonic would come soon….
Sonic's Pov
"I just can't believe this! Its impossible!" Tails said for the hundredth time and for the hundredth time I smiled and laughed. Ralts rolled his eyes as we trekked through the thick forest, climbing over several branches, rocks and other obstructions.
"What I'd give to dissect it." I heard Tails whisper to himself, Ralts heard also and began to fly ahead…way ahead.
"Huh. He's just a rat with wings, nothing grand." Shadow muttered under his breath as his metallic hover shoes continued to get scratches.
"Right, nothing grand compared to the Ultimate Lifeform." I said as he fixed a glare at me. Tails lightly laughed then continued to keep up the pace with me, Shadow walked behind not wanting to join our group.
"So Ralts, how much longer till we reach the gates?" I asked as Ralts scratched his head then sighed.
"Not much longer, Spiky Blue. But I have to give you a heads up. I'm gonna have to soften up the gate guard, while you get inside." He said as I watched him flutter nervously back and forth.
"Oh? Who's the gate guard?" I asked as he turned beet red, I smirked and took a guess.
"What! N-no! I-I…its my friend Tinkerbell." He said as I stared at him in surprise.
"Tinkerbell? Isn't that just a cartoon? She's real?" I asked as he glared at me crossing him arms.
"Yes and no. Tinkerbell is real. And yes she did meet Peter Pan, but the whole Neverland thing never happened. Peter's actual last name was Pane not Pan. Peter decided to blather to the world about us, making it into a story and ruining our reputation!" He snarled out waving his fists, it was so hard to hold back a laugh.
"Okay then if they got her personality right then we should get in fairly easily-" I said as Ralts nervously chuckled again, I had a hand on my hip waiting for him to say something again.
"Yeah. They pretty much got her personality down, its just…well…they kinda…well you see…she's a little more…hefty." He said lightly chuckling, eye brow arched I stared at him then shook my head. I wasn't sure what to say. What can you say with out insulting him? Faeries are very fickle creatures, in fact I got into an argument with Ralts when we first met. He was giving me a tour of the Unseelie court when I kept asking questions bugging him intensely, so he decided to put a walking spell on me. Normally that wouldn't be a big problem, but I was walking backwards. Not that great. Eventually the spell wore off…a few days later. I returned the favor by putting poison ivy in his drink causing him to have an itchy tongue and it wore off like the spell…only it was weeks later!
Within two more minute were standing in front of huge gold gilded gates, thick green vines wrapped around the gates like it hadn't been opened in ages. Ralts began to mess with his tunic then carefully called out 'Tinkerbell!' Everyone looked around to see the fae when I noticed she was flying next to Ralts. I turned my head to look at her…he was right. She was…hefty. But apparently to her it didn't matter, she was happily chatting with Ralts and from the look of it Ralts was happy to see her too.
"Yeah, Tink. I've been well, but I'm here with a friend. He wants to rescue his beloved from King Midhir and -" I gave him a look at the word beloved. She was my friend, not my beloved. My beloved was back in Metropolis waiting for me.
"And we need an audience with King Finavarra. You know how it is with young love." Ralts said as Tink giggled and smiled at me.
"Ta fa'ilte roimhe do cine anseo. Of course you can go. Ralts and I have a lot to speak about." She said as she flew up to the gates. With a quick gesture the gates swung open, I looked at Ralts.
"You're not coming?" I asked as he shrugged then glanced at Tinkerbell.
"Afraid not. It should be a cinch, just make the usual unnecessary flattery and give your request." He said as Tinkerbell flew back towards him, I nodded then began to walk through the gates when I stopped causing Shadow and Tails to crash into me.
"What's the matter?" Tails asked as Shadow gave me a glare.
"Listen to me. No matter what. Do not eat or drink any food. Got it? Nothing. Not a sip or a bite. If you do then you'll be stuck in Faerie forever. I already did that but because Midhir released me, I'm not bound anymore. I don't know if Finavarra will do the same." I said as they solemnly nodded then we continued to walk through the heavenly gates, then instantly we were in the Seelie court…and Ralts was right. It was nothing but flowing, flowery gowns, tunic and other unnecessary things. Unfortunately we were instantly noticed and brought into the throne room. Several Seelie girls surrounded us with smiles, each of them in bright gold summery dresses then a voice echoed through out the room.
" Now what have we here? Two hedgehogs and fox?" A very young and very regal voice said, I looked to the throne to see a young man sitting on the throne. He had deep gold eyes and shoulder length golden-brown hair.
"Ard Ri Finavarra. We are honored to be in your illustrious court, we hope that we are timely?" I asked as I gave him a low bow, he smiled.
"Fa'ilte romhat. " He said as I sighed in relief, so far so good.
"These are my companions. Tails Prower and Shadow the hedgehog. We request a boon, your majesty." I said motioning to the others as they bowed, Finavarra stared at me then nodded.
"What is your boon?" He asked as I took a deep breath, here goes nothing.
" Eist no'ime'ad to my tale, for it is a tragic one…"
Hey everyone can't say much, but here are the Irish translations
. Ard Ri- High King ( Aar'd Ree)
. Fa'ilte Romhat- You are welcome ( fawl-cheh row't)
. Ta fa'ilte roimhe do cine anseo- Your people are welcome here ( Taw fawl-chuh rii v doe kinnah awn-shaw)
. E'ist no'ime'ad- Listen a minute ( Aysht no-made)
Thanks for reading and please review! ~God Bless!~