AN: Guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated this story, I'm not doing it on purpose, its just that I always seem to hit writer's block with this fic. If any of you have any good ideas I would be really grateful if you would share. Oh and I just want to make a few things clear about Delta. I've come to realize that Alpha Series do not sound like regular Big Daddies, their moans and roars are more of a high pitched shriek (The roar/howl that you hear before your encounter with the first Alpha Series in game I think just sounds so badass). Since Delta is technically an Alpha Series that is what he will be sounding like from now on. Also I've found some security photos of Delta in game and he seems to be holding his guns like any other Alpha Series would (He does not hold them with one hand). Since I think the Alpha Series' fighting style is already badass this is going to be Delta's fighting style…except instead of the elemental burst he use's plasmids.

So when Delta has any of his guns out he holds them in a manner similar to a Rosie, when he has his Drill out he gets in a fighting stance similar to that of a Bouncer's. Although some might say that the information I'm giving you all might not be needed I'm just telling you all this so that when you read later chapters you won't get confused and think: Since when can Delta jump ten feet in the air?

Love Hina: The Iron Giant

Chapter V: The Cranky Giant

"Is Delta-san still asleep?" Kaolla Su asked in an impatient tone. Haruka sighed, after her little explanation last night Su has been bugging her non stop. She wanted to know everything that there was to know about the Big Daddies, she had barley gotten a wink of sleep all night because of her constant nagging. She was finally able to scare her into being quite, threatening that if she didn't let her get any sleep that she would talk Keitaro into banning bananas from the inn. Since she didn't explain the Big Daddies in depth, Su decided that she would just have to study a live test subject…

Subject Delta.

Haruka had to restrain her from charging into Delta's underground abode. If there was one thing that Haruka had made sure to tell Su it was that the Alpha Series line of Big Daddies was no were near as friendly as the Production Model Big Daddies that replaced them. When near an Alpha Series Big Daddy they might just ignore you…or they might tear your head off. They are just to unpredictable to label as: Docile Unless Threatened (this was the reason why Haruka decided to stay the night at the inn). Although Delta might be one of the good mannered ones she couldn't be sure until he had spent a good amount of time at the inn…without going completely berserk for no reason.

"Breakfast is ready!" Shinobu called out as she carried a big plate of various breakfast foods to the dinning room table. Keitaro was not far behind her as he had offered to help her bring the food to the table.

"Mmmm…smells good as always Shinobu! And I bet it'll taste even better!" Kitsune yelled out. Shinobu blushed.

"T-thank you K-Kitsune." She stuttered out. Shinobu placed the plate on the table and swiveled her head left to right.

"W-where is D-Delta-san?" The blue haired girl asked timidly. Mutsumi sipped a cup of her tea and smiled as Tora (is that her name?) landed on her head.

"He's still sleeping…I think, ara." She answered.

"Should I go wake him up?" Shinobu asked. Shinobu felt a hand land on her shoulder and looked up to find that it was Kitsune. She had a sour look on her face.

"I think I'll pay him a little visit. SOMEBODY has been drinking my saki and we all know what happens when I don't get my alcohol!" Naru looked at her quizzically.

"Why would a genetically enhanced human trapped in a giant diving suit want your saki?" Naru asked her.

"Hmm…I don't know, but all I know is that it sure as hell wasn't leprechauns that took my saki!" Motoko took a glance at the basement door.

"Kitsune…please try not to anger him." Motoko said warily. Kitsune gasped.

"What's this? The great Motoko Aoyama…afraid…of a man?" Motoko glared at her rather hatefully.

"OOOHHH! That's just mean." Sarah called out.

"He is not just some regular man…"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Kitsune responded as she opened the basement door and headed down the stairs.

"…If she doesn't come back can I have her stuff?" Sarah asked.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Motoko and Naru yelled out.

"Alright, okay, fine I was just asking!"


"HEY DELTA-BAKA! Have you been stealing my saki?" Kitsune yelled out. She stayed at the top the steps, the darkness of the basement was particularly threatening and she couldn't see a thing down there. Even though she had brushed off Motoko's warning she knew that she had to be careful around this guy. When they were heading to bed last night one of Su's robots bumped into him…and he completely destroyed it. Su wasn't to bummed out since she had like about a thousand more of the things but the point is, is that the thing just bumped into him and he went completely berserk.

'Haruka could have warned us that Big Daddies go completely off the wall at the slightest provocation. Sounds like a really important fact that you would tell somebody…'

Kitsune sighed and slowly started to head down the stairs.

"Delta-baka, get your lazy ass up here!" Kitsune yelled, again there was no reply.

"I'm warning ya-WOAH!" Kitsune lost her footing and tumbled down the stairs, luckily their was a pile of discarded laundry at the bottom. Kitsune threw the clothes off of her and shook her head out of her daze.

"Damn, I gotta be more careful. Could've broken my fucking neck." Kitsune muttered as she rubbed the lump on her head. Kitsune looked forward to find a strange sight. A greenish yellow oval shaped light with two smaller circular white lights below it staring at her through the darkness. For some reason Kitsune just stood there. She didn't move, she didn't utter a sound, she just stared at it…like a naïve little fish staring at the light of an angular fish's lure. The light seemed to lift a couple of feet in the air…like something was standing up. The yellow oval shaped light turned a blood red and the two smaller white lights turned a reddish pink color. An animalistic howl echoed through the room as something huge plowed into Kitsune and slammed her into a wall. She didn't even see the light coming towards her, it was so fast!

Kitsune stared into the blood red porthole of Subject Delta and whimpered slightly.

"I-I'm sorry d-didn't mean t-to d-disturb y-ya!" Kitsune stuttered out, she was scared out of her fucking mind right now and at this moment she really regretted hurling those insults at the cranky giant. Delta cocked his head to the side and let out an animalistic growl. His visor light turned from an angry hostile red to a calm and neutral yellow. He hadn't meant to be so rough with the silver haired woman, it was just that he was having some kind of…dream. Or maybe it was a vision? Anyway, the vision or dream or whatever it was had Eleanor in it and that's all it needed to have in it to gain his full attention. It looked like she was exiting a bathysphere….on a beach with a lot of people on it. He saw eight malnourished little girls sticking to her like glue and a bunch of humans with a bunch of cameras harassing her. That made him particularly cranky already (even if it was just a dream). One of the humans put a microphone to her face, asking her for just a few words. Eleanor replied:

"Well, my name is Eleanor Lamb and these are my sisters. I come from a place…far away from here and the only reason I am here is because I am looking for my father."

"Hmm, a daughter looking for her papa…how sweet!"

The long haired brunette said.

"Well, this town isn't really large…can you give us a description of him?"

The human female asked. Eleanor perked up slightly.

"Well, he wears an old fashioned diving suit…all of the time, he's about seven feet tall…and he has a giant mining drill for a right hand."



"What? It's detachable. Umm…do you mind telling me where exactly I am?"

The woman shook herself out of the shock of being given such a strange description of a person.

"You are in-"

That's where the dream ended…because this woman woke him up! Delta's helmet visor turned a fury orange and his grip on the woman's shoulders tightened, the small frail woman (well at least to him) shook in his grip.

"I-I'm s-sorry, p-please d-don't h-hurt me." The woman squeaked out. Her voice…it sounded so much like a scared Little Sister (despite the southern accent). Delta's helmet visor light returned to it's calm yellow color and Delta caressed the woman's cheek.

Kitsune had her eyes wired shut. The sheer strength…Kitsune had no doubt in her mind that Delta could rip her apart with his bare hands. What the hell was she thinking? This is the guy that almost killed Motoko, this the guy that can replace his gloved hand with fucking blood rusted DRILL in two seconds flat! Kitsune kept her eyes shut, she waited for the savage blow to her face or her stomach for she had awakened the slumbering beast.

And he was defiantly not happy.

Yet the blows never came…instead she felt the soft caress of patent leather and cold metal. Kitsune opened her eyes to find that Delta's helmet visor light had turned a joyful emerald color.

"W-what are y-ya d-doing?" Delta gave a small grunt and gently sat Kitsune back down of the floor. Kitsune gulped.

'How can something so strong be so…gentle?'

Delta's huge form disappeared into the darkness and he reemerged holding…a saki bottle. Delta extended the bottle towards Kitsune. She blinked once, blinked twice.

"Uh…thanks hun."

AN: I hope you guys liked the chapter! I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible. Remember, give me a few ideas and the next chapter will be up much sooner! I also want to thank Kaos and Magnus for giving me the idea of Delta drinking all of Kitsune's booze and Dark Chiyo and Kaos and Magnus again for giving me the idea of putting Eleanor in this fic ( and as a result the Little Sisters).

I'll be brain storming new ideas, if you have any ideas please HELP ME!