A/N: Okay... one month. Better then before, but still. My many and numerous apologies. Anyway, one thing that I noticed is that Toonsurfers videos are down. They are linked to Megavideo, which doesn't have the episodes. Hulu, as well, only has the video's on , and those aren't really what I'm looking for. Add to that that I'm not willing to browse through the giantness of Youtube, and I've got a connundrum.
Now, I'll be able to work around it. I have a Netflixes subscription, and they have TT on DVD, so I suppose I can do that. But, if only for the sake of effeciency and not waiting, I would prefer to watch it online. So, if anybody has a link, please send it to me via a PM. Please and thank you.
Oh, and a rockin thanks to everybody that reviewed and my two Beta's, Knighthawker and ShatterMyMuse! Responses to reviews at the bottom.
I own neither Danny Phantom nor Teen Titans. Sadly.
Open Secretes
Secretes smell.
They stink like nothing else, and only grow in strength the longer it's left alone.
Even if nobody else knows what smells, they can tell it's on you whenever they get close. It's there. Always there.
Some people can hide the stench so long that it becomes part of them.
Some are so used to the stench that even they don't notice it forever.
Some stink so much that they can't straight anymore.
Danny was relaxing in his bookstore, leaning back in his chair behind his desk. It had been a peaceful week. Shockingly peaceful, actually. That usually meant that some villainous fiend was plotting something, but as long as he got his rest, he really didn't care.
Right after he woke up after that absolutely exhausting day a week ago, he went and took a shower. He was still pretty stinky, and he had to be clean for his customers.
It had absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that Raven would be showing up later that day. He just didn't want to scare away his customers.
After Raven showed up, he gave her, 'Ghosts and the Ghost Zone', and she gave him, 'Demons and Ghosts: What's the Difference?'.
Now that he thought about it, it's rather shocking how many books made in the last decade have accurate knowledge on the esoteric and paranormal.
So, after he got the book and bid her farewell, and definitely not noticing the skin tight clothing she wore under her robe, Danny got ready for the day. Setting up chairs and the water cooler and the like. Surprisingly, this last week has been great for business. Donna and her crew started showing up every day after they saw Raven, increasing the stores 'mysterious cred'. He'd have to order some new books soon... he was beginning to run out.
Robin came by yesterday to discuss some... hero stuff with him. And again bugging him for his book. He even offered him a room in Titan Tower!
Like he'd live in a giant T. He had some dignity.
But Robin seemed to really be trying to become friends with him... much to his annoyance. He didn't need or want friends. Ally's, maybe, but not friends. Never friends. Never again.
As Danny was resting and relaxing, Fixit and the Puppet King had been hard at work. Fixit got that surprise done, and Danny had to admit that he liked what he saw. It was perfect for the strange little puppet man.
Fixit also finished improving his ecto-belts; now he couldn't remove them on his own. He had to get somebody else to turn the dial to unlock them. It was a safety feature just in case he got a little too drunk on power.
Also, his ice and lighting powers finally recharged. Seriously, with two belts on it's practically impossible to access either of them, and he dug into them a little too much during the incident with Starfire's sister.
He gently closed the book he'd been reading, snapping out of his musings. He actually finished on the second day after Raven lent it to him, but he wanted to read it more thoroughly and take some notes. It had some interesting theories on how demonic magic and ghost powers interacted. If only he had a demon to test them out on...
Just as he was wondering where he'd get a demon, his Titan Communicator rang. He quickly took it out of his (very deep) pocket and flipped it open, away from the peering eyes of his customers. "What!" he whispered as loud as he could without rousing suspicion.
Robins head was on the other side. "Phantom, listen. We got caught off guard by a British super villain and won't be able to defend the city until we get out. Knowing Slade, that means that something else is going to go down soon. I'll need you to deal with it."
Danny paused in thought. "How did he catch you off guard? You have an entire tower of defenses."
Robin coughed to the side in subtle embarrassment. "Well... you see... he knocked us out in our own tower. We woke up here."
"And you're not out yet because...?"
"We woke up in chairs designed to keep us put. We only just now got back together."
Danny scowled, but nodded his acceptance. "Beef up your security when you get back to your tower, will you? This is the second time someone's invaded your home."
Robin looked ready to argue back when an irate Starfire started shouting at him for 'contacting the not friendly enemy'. If Danny wasn't so anti-social, he'd find her rather cute.
With a sigh, he took out his second communicator, made by Fixit, and beeped said Fixit, who promptly answered. "Fixit. Titan's in trouble, something is probably going to go down soon. Get Puppet King ready. I imagine that we're going to have some trouble soon."
The only response that he got was the clack of a hang up. Danny nodded as he put both communicators away, and stood up, preparing to shut the store down for the day.
Aw, well, he thought, at least I got a week.
Robin narrowed his eyes in annoyance at his team. "Titans, stop!" He yelled, causing them all to practically fall over themselves as Mad Mod ran away, laughing.
"See you later, duckies!" The British hypnotizing villain shouted.
"Dude!" Beast Boy yelled. "What was that about? We had a perfect opportunity to chase him down!"
"Yeah, man!" Cyborg came in, "He was right up there!"
Raven just narrowed her eyes in subtle annoyance... as her cape billowed behind her.
"Perhaps friend Robin has a better idea then chasing him down?" Starfire said.
"Thank you, Star." Robin said with a nod and a smile, "We know this is Mad Mod's world, but that's all we know. If there's one thing that I learned here, it's that nothing is as it seems."
"Tell me about it," Beast Boy interjected, "Animal studies didn't have a single living animal!"
"Not only that," Robin continued, "But at least one of us is susceptible to his hypnotism tricks, and can only be brought out by laughter."
"Hey! He totally won't get me again. I'm immune now." Beast Boy said with a hint of pride... before turning around to a hypno screen. And getting hypnotized. A bit of drool came out of the side of his mouth.
"Somebody please get him out of that," Robin asked tiredly.
Raven, who was the once closest to Beast Boy, asked Cyborg, "A little help here? I don't do 'funny'."
"You asked for it," Cyborg said with a grin. He put his finger in his mouth and removed it, dripping with saliva. He then did a very careful surgical procedure... inserting said wet finger into Raven's ear. Beast Boy woke up laughing, and Raven flared her powers in surprise.
"Dude!" Beast Boy said when he realized he'd been hypnotized again.
"Therefor," Robin barreled on, ignoring Beast Boy's plight, "We need information. Cyborg, scan for living signatures. Raven, expand your senses. Beast Boy, turn into a bat and use echolocation to get a read on this place. Star, defend them with me."
They blinked, all slightly surprised at this. They were in the middle of enemy territory, with Mad Mod who knows where, and he wanted a scan? When he obviously just left through the door right up there?
Still, Robin was the leader. They started to follow there orders when Mad Mod floated down from the ceiling in front of them. "Now now, duckes. Independent studies not for another three periods. I'm afraid you've failed the entire course. Quite disappointing," he said in his annoying English accent, fake disappointment layed on thick to every work.
Robin wordlessly tossed a bird-a-rang at him, which he dodged by floating upward. "Now now, violence towards the teacher'll go on your permanent record." He tsk'd and shook his head. "I guess that I'll just have to put you into the remedial courses." He laughed as he pressed a button on his staff, which caused robot statues and paintings and books to fly into the room.
Robin made a snap decision, and relayed his orders. "Starfire, protect Beast Boy. Cyborg, Raven, on me. Titans, GO!"
Danny was flying over the city to where Fixit and The Puppet King were waiting for him. He couldn't very well have ex-super villains live in his shop, now could he? Especially not one in which two of the Titan's regularly came to frequent.
As he flew, he extended his senses over the city. He couldn't detect much, but he could detect... something. Something was going to happen, today. Nothing ghostly, or anything like that. It's just... something. It's the kind of sense that Hero's develop after years of experience. It's a little too quite, or a little too loud, or just the way the wind blows...
Danny was starting to get worried. Not worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it, per say, but worried that he wouldn't be able to make it to warehouse on time. It was at the other side of the city. He sped up, faster and faster, faster then he had ever went before... he a saw a flash of... something... and he was inside the warehouse.
Danny was disorientated, and confused. Something had happened, and he felt weaker.
Though he could still dodge The Puppet King's surprise glomp.
He shook his head of the cobwebs, and hoped that he would still be able to fight well enough that he wouldn't be embarrassing himself. He saw Fixit's various tools and machinery, and Fixit himself standing in wait. The Puppet King tried a surprise glomp from behind, which was also dodged.
"Ready?" Danny said.
"Yes," responded Fixit.
"Always Master!" The Puppet King eagerly replied.
Danny nodded his satisfaction. "Fixit, is there anything on the police radar?"
"Not yet, Danny, though I have located the most probable location that Slade will strike."
Danny was surprised, though he didn't show it. "Good. Show the way."
"Master! Master!" The Puppet King was jumping up and down, waving his arms. Danny suppressed a sigh as he turned to look.
"Yes, Puppet King?"
"I have an idea too, Master! I think he'll strike at the downtown magic store!"
"I have calculated that that is the fifth most likely place for him to strike. I believe he will return to your bookstore." Fixit stated.
"No! Fixit's wrong! It's the magic store!"
"It will be your bookstore."
"Magic store!"
"The bookstore is the most likely target."
"Magic store!"
"Do you even listen to reason?'
"Magic store!"
"Evidently not."
"Magic store!"
"Enough!" Danny shouted. "Fixit, I assume your location is based off of carefully formed mathematical equations?" Fixit nodded. "Puppet King, what is your location based off of?" The Puppet King looked down, and Danny got the distinct impression that if he wasn't made of wood, he would blush.
"I'm waiting."
"You see..."
"Puppet King, tell me. Now."
The Puppet King sighed. "It's a feeling I got."
"...A feeling."
Danny groaned. "Great. Okay, we're going to the magic store. Fixit, keep an ear on the police reports. Puppet King, lead the way."
The Puppet King gleefully looked up. "Yes, Master! Gladly, Master!"
Fixit balefully looked at Danny. Well, as balefully as he could when he never showed any emotion anyway. "Why are we following the wooden midget?"
The Puppet King decided to delicately express his opinion by making a sound that sounded suspiciously like a raspberry. Danny, however, used crude words. "We don't enough about Slade for any formula to truly exist, and The Puppet King has had all of time... literally... to hone his senses. That, and the magic store was on your list."
Fixit didn't agree with that logic, but he didn't argue. Instead he simply nodded. Danny was the leader, after all.
"This way!" Squeaked The Puppet King. Fixit groaned internally. This was going to be a long trip.
Robin back flipped out of a laser from one of the floating statue heads onto Cyborgs prepared arms, which he then pushed forward, sending Robin flying. He drew out his bo staff, and whacked the statue into dusty oblivion like he was playing baseball. Those daily team training sessions were really paying off.
"Beast Boy!" He shouted as he landed on the floor, "How's the mapping going?"
Beast Boy quickly reformed into a human to answer, "Need some more time! These statues are messing everything up." He reformed into a bat right before a hypno-screen appeared in front of him... which did nothing, because he was as blind as a bat. Literally.
Robin nodded. He suspected as much. He dodged to the right as he saw Raven lift Cyborg up with her powers, and toss him towards a cluster of flying robots.
Yes, those team training sessions were really paying off.
Danny watched as Fixit did his transformation into Breakit. It actually managed to surprise him, but he limited himself to raising a single eyebrow and saying, "Impressive."
Breakit didn't look smug, but The Puppet King could tell that's what he felt. "Thank you, Danny. I prepared it just in case I needed to get out on the field."
The Puppet King tried to pout... until he realized that his body wasn't made to do so. So instead he settled for looking out for Slade's robots.
...which were right around the corner. "Master! Master!"
Danny sighed, and turned to him. "Yes, Puppet King?"
"The robots are here, Master!"
Danny looked where the Puppet King was pointing, and nodded. "Very good." The Puppet King exuded smugness towards Breakit. "Now, why don't you show us how well your new tool works in combat?"
"Yes, Master! Right away, Master!" The Puppet King reached behind his back and drew out of... what looked to Danny to be an extra-dimensional pocket... two wooden puppet handles. The Puppet King held them out in front of him as the robots started bearing down on them, and soon they started glowing with a green light; most of the robots continued moving.
The front two robots, however, suddenly stopped moving.
Danny nodded in a appreciation. "I see they work on Robots."
"Oh, Master," The Puppet King said in a creepy voice, "This is only the beginning."
After a moments pause, they two robots glowed with a green light, just like The Puppet Kings puppet handles. They then started moving, bashing all the robots nearby.
"Now that is more like it," Danny said in appreciation. "How do the handles work, Breakit?"
"By coating the handles with your ectoplasm," Breakit began as The Puppet King tore through the first wave of robots with his puppets, "The Puppet King can access the core of his power, Death's Heart, through them. In addition, because it is your ectoplasm, the same ectoplasm that is in The Puppet King, he can more fully control it based on his personality."
The Puppet King laughed manically as he bashed and tore through the robots. Whenever one of his robots went down, he just possessed another one, and the cycle of destruction continued. "In summery," Breakit said, "By channeling Death's power, The Puppet King can enforce his will on anything. It won't enable him to levitate rocks, but if it was a golem with working joints, he could control it at will even if it didn't have a power source. Anything that could be considered a puppet, he can control."
Danny nodded as he looked on the scrap of metal that The Puppet King had reduced the robots too. "Nice."
"Unfortunately," Breakit continued, "Prolonged use causes acute exhaustion." The Puppet king fell down on his butt, panting. "It should improve as he gets used to the handles, and begins to develop his own ectoplasm based on yours."
Danny doubted that The Puppet King could develop his own ectoplasm, but he kept his doubts to himself. "I see. Can you continue, Puppet King?"
The Puppet King responded, panting. "Yes... Master..."
Danny nodded, trusting The Puppet Kings words. "Very good." Another wave of robots rounded the corner, and a third was coming up from behind them. "Let's get ready, shall we?"
Robin kicked a robot into Raven's net of power. "Beast Boy! Do you have the map yet?"
Beast Boy turned back into a human, again. "Dude, I do, but it's confusing! It says we're in a ten meter square box!"
Robin looked to the left and saw pillars. He looked to the right and saw some stairs. "New plan, everybody! Wreck everything!"
"Dude!" Beast Boy yelled. "I've been waiting for this!" He transformed into a T. Rex... only to face another hypno screen. He turned back into a human and fell to the ground, onto Starfire.
Starfire sighed as she caught Beast Boy as Cyborg chuckled at the sight, and focused his lasers on the wall. It tore through them like tissue paper. "Booyah!" Raven seamlessly shifted to focusing more on destroying the robots that Cyborg and Robin should be taking care of, as Robin threw some extra boomerangs to destroy the walls.
Robin couldn't help a grin creeping up on his face. This whole battle... it was going so much more smoothly then any battle from before. He could feel the difference. It was incredible! Is this what the others feel when they fight together?
At that moment, Robin truly knew the difference between leading a team, and fighting as part of it.
Danny, Puppet King, and Breakit were each fighting the single hord of Slade-bots... individually.
Danny Blasted a robot... which flew into Breakit.
Breakit broke a robot... that The Puppet King had just possessed.
The Puppet King destroyed a robot... that Danny was just about to take care of.
They were whittling them down, sure, but only slightly faster then any of them could have done alone. The Teen Titans were in synergy. Danny's team was only... well, they were trying there hardest.
It didn't help that The Puppet King and Breakit were both constantly trying to destroy each others targets before the other could.
Finally, Danny was sick of it. "Enough! Breakit, take the side away from the store. Fixit, the side near. I'll take the middle. Move it!"
It took a couple of moments, but pretty soon they took there sides. The battle quickly went a lot smoother, but Danny was still unsatisfied.
Robin could run his team so well, and here he was barely keeping them from hitting each other!
This would have to change.
Robin nodded in satisfaction, looking out over the ocean. Mad Mod's room of hypnotism was in a submarine out in the bay, and as soon as they destroyed all of his technical gadgets the (surprisingly old) man was easy pickings. The police were sending a chopper at the moment.
Everything was wrapped up. He was certain that Danny had taken care of the city while they were out, despite Starfire's mistrustfulness of the ghost boy.
...now that he thought about it, how can someone be half alive and half dead? It didn't make any sense. To be dead, you would have to have been alive. Have been as in past tense. Maybe he should ask...
His thoughts where interrupted by Starfire's worried, "Robin!"
Robin blinked himself out of his monologue and turned around to see Starfire carrying a drooling Beast Boy. She puts him in a sitting position before continuing, saying, "I cannot awaken him. I have tried the tickling, all manner of bodily noises, and the word 'underpants'. I fear that this time his brain is lost to us forever!"
Raven blandly raises an eyebrow. "Beast Boy had a brain?"
"Bwahahahahaha! Good one!" Beast Boy said, snapped out of his hypnotism. The rest of the group, satisfied that Beast Boy was alright, starts walking towards where the helicopter will land. Then Beast Boy realized what Raven had said. "Hey! I totally have a brain! I just don't use it much..."
Slade pounded on his throne in anger, watching the recordings. Not only did this 'Danny Phantom' have the mysterious Breakit on his side, now he had the traitorous Puppet King! Not only that, but Robin seems to be closer to his team then ever!
He leaned his elbow on his elbow rest, and massaged his head with his hand. He was consoling himself with the fact that Robin's connections would make him all the easier to manipulate... and that Danny's team was useless. Danny himself could probably take care of any two threats that the Titans faced, but in that mess of a team, he could hardly take care of one.
He'd have to take care of them before too long, though... but for now, he could take his time.
After all, Danny Phantom didn't strike Slade as a 'team player'.
And that would be his downfall.
A/N: Review time! I'm thinking of adding this section every time I update. What do you guys think? It's to answer questions and give props. Sadly I can't answer all 31 (OMG 30+ reviews per chapter!) every time, buy I'll try to respond to questions and the like. But I love you all regardless!
In regards to the Puppet King: I'm glad that you guys all like it! I was kinda worried that some people wouldn't like him, but it just kinda came out, and I can't very well develop a character without a backstory. Besides, he's hilarious. I mean, really, he's just great!
Some Guy: In regards to Danny fixing the Teen Titans... well, yes. Robin was stupid in the first season, and they're giong to face much bigger threats as time progresses. Those invisable robots of Slade's? I haven't forgoten them. In addition, there is a bit of a split here, as Robin is the only one that trusts Phantom. It's a diffrent split, sure, but it's there. Things aren't perfect. Also, Robin doesn't trust Danny, not completely, but he's smart enough to hear words of wisdom (as long as it's not from Slade, about Slade, or remotely related to Slade).
That said, Robin still wants Danny on his team. Danny, at this point, could beat all of them in 1 on 5 combat. It'd be difficult, but it's possible. It's hard to just let that raw potential for good fly away after every fight, you know?
Leo112: Awesome poems, dude. They also really fit with the story in general. Props!
Funkatron: O_O No. Way. FUNKATRON! You were the first DP/TT auther that I read! Awesome!
Princess3170: Sadly, I have a perfect point for her to come in... later. Much later. I miss her too! ;_;
ErraFawkes: TWO poem-masters! Great! And ya, time isn't really on my side. Like, ever. I was born one second to the left of the time-space continum. But I try!