AN: Hey lovelies :)

I know it's been a couple of weeks, but I haven't been gone without a reason. I had to take all my finals in July and after I finished with my semester/term last week, I immediately left for a well-deserved and supersuper awesome vacation in Belgium! I came home on Thursday, utterly relaxed and inspired to start writing again :) And here's the outcome!

So this one is slightly (majorly.) different from the other glimpses. It's less cute and more sexy. It's less cheesy and more funny. It's a lot like my oneshots actually, I guess. It's also from Nico&Grady's perspective, which is why I decided to call this chapter an Interlude. Unless my plans change, there will be several of those in the course of this story, from several perspectives (I cannot wait to write a Tawni one omg.).

So, not wanting to bore you to sleep, here we go! Enjoy the next chapter of Glimpses of a Good Thing called Interlude: Positions

Warning: Sexual innuendo! Loads of double entendre. If you don't want your mind corrupted, I advise you to read something different (preferably work of mine, just saying :D)

Dedication: Kathrin. One of my friends, who will possibly never even read this. But she is my innuendo/double entendre-buddy. Seriously, we always do this. She's tons of fun :D

Interlude: Positions

Nico rubbed his hands, signature toothy grin covering his face, before he proudly patted his friend's shoulder.

"Man, I had no idea you were such an amazing chess player! You totally kicked Zora's butt!"

"What can I say? It's another one of my layers. Peel one back–"

"Please don't go there again. I'm not sure, if I'd survive seeing your crumping once more."

"Hey what is that suppos–"


"G, did you hear that? I think it came from the girls' dressing room."

Nico frowned and strained to hear what was going on, while Grady was staring helplessly at his best friend, silently planning to improve his crumping skills.

"YIKES. Stop it!"

Nico's eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

"That was Sonny's voice and it sounds like she's in trouble! Let's go, G, to the rescue!"

The boys ran as fast as possible (not really fast.) and nearly crashed into Tawni who merely rewarded them with a screech and a glare.
Coming to a halt, Nico pressed his ear to the wooden door on Sonny's side of the girls' dressing room, while Grady was gasping for breath.

"Dude, we need to start working out again. Those chums of steel have been long gone–"

"Shhh, I can't hear anything, G."

The comedians fell silent, straining to find out what was going on inside the dressing room. After minutes of soft murmurs and the occasional rumbling noise, a male voice could be heard.

"C'mon, let's try it again."

"Chad, are you sure?"

"Of course. CDC is always sure, why wouldn't he be?"

"Ugh, stop referring to yourself in third person."

"Now, CDC doesn't take any order-"



"Anyways, some of those positions are really challenging..."

"Cute. Stop worrying, Sonny, the challenge is the fun part!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Aren't I always?"

"Well, yo-"

"Don't answer that. The point is, we've been doing this for months now and it's about time we tried some more advanced positions."

Eyes widenening, mouth falling open involuntarily, Grady turned his head to look at his best friend, only to find the same look of disbelief on Nico's face.

"Uh-huh. I'm just scared of breaking something. Some of those positions look dangerous!"


"Chaaad, stop laughing!"

"Oh Sonny, funny, funny, little Sonny. Only you would manage to break a bone doing that."

Nico couldn't believe what they were hearing. Sonny. Chad. Positions. Ewww.It was bad enough to watch them hug, but this was mortifying and utterly repulsive.

"Hey! I'm sure it has happened before."

"Yeah, to people without exercice maybe, but you're super flexible, so stop worrying."



"So, we're doing this? Now?"

"Sure, I've got the list with me."

Grady jumped up and away from the door, inconveniently stumbling into his best friend. The boys looked at each other, faces covered with shock and a fair amount of curiosity. They had a list?

"Awesome. Are we going to work through it top down?"

"If you want to. We don't have to, though, we could mix it up a little to, you know, keep things interesting."

Nico shook his head, trying to clear his mind of any unwanted mental images involving one of his closest friends and her boyfriend. This needed to stop.

"Good idea! We don't want to overstrain a muscle, right?"

The boy whimpered. Go away mental images, go away. He felt Grady nudging him and turned to see what he wanted.

"Dude. Can you actually strain a muscle while–"

"Gosh, G, I wouldn't know. And that's beside the point. Damn it, we need to get away from here."

The blonde nodded frantically at his friend, yet despite their words they didn't move an inch, remained rooted to the floor. A heavy silence filled the air, before Sonny's and Chad's hushed voices could be heard again.

"Oh, and try working on your breathing, babe, I'm sure it'll hurt less and you'll be able to hold the position longer."

And Nico saw red. He was not an innocent (even though his lack of girlfriend may imply otherwise), but he could no longer stand there and listen to one of his best friends getting it on with Chad Dylan Cooper. This was just too awkward and... wrong. Couldn't they keep their experiments somewhere private? Like, let's say, at home?

Shaking his head and squaring his shoulders, Nico knocked on the door. As hard as possible, his knuckles hurting as a result.

"Come in, the door's open."

Grady gaped at his best friend, nudged his shoulder, "they could've at least locked the door, man." Nico pinched his arm desperately, hoping his mum would wake him up from this awkward hell of a nightmare. Sooner rather than later.
Despite his better judgement, the boy followed Sonny's sweet voice and reached for the doorknob, hands shaking, sweat collecting on his forehead. He was expecting the worst.

Grady's breathed hitched, when his best friend pushed the door open. Bright colors (mostly pink. Tawnipink.) hit their vision, quickly getting used to the familiar surroundings of the girls' dressing room.

Their eyes widenend, bright red creeped up their neck and into their cheeks, their jaws nearly hitting the floor.

Chad nodded absentmindedly in their direction, fully focused on holding Sonny's legs spread at a precise 110° angle. The girl, upside down, flashed a toothy grin at her friends, trying to control her laboured but even breathing. Squeezing Chad's hand gently, she motioned for him to let her go. He smiled at her and let her down gently, reaching for a bottle of water and passing it to Sonny who had stood up and proceeded to skip over to her friends animatedly.

"Hey guys," she grinned, "if you're here to join our little yoga club, you're definitely wearing the wrong clothes."

AN: I have always wanted to write something like this. I hope I did it justice and didn't scare my readers off :D

