Disclaimer: I wish I wish I owned Danny Phantom! Desiree: -turns me into Butch Hartman- AHHHHHHHHH! CHANGE ME BACK CHANGE ME BACK! -is changed back-

I know, I know. This is SO short and SO stupid AND so badly written, but I really wanted to write it and get the idea out of my head. I needed it out there so that I can start on making That's Against the Rules a full fanfiction.

This is a sort of challenge from Marie Ravenclaw, about somebody buying Ghost Insurance.

This challenge is open to everybody, give credit to MARIE RAVENCLAW for this challenge.

The challenge is to have a story or oneshot dedicated to somebody buying Ghost Insurance. Doesn't matter who.

Danny sighed as Sam leaned against her husband. He put his arm around her as somebody came into the office room. After six years of living in an apartment, they had bought a house. They lived in it insurance free for the past two years, but now they were expecting a little one, so they decided that it was time to finally get it.

"Hello, I'm Marie Ravenclaw, I'll be your agent today. How may I help you today?" she asked, shaking their hands before sitting down.

"We're looking to get house insurance," Sam informed them.

"Okay, what insurance are you looking to get today?" Marie asked, putting her hair behind her ear as she listened.

"Fire, flood…are there tornadoes in this area?" Danny listed before looking at Sam. She nodded. "Okay tornado as well."

"Alright then," Marie wrote them down. "Would you like ghost insurance too?"

Sam and Danny stared at her.

"Ghost insurance?" Danny repeated, blinking.

"Yes," Marie replied, smiling. "If your house is destroyed, damaged or anything by a ghost, then we'll cover it. The Amity Park special."

"You know the ghost problem's bad when you can now get insurance," Sam chuckled, shifted her position.

"We'll take it," Danny said immediately, glancing at Sam's stomach. It wasn't noticeable yet.