L'Mar was walking silently through the desert phanting from the heat of the twin suns above the planets. He slowed when he heard a sound and looked back to see his squad with their weapons raised. "What is the meaning of this?" He said a bit suprised.

"Check your motion tracker brother. Something is with us" The red elite said.

L'mar looked in the lower left corner of his HUD and saw a single red dot moving in a zig zag pattern. He looked around but saw nothing. "What could it be? A solar disturbance?" He asked mowing his hand near his energy sword.

"No. Our gear was prepped before we left brother" The red said.

Suddenly a wavy line of a creature appeared with active camo on. L'Mar shouted "Halt! Be you friend or foe!"

The figure drew a plasma pistol and fired a round at him. L'Mar side stepped the round but it struck a grunt. The super heated plasma burned through the grunt's armor and cause it's skin to sear around the wound. The figure dashed off disapearing from the motion tracker.

"What was that!" L'Mar shouted.

"Perhaps...No it couldn't be" The red elite said.

L'Mar looked at his squad and then the dead grunt. He looked off in the distance to see the faint outline of a building a covenant building. "Brothers. There lies our prize, let us make haste to find the scource of this disturbance and silence it forever" The red elite said.

THe red elite dashed toward the building followed by the hunters elites and L'Mar. They arrived at the base to find nothing alive just emptyness. "We must split up from here. I will take the remaining elites and the hunters go with the grunts. L'Mar you continue the rest of the way alone. We meet back here in five cycles" The red elite said dashing down on of the halls.

"Understood brother" L'Mar said drawing his energy sword.

"Go here go there always moving always working." A grunt complained following the hunters.

L'Mar walked slowly down the hallway looking around. The hallway seemed to go on forever, nothing but circut bords and metal with wires hanging out. He saw a blip in the lower part of his tracker and spun around to see what it was. There stood the cloaked figure observing him. L'Mar stared at the figure before walking closer to it. The figure lashed at him and he dodged the swing.

"What is this!" L'Mar shouted kicking the figure with his hoove.
The figure stumbeled back and dashed down the hallway dissapearing in the darkness. L'Mar took several deep breaths before continuing down the hall. L'Mar came to a control room with several tubes with specimens in them. "What is this" He asked himself walking into the room.

"Stubid elites always making us go with the stupid hunters" A grunt grabeled.

L'Mar walked to a control panel and tapped the control and the lights flickered to life. He turned and tapped another and a door opened and an elite corpse tumbeled out of it. He walked over and inspected it before hearing a noise. He stood up and looked where it came from. Behidnd a control terminal hid a small human child. He looked at the human and said "A human here. But how could it get here?"

He walked over to the terminal and the child looked at the alien in a frightened manner. L'Mar kneeled down to her and said "How did you get here"

"I don't know" It responded

"Do not worry I will not harm you." L'Mar said holding out his hand.

The child came out of the shadows to reveal it's form. It was a 12 year old girl with pale white skin and neck lenght black hair. She stood up and said "Your an elite correct?"

"Yes that is correct" He said.

"Are you here to rescue me from the monsters" She asked a little scared still.

"Monsters? Of what type?" He asked a bit concerned.

"Some type of creature that seems to take over you. It killed all my friends and it might kill us to."

"Hm. We should be off then let me summon my team and we will be off" L'Mar said standing.

Suddendly a loud screech rang out and a creature burst through the door holding a hunter in one tenticle. L'Mar drew his sword and took a fighting stance. The creature swung it's other tenticle and hit L'Mar on the side sending him into the and causing some of the celing beams to fall on him. The creature took a step toward the girl and raised it's tenticle to kill her.

"No! Help!" She screamed falling back.

"Brothers I am in need of assisstance" L'Mar said but only static.

The creature brought the tenticle down but stopped mid swing and screamed from a plasma bolt to the side. L'Mar had drawn his rifle and fired at it. The creature walked to him and picked him up with it's tenticles and began to squeeze him. He felt his ribs breaking and he managed to free his right arm and raised it. The creature looked at his arm and squeezed harder. "To death monster" L'Mar said an energy sword extending from his right gauntlet.

L'Mar slammed the blade into the creatures head and it toppeled over dead and L'Mar unwrapped the tenticle from his chest and picked up his energy sword. He walked over to the girl and said "Are you alright."

"Yeah. I think I may have broken my leg though." She said pointing to her leg.

"That would be no good. You should just rest for now" He said standing.

Suddendy two more of the creatures busted through the walls. L'Mar picked the girl up over his shoulder and dashed down the hallway the creatures behind him. L'Mar turned a corner and dashed back to the original meeting place and saw nothing but blood and several dead elite bodies laying along the floor. He turned to see the creatures entering the round room with him.

"Were going to die. Were going to die" The girl repeated over and over.

"We won't die I promoise you that" L'Mar said.

"Elite elite. Bad meanies attacked and killed all the hunters" A grunt said over the comms.

L'Mar looked at the door exit then at the creatures. He saw them slowly walk toward him. He bolted to the exit and ran out of the building into the smoldering heat of the desert. He saw the creatures follow and he contuned to run. He everntually lost them in a canyon where

"Are they gone?" She asked a bit scared.

"Yes they are gone for now" He said.

The girl scooted beside him and hugged his arm and fell asleep. He looked at her and then at the ground and fell asleep...

Hey everyone. For those of you don't know the creatures are going to be revealed in the next CP.