ok heres chap 5! hope you like it! its kinda boring and un important but i couldnt think of anything else to write so ya and if any1 has any ideas for the next chap i would really appreciate it if u told them to me!

Nikki:ya like plez send some ideas cuz this lameo author is on freakin writers block for this story

AreYouMAD: hey!

Nikki: anyway AreYouMAD does not own maximum ride or any of its characters just me!

Chapter Five-

Okay so after about an hour of planing, Max, Fang, and Nudge are going to California to save Angel, and Iggy, Gazzy, and I are suppose to stay here at the house. Which totally sucks! Well not completely, I get to see the two partners in crime make a home-made bomb. I still cant believe a blind guy like Iggy can do stuff like this, well maybe I can since I can take out ten erasers with my eyes closed. But that's just me relying on my ears, Iggy has Gazzy to tell him the colors of the wires and stuff.

"Alright! Its done. Gazzy go find some of Max's clothes that are all black for Nikki, and some for us too." Iggy ordered.

"Gotcha, be right back." he replied excitedly.

"What do we need black clothes for?" I asked him.

"For some extra cover. We're gonna go set some traps for when the erasers come back."

"Oh. So you're basically gonna kill them" I said in a whisper not meant for him to hear.

Me being stupid and forgetting this guy had super hearing, I mentally hit myself. Then he said "You sound disappointed that were doing this. Why?"

Dang-it he did hear "Well I do feel a bit sad because a few of the erasers were my friends, and we were really close and stuff. They're the ones who taught me how to hunt and use my instincts; they were my teachers and the closest thing I had to family." I told truthfully.

"How could you be friends with those guys? They were created to hunt and kill. They're the enemy."

"Well I was created to hunt and kill, so does that make me the enemy too?"

He gave a shocked expression "Uh, well...no...but." he couldn't find the right words.

"I was at first made to be like an eraser, to be able to hunt prey and attack, but also to still look my age and less like a werewolf. Also, they wanted me to be able to hunt at night and from the sky, so they gave me bat DNA too. I was considered a failure because I didn't know how to use my instincts in hunting or even killing. Then some of the erasers who took pity on me showed me what to do and awakened my inner wolf, so I guess they saved me."

"How was that saving you?"

"They white coats were going to terminate me if my skills didn't improve."

"..." He was silent for a moment, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise that,"

"Its okay, no one ever does."

Then Gazzy came running in the room with arms full of black clothing "Alright Ig, got the clothes, but Max doesn't really have anything black except her jacket which she took with her. So I got some of Fangs clothes that don't fit him anymore."

"That's fine with me. If its still to big I'll make some adjustments." I said taking the clothes.

"Bathrooms down the hall on the left." Iggy said.

I just walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I quickly put the clothes on and saw they a little big for my small figure. I found some scissors in the cabinet and cut the t-shirt into a tank top keeping my own grey one underneath, then I put my black corset on. I took the sleeves left over and made them into arm warmers that went to my elbows. I used the scissors to cut a whole in the black jeans for my tail and slipped my belt through the belt loops to hold the pants up. They were a bit baggy but they would do for now, I let my hair down and used the black ribbons to hold up my arm warmers and left my dog collar on. I put my boots on and tucked the jeans in and hid my small twin daggers in each of them, then loosely wrapped my whip around my hips so that i could still grab it quickly but also to were it wouldn't fall off.

Grabbing my clothes and the scrapps of fabric, I walked out of the bathroom and saw a wide mouth Gazzy, staring at me with big eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You." he stated.

"What? What happened?" Iggy asked alarmed.

"What you do to Fangs clothes? You look awesome." Gazzy said.

"All I did was cut up the shirt and made a whole in the pants for my tail." I answered.

"Oh sorry Ig. She has two tank tops,one grey and one black, black arm warmers, black corset over the tanks, black jeans tucked into black boots, silver belt with chains and her whip wrapped around her hips. Plus she has her black dog collar on and her hair is down to about mid back." Gazzy listed while eyeing me up and down.

"Thats cool. What color hair?" Iggy asked.

"Silver hair with black roots, pale-ish purple eyes, between five foot nine and six feet tall, pale skin almost like yours, and since no one told you yet I also have grey-ish white wolf ears and tail." I said answering all the questions he was most likely going to ask.

"Woah, now that really is cool." he said with a toothy smile.

"Okay enough chit chat, lets go before the night is over." Gazzy stated.

Then we were off into the night, which just got me pumped since I was able to fly with only the moon light and stars to guide me, well that and my ears and nose.

did u like it? plez reveiw and send in some ideas for next chap if u can! and no flames plez and thnku!