Here we go. The first chapter of my third story. Enjoy! Bella's POV unless stated otherwise.




I rolled over and groaned. Stupid alarm clock. I opened my eyes and stared at my still blaring alarm clock. 6:30 a.m. Ugh, I groaned again. I hit the off button and rolled to my back. I stared at my ceiling a moment before glancing at my window. Sunlight streamed through the pale curtain in rays, settling along my hardwood floor. I sighed. Edward can not go to school today. I have to fend for myself, not that I mind, but I wish Edward could be there to keep Mike away from me.

I sat up and stretched my arms so much my shoulders popped. I got up, grabbed my toiletries, and went to the bathroom to take my shower. When I was finished with that, I pulled on some old jeans, a simple blue shirt, a light brown pullover, and my docs. lastly, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. Without Alice at school to pester me about my wardrobe, I was going to enjoy this.

I walked down stair to find a note from Charlie, saying that he had already gone to work. I ate my cereal, then ran out and got into my truck. I smiled at the familiar roar of the engine starting, though I did miss the quiet revv of Edward's Volvo. I drove down the familiar roads and came upon the school. I parked in my usual spot, when Edward is gone, next to Angela's car. She got out when I did, and we met on the other side of her's.

"Hey, Bella," she greeted.

"hey, Ange, how are you?" I asked.

"Good, you?"

"Alright," I answered honestly.

She gave me a small smile. She knew I missed Edward.

The day flew by in a blew until I was walking to lunch. I got my food behind Angela, then walked with her to a table where Mike, Eric, Ben, Jessica, and Lauren were sitting. I took my seat on the other side of Angel, her boyfriend Ben on the other side. Ben gave Angela a kiss on the cheek, and I smiled at the sweet gesture. They truley were perfect for each other. I picked at my food a while, not really hungry, until I just got up and threw my barely touched food away. I walked out of the lunchroom, I figured I could get to the biology room and just sit. I was positive Mr. Banner would not mind.

I was just about to reach building three(?) when my phone went off. My lullaby. I knew instantly that it was Edward.

"Edward," I breathed after I placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello, love." I smiled as his silky voice spoke over the phone.


"Are you feeling okay? Alice told me that you did not eat much lunch."

Smile faltered. Damn Alice. "I...wasn't very hungry," I replied shakily.

"Bella," Edward warned. He knew I was lying.

I sighed. "I-I don't really know why I didn't eat much. I'm happy you called to check up on me, I just wasn't that hungry. But I feel fine. I feel better when you come home, but I honestly feel fine."

Silence filled the other end a moment. Then, I heard a loud bang before I heard Emmett yelling in the background. "Emmett!" Edward yelled in the background.

"Um, Edward, what just happened?" I asked afte a few seconds.

"Emmett was chasing a bear, and he ran into a tree," Edward groaned out slightly.

I giggled. "Did he get the bear?"

"Of course I did Bella," Emmett's voice suddenly said over the phone.

I laughed. "Way to go, Em."

"Thanks lil sis. Hey, we're coming home tonight, by the way. So, Eddie, the almighty Romeo, will be there with you tomorrow night."

"Emmett, give me my phone back." I heard Edward say over the phone.

I started to reply when I got a thought. "Am I on speaker-phone?"

"Yes, you are, Bella," Alice said.

"Hm, no wonder. Anyway, I thought it was supposed to be sunny tomorrow?"

"It is, but it's also Saturday tomorrow. We've all had our fill so we decided to come home," Alice replied.

"Oh, okay."

"Emmett, Alice, give me my phone back," Edward growled somewhere ov the phone.

"Fine," Alice and Emmett sighed simultaniously over the the phone.

Edward's sighed. "Sorry."

I giggled again. "It's okay."

"I miss your laugh," Edward sighed again. "I'll be back tomorrow morning. Will you come by the house?"

I thought for a moment, letting his anticipation build. "On one condition," I finally said.

"Oh, and what would that condition be?" Edward asked.

"You take me to our meadow," I replied.

"My pleasure, Miss Swan."

I laughed as I heard the warning bell go off. "Edward, I have to go. Sorry."

"That's fine. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you, too."

I hung up and placed my phone in my jean pocket.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Boring biology, sitting alone, and gym, where I hurt others more than I hurt myself, though I still ended up with a bruise on each arm from dodgeball.

I walked out to my truck and drove home. It was odd because Charlie's cruiser was in the driveway. Maybe he got to get off early, but it was odd because, even if he was offered to get off early, he would never do it.

I walked up to the door, slightly cautious. I unlocked it and walked in. The whole house was quiet, no T.V. in the background, shouting names of sports players at all. I dropped my bag and walked to the kitchen. I got to the kitchen doorway and froze.

Oh,my God...

Alright, well, that's the first chapter. I will have the next chapter up soon. watch out for it.

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Thanks V.S.A