Wow, this is a bit embarrassing actually. I hadn't realized I haven't updated this story in nearly 8 months.

First of, I am terribly sorry for the long wait. I know it's absolutely no excuse, but I've just been swamped with work these past few months, and suffered severe writer's block.

Good news is, I whipped this chapter out pretty much all today, which means if I keep at it I might be able to get the next chapter out in a decent time period (no guarantees though, sorry).

Big thanks to PatronusFloo182 who sent me a review the other day showing that people still read this story/wanted it to update/reminded me of it's existence and that it needed to be finished!

Without further ado, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling

The next day at breakfast Ted sat down at the Hufflepuff table right next to Rob.

"Can I talk to you?" Ted asked quietly.

"Why? Aren't you too busy off snogging Andromeda Black?" Rob replied harshly.

"Shut it Rob," Ted hissed, "Can we just go somewhere and talk?"

"Fine," Rob snapped getting up and walking out of the Great Hall with Ted on his heels.

"So, what?" Rob asked.

"Rob, you're my closest friend at this place, and I'd appreciate if you'd listen to me without the attitude of a child."

"Fine," Rob replied, "No attitude, got it."

"I really like Dromeda Rob, a lot, I don't care if it breaks my heart in the end, I love her, I really do, and she's not charming me, or anything, why would she? If she wanted someone to be in love with her she'd pick a pureblood Slytherin."

"She's using you mate," Rob said, "Haven't you heard about all the Muggle killings? That girl is a cold as a freaking block of dry ice."

"That's because you don't really know her Rob!" Ted said, "Look, I don't want to argue. I went and talked to Sirius, Andromeda's little cousin, who told me that no, Andromeda's not using me, and I talked to Dromeda about it, ok? I actually listened to what you said, and so, I'd appreciate it if you could do the same."

"You sound like a teenage girl," Rob joked, a tentative smile stretching across his face.

Ted began to laugh, "Well we all know the only way anything can hold your attention for more than five seconds is if it's a teenage girl."

"Oi! You're the one making googly-eyes at the Slytherin table every two minutes, I mean, I know Lucius Malfoy has some gorgeous, luscious blonde hair and all, but-"

"Shut it," Ted chuckled, "And, on a more serious note, would you like to come hang out with Dromeda and I one day? I can invite Cynthia, so you're not a third wheel? Maybe at the Head's dorm?"

Rob's eyebrows rose, "You never let me into the Head's dorm."

"Because I was afraid of Cynthia flipping at me, but, I realized there's no point."

Rob smiled, "Fine mate. But only because I want to see this dorm, not because I approve of your girl, ok?"

"Fine," Ted replied, "Now, who says we go steal the last kippers before Madley eats them all?"

"Sounds good," Rob shrugged and the two bolted back inside to the Hufflepuff table.

Later that day Ted ambushed Andromeda from her studying and dragged her into one of the private study rooms.

"Yes?" Andromeda asked, raising her eyebrow practically into her hairline.

"Am I not allowed to say hello to my girlfriend?"

A smile spread across Andromeda's face, "I suppose you may."

"Kiss me?" Ted asked.

"Happily," Andromeda replied giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"So, what'cha studying?"

"Astronomy," Andromeda answered briskly, with a hint of awe in her voice.

Ted moaned, "I don't understand why they make us study those bloody stars, who cares how they line up!"

"It shows us our history, written in the stars so we don't forget. Muggles think the stories are folk tales, but they're actually real wizarding stories," Andromeda answered, "Mother used to tell Bella, Cissy and I the stories as we sat around the fire when we were children. Father would read the paper, the house-elves would bring us hot chocolate, and Mother would tell us about our places amongst the stars. Although it was usually just to tell us where Black family names came from, it always fascinated me."

Ted smiled, "So, where does your name come from?"

"Do you not pay any attention in Astronomy?"

"Nope," Ted grinned.

Andromeda shook her head, a smile forming on her face, "Well then, I guess I'll have to give you a lesson won't I?"

"I believe so."

"Andromeda was the name of a princess in an ancient Greek land. She was very gorgeous, and her mother, Cassiopeia, began to boast that she was more beautiful than the nymphs that also inhabited the area."

"Hold on a minute, so your family, who despise Muggles, named you after a Muggle?"

Andromeda sighed, "Andromeda was a witch Ted. So are nearly all the characters in the story. This was before the Statue of Secrecy. These were historical tales, and when the Statue of Secrecy passed, wizards made Muggles believe these were old fables, mythology of a sort."

"So, basically, all of ancient mythology is ancient Wizarding history?"

"I suppose," Andromeda sighed, "May I continue now?"

"Yes, please do."

"As I was saying, Queen Cassiopeia bragged about her daughter's beauty, angering Poseidon, a wizard with exceptional control over the ocean and it's inhabitants. In retaliation for Cassiopeia's boastful actions, Poseidon sent a Kelpie to destroy the coasts, which included Cassiopeia's kingdom. In order to protect his kingdom, the king went to the Seer, who proclaimed that the Kelpie would retreat only if the king sacrificed his daughter, Andromeda. Andromeda was soon chained to a rock for the Kelpie to take."

"The king sacrificed her?" Ted practically yelled.

"Sh, we're still in the library Ted," Andromeda said, "And yes, he did, it was what had to be done to protect his kingdom."

"But it's his daughter! He should've sent an army to fight the Kelpie!"

"Sometimes there isn't a choice," Andromeda answered.

"He still shouldn't have sacrificed her," Ted grumbled.

"Again, may I continue?"

"This story ends well, right?"

"Yes, it does."

"Then please, let's see how much the Kelpie enjoys his snack."

Andromeda giggled before continuing, "Poseidon's brother, Zeus, had a son, Perseus, with a Muggle woman. Perseus was a very skilled wizard, and had just defeated a Gorgon when he saw Andromeda chained to the rock. Using an invisibility cloak loaned to him by his uncle, Hades, Perseus crept up to the Kelpie and killed it, freeing Andromeda. The two were quickly married, although Andromeda was arranged to marry her uncle, Phineas. This created a quarrel, which was ended when Phineas was turned to stone by the Gorgon's head, which Perseus had defeated prior to freeing Andromeda. Upon her death, her spirit inhabited the stars alongside Perseus, and her mother Cassiopeia."

Ted remained speechless for a moment and Andromeda blushed heavily.

"I apologize, I shouldn't have bored you with that story."

"That was a beautiful story," Ted cut her off, "I loved it. I sorta wish my parents had named me Perseus now though."

"Why is that?" Andromeda asked, although she had a feeling she knew the answer.

"I think you know," Ted replied cheekily, before leaning in and giving Andromeda a kiss.

"I love you," Ted said.

Andromeda froze.

"I-I'm sorry," Ted stammered, "I shouldn't have said that, I just, I, shit Dromeda. Andromeda I don't know your middle name but would really like to Black, you drive me crazy. I spend every day thinking about you, what I'm going to say next time I see you, how I'll surprise you next, how much I'd love to be holding you in my arms. You're so smart, and beautiful, and funny, and intuitive. I hate having to sneak around because I want to go to the top of the Astronomy Tower and yell how much I love you, but I'd sneak around for the rest of my life if it meant being able to be with you. I know I might lose you one day, but I'm going to fight to the end trying not to."

"Elladora," Andromeda said.


"My middle name is Elladora."

"I love you Andromeda Elladora Black," Ted said.

"I-I have to go, I'm supposed to meet with Cissy, I-I'll talk to you later Ted," Andromeda rambled, before grabbing her books and running off.

Andromeda Black had never before thought of love as something more than an old-fashioned way of living. Just as living happily alongside Muggles was an old-fashioned way of living. Love was something Muggles and filth indulged in, not a member of the house of Black.

But others of the house of Black have indulged in love before you, a little voice in her head echoed, and the names of those knocked off the Black family tree, for following their love rolled around in her head, Isla Black, Cedrella Black, and others. Was she filth like them? Was she bound to be a blood-traitor? What would Cissy say? Bella? Mother and Father? They would hate her, loathe her. But Sirius, would he still talk to her? And Uncle Alphard? They were different, right? Not everyone would cut her off, Bella and Cissy couldn't possibly-

Her train of thought was cut off by her knocking into something, or someone.

"Meda? What is wrong with you!" Cissy screeched, and Andromeda looked up to see herself in front of the Slytherin dormitory.

"I am sorry Cissy, I wasn't properly paying attention to my surroundings."

"No you most certainly were not! You got ink all over my robes!"

"Tergeo," Andromeda muttered and the ink vanished.

"Well, I suppose that's better," Narcissa said.

"You sound like Mother," Andromeda told her.

Narcissa didn't answer but looked immediately less haughty, and more like the Cissy Andromeda had grown up with.

"I will see you later Meda," she said, walking off.

Through dinner and late into the night Andromeda lay in her bed, pondering the words Ted had told her earlier that day. She had told her companions she was sick, and they were avoiding her dutifully, hoping not to catch any illness themselves. Once they had all fallen asleep, Andromeda dug through her trunk for everything she had from Ted, the pictures, the books, the letters, the bracelet he got her for Christmas. Her smiling face in Muggle London, looking adoringly up at Ted, she knew it was the happiest she had ever been. She flipped open one of the Muggle books, Pride and Prejudice, and began reading one of the passages:

"There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it..."

Andromeda stopped reading, her heart racing as the words described her thoughts perfectly, in words she could not articulate. Her mind whirled with the realization that, in fact, she did love Ted Tonks.

Andromeda Black loved Ted Tonks. And there was no cure, no spell or potion to make this feeling go away. Nothing her sisters, nor parents, could do to "cure" her. She was in love, and for once in her love, Andromeda felt truly happy. And with that thought in her mind, Andromeda fell asleep.

Ted Tonks awoke the next morning dreading going downstairs for breakfast. He just knew Andromeda would break up with him, and Ted planned on delaying it as long as possible. He slowly pulled on his robes, took extra long brushing his teeth, and as he pulled on his socks at snail's pace, and finally walked down to the Great Hall. Before he could take a step inside the door however, a hand reached out, grabbed his robes, and dragged him into the tiny neighboring alcove.

"Dro-" he began but was cut off by her lips crashing on his.

"I love you Ted I do not know your middle name either Tonks," Andromeda said and Ted's lips split into a goofy grin.

"Charles," Ted answered, "It's Charles. Although if you want to get specific my full name is actually Theodore."

"Theodore," Andromeda said slowly, "I like that."

"That doesn't give you permission to call me that, it's Ted."

"Ted suits you perfectly though," Andromeda told him.

Ted grabbed Andromeda's hand, "I love you Dromeda."

"I love you too Ted," Andromeda replied, her face splitting into a small smile.

"I was thinking, would you like to come to the Head's dorm Friday night to spend some time together. I could invite Rob too, so it wouldn't be awkward with Cynthia, but he could leave after a while and it could be just the two of us in my room, and-"

"I would love to Ted," Andromeda answered, "But now I must be off to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I will see you soon?"

"Of course," Ted answered, pecking Andromeda's cheek before scurrying off to his Potions class.

I hope you enjoyed that!

Sorry again about the long wait!

As I've stated before, I have full intentions of finishing this story. I just don't know when that will be. Hopefully soon though!

Please review! Reviews are my inspiration! And send any ideas if you have them, I'd love to hear those too.

To anyone who reads my other HP story, Missing Moments, Missing Thoughts, I'm changing the status to complete and effectively finishing it. If I get another idea though I may post it. Who knows!

Thanks for reading,
