A/N: This is part of the challenge for Tracia and Tonnie's "Chit Chat on Authors Corner" forum… It will be a one shot! This story is AU!

Disclaimer: I don't own CM!

Spencer Reid needed a cup of coffee and he needed one from Starbucks. Whoever made the last pot of coffee in the break room didn't make it strong enough and right now he needed something strong if he was going to get through the rest of this day without wanting to scream. So on his lunch break he decided to head to Starbucks. He didn't bother telling anyone where he was going because he didn't want anyone to ask him to get them something.

After paying for his coffee he turned to leave and bumped into someone. He watched in horror as his coffee went all over none other than Erin Strauss's shirt. His first thought was that she would look better in brown then she did in the white shirt she was wearing which caused a smile to twitch at his mouth. His second thought was oh lord she is going to kill me.

Strauss looked down at her shirt and said "Son of a bitch. Watch where in the hell you're going."

Spencer's mouth dropped open and he didn't stop to think about what he was saying before he said "Well if you wouldn't have been so close to me I wouldn't have spilled the coffee all over you. And personally ma'am you look better in brown than you do virgin white. Everyone at the office knows you are not a virgin!"

Spencer slapped his hand over his mouth when he realized what he said. He couldn't believe that he had just spoken that way to his superior. Although he had to admit what he was thinking was indeed the truth about Erin Strauss. Everyone in the building knew she would screw anything and everything given the chance.

Strauss's mouth dropped open and she finally looked up and when she saw who it was she glared. "I'll have you wrote up for that Dr. Reid."

Spencer shrugged his shoulders and thought about his next response and finally he said "Well if you have me wrote up I'll have you wrote up. You have no right to write me up as I'm not even on company time. And if you want to press the issue I'm sure that Rossi would love the chance to nail you to the wall. On second thought he probably would love the chance to get you fired. I know for a fact Rossi wouldn't even want to nail you!"

Strauss face turned red and she said "I can't believe you just said that. Who do you think you are?"

Spencer laughed. "I know who I am but do you know who I am?"

Strauss's eyebrows raised up at that and she said "Yes, I know who you are. You are Dr. Spencer Reid."

Spencer nodded. "Well I'm glad to know that being blonde didn't cause you to lose all of your faculties. You may want to touch up your hair by the way. Your roots are starting to show."

And with that being said Spencer walked out of Starbucks not even caring that he didn't get a refill on his coffee. Now he didn't need it because he had lost the tension with finally telling Strauss how he felt about her.