I just rewatched the Alps episode. So much NoCo. :3
The last installment of Sharps. :'( single tear... But don' worry, this is certainly not the last you've seen from Yellow Sunflower!
Oh, aaaaand I don't own TDWT.

"Noah? …Noah, are you awake?"

Oh, he was awake alright. Noah was just ignoring Cody. He wasn't in the best of moods after the last couple of episodes. It seemed that his mood got worse the longer he stayed on Total Drama World Tour. There was nothing that he looked forward to when he woke up in the morning anymore. He just wanted to go home and forget that this whole thing had ever happened.

And what had brought about this newfound state of contempt towards the world? His own damn naiveté. Noah thought that things were going to start to turn in his favor ever since he and Cody had been together to watch the sunrise. But no. He had been wrong. Things were not looking in his favor, nor would they ever do so.

Before the second part of their challenge in the Alps, Chris had announced that as the losing penalty, one team member from Team Amazon would have to wear lederhosen. Noah smirked; it was going to be a hilarious sight for anyone to have to wear those. But then Noah heard Cody say to Sierra, "Those lederhosen would make you look really hot." Unbelievable. After all the two of them had said about Sierra the night before, Cody turns around and says something like this. At least karma was at work that day. Noah didn't even know what Cody thought about Sierra anymore.

Why did he ever think that Cody would ever feel the same way he did? Or, to go even farther, why would he ever think that Cody would be bisexual?

In the next episode in the Amazon, when Cody and the rest of his team got captured by the Zing-Zings, Noah couldn't deny that he was a tiny bit worried about him. But then Gwen reached in Cody's back pocket to find a flashlight for batteries, or something like that… the details on that were still a little fuzzy to Noah. And later, as they all were getting back on the plane, Cody was bragging to Tyler about how Gwen practically touched his butt.

What was going on? Cody had revealed to Noah the first night that he actually didn't have a crush on Gwen. So what the hell was he doing telling everyone that Gwen "touched" his butt? He didn't understand. Which side was true: the side of Cody that Noah saw, this down-to-earth, adorable, kind, innocent guy, or the side of Cody that he showed everyone else, a two-faced, bragging, misleading hypocrite? Everything he said might as well have been a lie.

"Noah, are you asleep?" Cody asked again.

Go away, Noah thought. Couldn't he see that he obviously was asleep?

Cody poked him hard in the ribs.

Noah groaned, finally giving up the charade. "What, Cody? What do you want?" he hissed.

He could see that Cody immediately regretted waking him up. "I was just, um… wondering if you wanted to give me some more lessons –"

"No," Noah replied in a flat whisper before closing his eyes again.

"But why?"

"Because, Cody, I'm tired and all I want to do is go home!" Noah snapped.

Cody was quiet for a long time. "What happened?" he finally whispered.

"Why would you even care?"

"Because I- … you're my best friend, Noah!" Cody whispered loudly. A few people shifted and murmured in their sleep.

"Go away." Noah whispered quietly. "Everyone's going to wake up because of you."

Cody looked at everyone else before looking back at Noah. He closed his eyes and reassumed sleeping position. When Noah opened an eye, he saw Cody storming off quietly into Chris's room. Noah rolled his eyes and followed him.

"You know, you can be so stubborn sometimes," Noah said standing at the door. Cody was seated at the piano bench with his hands poised over the keys.

"Well, if you're not going to teach me, fine then, I'll teach myself," Cody said back.

Noah snorted and sat on the bench. "I'd like to see you try."

"Okay, what is your problem? What happened between the other night and now that turned you into such a jerk?" Cody asked.

"You really want to know what my problem is? Okay then, I'll tell you: you're the problem, Cody." He flinched when he heard that, but Noah continued nonetheless. "You led me to believe that you were this down-to-earth, kind and innocent guy, but then you turn around and, come to find out, you're the exact opposite of who I thought you were."

Cody looked at Noah, confused. "Okay, you're losing me here."

"It's not that hard to follow, genius. You tell me that you don't like Gwen anymore, then you go and talk big about how she so wants you because she "touched" –loose term there –your butt. You tell me that Sierra was weird and that you would never whatsoever make a move on her, then you turn around and tell her that she would look super mega foxy awesome hot in lederhosen."

"I never said 'super mega foxy awesome hot'!" Cody protested. "That was just to –" Cody stopped, his expression slowly changing. "Why do you even care so much?"

Great. Noah sort of realized that by saying all of that, it would have given away his feelings for him, but it didn't really strike him as a big concern. He was just so angry, the risk wasn't exactly at the front of his mind.

"I… I don't." Oh, that ought to convince him.

"I'm not so convinced," Cody said. "I think it's because you're jealous."

Noah blushed, but tried to ignore it, "Please, like I'd waste my time being jealous. Why would I be jealous anyways?"

"I don't know," Cody leaned closer. "You tell me."

When Cody was inches away from him, Noah narrowed his eyes. "Stop it."


"You're making fun of me. You may think you're being funny but you're not, you're just being a jerk."

Cody leaned away. "I am so confused."

"I will admit: I am jealous. I'm jealous because I can't stand seeing you with other girls. I like you, okay? But that doesn't even matter anymore because you've changed, not for the better, might I add."

Cody was quiet for a moment. Noah assumed that he was trying to find a way to let him down easy. Or what the most effective way to crush him brutally. Either way.

"You know, I never told you why I wanted to learn how to play the piano," Cody said as he struck middle C.

"…What does that have to do with anything?" Noah asked, starting to get annoyed.

"I wanted to learn how to play because you knew how to play," Cody looked at him apologetically. Noah's annoyance was suspended for a moment. "After the whole… Awake-A-Thon thing happened, you wanted to forget about me. For the rest of the season, you flat out ignored me. Same thing with the Aftermath episodes. You wanted to forget me, but I didn't want to forget you. When we were hanging out the first night, I was so happy that for once you weren't pretending that I didn't exist. I had the idea of you giving me piano lessons, so that we would be able to spend more time together. The opportunity presented itself, and I took it. So sue me.

"Oh, and by the way, I wasn't making fun of you. I feel the same way about you. I just… I don't really know what that means for me, if I'm gay, if I'm straight, if I'm bi. So I've been making sure lately that everyone thinks I'm straight, and that meant complimenting Sierra and making a big deal about Gwen. I mean, I'm supposed to be straight, right? I don't want anyone to find out that I might not be. But whatever happens, the real me is who I am when I'm with you, not what I may show to everyone else. I don't have to ever keep my guard up when I'm with you, and I don't have to worry about what you think about me."

After hearing all of that come out, Noah realized that he had just made a huge mistake, going off on Cody like that. He was being a jerk, just like Cody said he was.

"Cody, I am so sorry," Noah said, and he found that this time, the apology flowed very easily from his mouth. "I've been acting like such a jerk for nothing.

"I should be the one apologizing. Like you said, I've been telling you one thing, but then doing the opposite. It's so… deceitful. I'm really sorry."

Something occurred to Noah. "Somewhere in that speil, you did say that you liked me, right?"

Cody smiled and nodded, blushing slightly.

"Well, then, I forgive you," Noah smiled. He leaned in closer to Cody and brushed his lips against his. Noah could tell that Cody was somewhat surprised at first, but then he closed his eyes and sighed through his nose. Noah closed his eyes too and savored the moment for as long as he could.

After a while, Cody pulled away. "Hey Noah?"


"Will you," Cody bit his lip, "will you play me a song?"

Noah smiled before turning his body to the keys. He started with a few keys before asking, "Know that one?" Cody shook his head. Noah moved to a lower set of keys.

"How about that one?"


Noah switched to another song. Cody smiled as he recognized "Your Song" by Elton John. "I know this one," Cody said. "Actually, it's one of my favorites."

In the front of the plane, Chris and Chef had their feet propped up on the control panel while watching the security cameras with buckets of popcorn in their laps. They both had their gazes fixed on one of the screens to the left that showed the interior of Chris's room. There sat Cody and Noah on the piano bench. Chris and Chef had witnessed the two kiss minutes earlier. Not only that, but they had watched their entire relationship develop over the many late nights they had spent together.

Chris turned to Chef. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Chef finished chewing his popcorn and swallowed. "Spin-off series?"

Chris nodded. "Spin-off series."

That's it! Comment, critique, reveiw, subscribe, favorite, etc., etc...