As I wake up alone in my room and as I look down I see I'm still in my clothes from yesterday and move to get up, but as I do Damon appears with a tray of pancakes and syrup, orange juice and a rose in a small vase. I smile up at him and ask "Pancakes? What's the occasion?" he smiles as he places the tray in front of me "you are… and these a little something I need to tell you" I look up at him and say nerves "I knew these pancakes came at a price. What is it? Your not having second thoughts are you?" he looks at me shocked "what? no! don't be silly. No, it's …um…I think your father might be John Gilbert" I look up at him in horror then think for a moment "oh, god. I think your right! I mean that explain the odd comments, the way he looked like he knew me when we first met! It makes perfect sense. But he's an asshole" he laughs lightly and says "true. Stefan's going to tell Elena. now eat up and get changed. we don't want to be late for the festival." he leans in to give me a sweet kiss and leaves to get ready. After I finish my pancakes, I get dressed into my black ripped flare jeans, blue sequin converse, a navy blue tank top and a black three quarter cardigan. I look up at the clock and realize that if I straighten my hair we'll be late, so decide to leave it with its natural curls free falling.
Damon and I drive to the festival and walk over to Stefan, hand in hand. Damon smirks at him and says "look at you, all retro" Stefan turns to us in a 1800's style outfit, that may have actually been his own, and asks "what are you doing here?" as we reach him Damon says "why wouldn't we be here? Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Isabel's gone and it'd founders day. I'm here eat cotton candy and hang with my girl" I smile up at him as Stefan says "just don't kill anyone" I look over his shoulder to see Elena dressed in a beautiful medieval dress, and hate myself for thinking as I first saw her, Katharine. She kerseys and comes over to us.
It's a few minuets before the festival starts and I frown as I look over at Caroline and Matt taking pictures, "what's wrong?" the voice of my new boyfriend asks "I don't want them to hate you. You're my best friend, my boyfriend and I want them to not hate you." he looks down at me pensive, then to my friends and pulls my hand "come on" we walk over to them. I let go of Damon's hand and give Caroline a large hug and say "congratulations! You look beautiful might I add" she smiles to me and says thanks but that smile dies as Damon stands next to me. I look between my two friends and my boyfriend as he says "Caroline look, when we went out, I treated you like crap. I was horrible to you and I cant take that back or make it better, but I can say I'm sorry and hope you stop hating me one day. Matt I was also an ass to you and I treated your girlfriend like shit. Am not asking either of you to forgive me, but Jackie's important to me and your important to her, so I'm hoping we can be civil and put the past away. So… I'm sorry" I look at him bewildered in shock, as dose everyone else and she says "well…um…I guess I can live will civil, for Jackie" I smile at her words "yeah man, me to. Thanks, for the apology, we appreciate it." Matt says. I hug them both just as Mrs Lockwood call's for them.
We stand and watch the parade but as we do I see Pearl and Harper and say "am just going to say hi" I give him a long sweet kiss and walk over to my friends. "hi guys" they each smile to me and Harper says "hello miss Jackie, its good to see you" I smile and say "you to Harper" as I hug him and then Pearl. Pearl looks to me with a small smile and says "I saw that kiss you and Damon just shared, and judging but the smile on you face I'm guessing he came to his senses" I nod and say "yeah, we're together and things are grate. I've had a lot of questions answered lately about who I am and I'm happy because I once thought that the answers would change me but they didn't. I found my family, both blood and not, and for the first time since I can remember, I can call somewhere home." they each smile to me as I turn to see Damon talking to Bonnie, the same look on her face that Caroline and Matt had earlier, disbelief and shock. I smile to myself knowing how hard he's trying, for me, to make things, not fixed, but better. Across the way I see Jeremy smiling, I turn to a angry looking Pearl and say "don't blame him for what Jonathan did to you. He loves her, she loves him and most importantly…he's not Jonathan Gilbert." she looks to me pensive as I say my goodbye and leave to find Damon, my boyfriend.
I sit with Jeremy and Damon at the grill, after I told him about the resent events he looks to me in shock "fuck! So your Elena's twin and my possible cousin? Cool." I smile at his reaction "to bad that your potential dad is such a vamp hating douche. Hay, can I be the one to tell him we're dating?" Damon asks with a large grin and I smile as I hit him on the arm. Elena walks in and over to us with a smile, now changed from her medieval dress to everyday jeans and top, I smile up at her ask "so did Stefan tell you?" she nods and takes a seat "I hope it's not true, I have enough problems with the family I actually care about" she says, just then Pearl comes over and Jeremy looks around weary as she says "hello, Jackie, Damon, Elena…Jeremy. Look Jeremy my daughter cares for you greatly and I have it on good authority that you care just as much for her, despite everything. What I'm trying to say is that…I'm sorry for judging you on your ancestors decisions and if you hurt her I'll drain you dry and rip you limb from limb, understand?" he nods lightly and she leaves with a smile.
Later on Damon and I are walking around the festival when Anna appears. I smile to my friend and ask "hay Anna, where you been all day? You missed the parade." she takes my hand that isn't holding Damon's and pulls us to a quite area "there's something you need to know, the vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight" she says sternly. I tighten my hold on Damon's hand as he questions "how do you know this?" crossing her arms she says "I went to them. They think I'm with them but I'm not. They want the founding family's dead. That means Jeremy, Elena and…" filled with fear I finish "me" Damon looks to me in worry and asks her "when is this suppose to happen?" and she inches closer "when the fireworks start" I cling to Damon and say "my 'maybe' dad wants to use the invention on them, but your safe, Bonnie deactivated it." she looks at me concerned "then a lot of people are going to die, there here already." I detach my self from Damon and take her hands in mine "go get Jeremy, get out. Get Pearl and Harper to, go to the boarding house text me when you get there. Stay safe." she nods and pulls me into a tight hug "you too" she whispers, then leaves to do as told.
After she leaves Damon and I rush over to Ric "hay Ric, do you keep those nifty little vampire weapons in the car?" Damon asks in hushed tones, as we walk way from the crowd, "yeah, why do you ask?" he answers in concern "because this square is crawling with tomb vampires. I think we might need a stake or two." Damon says and Ric nods "I got it" as he walks to get the weapons. We then see Elena and Stefan walking happily and go to them, I take Elena hand as Damon says "the tomb vamps are here. Founding family's are the target. Get them out of here. Now!" I turn to Damon and insist "I'm coming with you" he takes may face and says "don't be the hero for once. Go with them. Be safe. I love you Angel" I nod as he kiss's me hard and lovingly "I love you to Monster", then leaves to do what ever he's planning. Stefan goes to follow Damon but Elena says "wait, Jeremy's out here" just then my phone bleeps and I say and read "no he's not. -got Jer, mom an Harp, we r at da bh x Anna- he's safe." she sighs, reassured and then we turn to leave. As we walk hastily past the crowd and near an ally, the fireworks start and Stefan hits the floor, gripping his head in pain.
As Elena and I try to help Stefan up a deputy starts making his way over to us, but Ric interjects, then quickly helps us hide Stefan on some steps, out of site of the deputies. After a few minutes Stefan is fine and explaining the pain as Ric says he saw at least five vampires go down and that their taking them to Elena's family's building and everything clicks as I yell "she didn't deactivate it. Damon thought he'd be safe" and I run up the stairs as the three rush to follow me. I reach the building to see John Gilbert and a few deputies, I push into him and say "what did you do? Where is he? Where's Damon?" he composes himself and says just as the others catch up "where he should be. It's over for them. I'm just doing what should have been done 145 years ago. This is the right thing." Stefan, Ric and Elena run to the building before John can do anything, but he catches my arm as I run after them "take one more step and I'll alert those deputies that they missed a vampire" he says, I look up to him with tears "what kind of father are you?" he looks at me shocked and asks "you know?" I try in vain to pull my arm away "it wasn't hard to figure out. Please, I'm asking as your daughter for you to not let the man who saved me burn" he snarls "saved you? He took you away from a normal childhood, a normal life" in anger I spat "so being beaten within an inch of my life by the man you gave me to and raped by his brother is a normal life to you? Damon killed them, saved me from that…that hell you left me in. so don't you dare think yourself better than him." he lets go of my arm in shock horror and says sadly "I didn't know" and I snarl "how could you? You weren't there!" he looks to his hand and pulls his ring from it "take this, it'll protect you." I take the ring and push it on my finger as I run to get Damon, only to find him on the side walk. I fly to him and rap my arms around his un-dead body, tears of joy in my eyes, my fathers ring on my finger.
After the fire brigade clear the Gilbert building I turn to Damon and say "I thought I lost you there for a minuet" he smirks and says "takes more than an angry mob, vervain and fire to get rid of me. I'm tough like that" I smile and rap my arms around him and then lean up to his mouth longingly and then look up to my boyfriend and say "I need to talk to John. He's fucked up royally, but he's still my dad and he wouldn't have given this to me if he didn't care, right?" he nods and answers "right. I still hate him though" I laugh and say "he tried to kill you, your allowed to hate him. He thought that you destroyed my chance at a normal life, he didn't know about what they did to me, that you saved me." his only response in to take my hand and jest "lets go see Daddy" as we walk to the car.
He drives us round back and I ask him to stay in the car. I walk up to the backdoor nervously but rush in at the sound of heavy breathing. As I enter I see a pool of blood swimming from around the table and turn into the counter to see John, knife in his chest, blood gushing from his stomach and dripping from his mouth. I run to him "daddy!" I say as I take the ring from my finger and place it on his, "I'm… so… sorry I …*couth*…left you. I *couth* love you …baby-girl." he mutters, I look up at him with a mouton of tears and say "I love you to daddy. Your fine, your goanna be fine. DAMON!" he's there in an instant and I plead "save him!" his fetchers change as he bites into his wrists and forces John to drink, just then Elena walks in. Damon pulls his wrist away and Elena crouches down "oh my god, what happened?" as he removes the knife from his chest and the wound begins to heal, John says "Katharine!" all eyes go wide and my head feels really light suddenly and the next thing I see is the back of my eye lids, then darkness.