Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, the mafia or pretty much anything featured in this story. Only my trusty computer on which I typed it all.



Alfred pressed his back firmly up against the wall, his heart hammering in his chest, the rapid beat echoing loudly in his ears. It surprised him how he still felt so exhilarated every time, feeling the adrenalin race through his veins like a drug, sharpening his senses. The room was silent, not one sound could be heard, even his breathing was shallow, forced, keeping his position as concealed as possible. He glanced sideways, intense blue eyes scanning his surroundings skillfully, a procedure he had repeated countless times before. The room was dark, the night making it so, but enough eerie moonlight still existed to see most objects, only some corners were shrouded in black, hiding in the shadows.

Crouching lower, a thin ray of light breaking through a nearby window glinted off his Glock, the metallic surface gleaming. Moving forward cautiously, each foot placed lightly with agonizing precision, he held his pistol protectively before him and craned his neck around the corner, recoiling rapidly as a bullet slammed into the wall beside him, mere centimeters away from its target. He slumped even lower as a torrent of bullets hammered into the wall, the protection seeming flimsy beneath the powerful punch of the weapon. The sound of them lodging themselves within the wall made him swallow nervously, almost feeling the bullets embedding within him instead.

He glanced around for alternative routes but found none which didn't involve revealing himself out in the open. Getting decisively to his feet he sprinted out, never pausing for one second, firing blindly at his attacker. He rolled on the ground, the bullets screaming past, and concealed himself behind the opposite wall. Alfred winced as he noticed a series of deep grazes burnt through his torn sleeve, a lucky escape.

The air became silent as the attack subsided almost as quickly as it had started, the atmosphere now becoming one of deafening suspense. A flash of light flickered, causing Alfred to glance upwards. It flickered again and Alfred squinted, seeing that the mirror before him was reflecting the light off an object. A small smile widened on his face as he saw the reflection of a man in it, his gun catching the light. Alfred popped out his magazine and inserted a fresh one, exhilaration coursing through his veins. He spun around the corner, his finger pressing against the trigger determinedly, smashing a line of holes in the wall and shattering the front window in its path of destruction.

The man's eyes widened in shock before he screamed, a couple of shots finding their target and embedding themselves deep within his body. He was jerked backwards by the force, collapsing onto the floor in a mess, a pool of blood quickly forming from his wounds and the gun which had flown from his slackened grip lay uselessly on the floor. Alfred sighed in relief, running his fingers through his mop of blonde hair, unsettling a few stray strands. Walking forwards, he bent down to inspect his enemy closer. The man's dull brown eyes stared up at him, the spark of life extinguished. Alfred placed two fingers onto his neck just below the jaw line, feeling the coarse hair of his unshaven face, the absence of a pulse confirming his death. He got to his feet and placed his hands on his hips satisfyingly, surveying the bullet riddled walls and the empty magazines discarded carelessly on the floor.

The screech of a siren cut through his reflection, the noise penetrating through the thin walls of the small apartment building. Lights flashed outside and flooded the windows with a blinding glare, the glow of crimson red and dark blue, searching for someone.

Searching for him.

Alfred tuned to the back window, contemplating his exit. He smashed the butt of the gun against the glass, facing away as it shattered beneath the impact. Calmly placing the gun back in its holster, he took one last glance around the room before disappearing into the depths of the night.

Hooray! I finally posted this. :D This prologue was originally a oneshot aimed to bring me out of my comfort zone. I wanted to try writing something different to my usual pairing fics and I absolutely love spy stories and mafia wars and things such as those which are completely a different genre so, this is my attempt at writing somethign along those lines. I fell in love with this story and couldn't stop at just one chapter so now its going to be a multi chaptered fic. I know this part is short but, its only an introduction to the rest of the story. Please review! I'd love to hear your opinions. Since im not used to writing like this, if there's things I need to fix up, dont hesitate to let me know!