Monsters gone bad

Susan peered into the dark water only seeing a pair of red eyes glaring back at her. Her heart was racing as the eyes emerged into the water once more. Thinking quickly she saw a path and booked it. There was a noise the came from the water like a fish jumping out of water she looks over her shoulder to see a fish man running on all fours.

"Link?" Susan screamed as her heart skipped a beat when he lashed out at her. "Link it's me Susan!" Link just growled at her picking up speed.

'What the heck is going on first BOB now Link. It's like I'm in a alternate universe or something.' She thought to herself. A whistle was heard like a bullet was shot. A blue blob almost collided with Susan if she didn't jumped. Both BoB and Link was chasing Susan. She screamed almost tripping over a rock. BoB pushed link away gaining the lead, Link growled and smacked BoB getting his hand stuck in the blob.

"Would you stop that, this girl is a witness of a murder she might eat me out." BoB grunted

"No she is my dinner you big goo now back off." Link growled out. Susan kept running as the two wrestled about then the blob said something.

"Here is an idea you can eat her. She won't be able to rat me out." The two ran after her again. Susan was trying to run as fast as she can. She saw a large building in front of her. The building is rather big with a steam punk style to it. Susan looked behind her to the see the two monsters gaining up on her. Then the ground under them opened up making them fall into the dark hole. Susan skidded to a halt peering into the whole.

"Finally...but who did that?" She looked back at the building raking her brain on who could it be. She only knew one person who had technology like this. Something to her right opened up, she looked and there was a pair of black robotic claws making their way to her. She panicked and ran then another pair of robotic claws came out in front of her. She was trapped then the earth shook under her and a trap door opened up from under her dropping her into a dark whole.

Down she went down that snaky tunnel. Susan felt like she was on a water slide at a amusement park. She could see a dull light In front of her, it grew brighter and brighter and brighter until she dropped to the floor. Susan stood up looking around seeing she was in some kind of lab.

"A lab? Could this be..?" She murmured to her self as a door opened and steam filled the room. "Dr. Cockroach?" She questioned. A slender figure appeared through the steam and Susan gasped, There stood the one and only Dr. Cockroach, but he looked different like a anti Dr. Cockroach. His antennas were all bent like lighting bolts, his eyes looked more crazed then sane. Instead of his normal white lab coat he wore a black one that had tares at the bottom.

"How do you know my name woman? I don't know who you are." He sneered.

"I'm Susan...don't you remember me? You were working on making me small and it worked. But it pulled me into another world."

"Susan..." He said the word slowly. "Nope doesn't ring any bells. But what is this you were saying about me helping you grow small you look normal size to me."

"I was once big but you made a invention to help me.."

"Help!? Hah don't make me laugh, I don't help people I make people suffer just like I should make you suffer for almost bringing those idiots to my lab." He pointed an accusing finger at her.

"Suffer? How will you do that exactly?"

"Oh you know leave you in my dungeon and let you rot." He stepped closer to her grabbing the tip of her chin. Forcing her to look him in the eyes. His smoldering Amber eyes looked into hers. Something deep inside of him was trying to take over him, his internal struggle to grasp what was going on. Slowly he let go of her chin and walked to a wall as he pressed a button releasing her from her bonds. The dr. Stood there his back to her then he pulled a lever and the floor opened up from under her sending her into a tube of darkness. She looked down to the light as she landed on a bed that was placed what looked like a bedroom.

"What was that about... It he was struggling with something" Susan murmured to her self.

Dr. Cockroach looked through the screen seeing Susan sitting in her bed.

"What is this feeling...I don't even know this woman...but my heart won't stop beating so fast..."