IWill Remember You
"Frednub, what's going on? You are acting weird, even for you." Sam asked, looking straight at me, her eyes boring into me.
"Yeah Freddie, you have been. Talk to us." Carly added, her doe like brown eyes looking worried.
I knew it was time to tell them, I mean how was I going to explain the movers tomorrow? i took a deep breath, steadying myself. Willing myself not to look at the only girl I would ever truly love.
"Guys I'm moving. Tomorrow, I know it's late notice, but I have ICarly all taken care of, I have a friend from my tech camp who lives in the area, and he's more than capable of taking over." I looked at them trying to read their suddenly stony faces.
"Come on guys, say something? Please?" I pleaded.
"Where?" Carly asked, her eyes shooting daggers at me. I cringed, I had only seen that look once before, when Carly had had to intervene at a party where a kid who went to our school, Sean. Was trying to take advantage of a very drunk Sam, I remembered thinking after that night I would not want to be the subject of Carly Shay's wrath, yet here I was facing the question I feared most.
"Please don't be mad guys, it was my mom, she got a job and she's always wanted to go there and" I was interrupted by Carly.
"Just tell us Freddie." She said slowly, the stony glare still present in her eyes.
"Australia. Sydney to be exact." Noticing the looks on their faces, I tried to redeem myself a little. "Come on guys! ICarly will still go on, Adam really knows what he's doing, I swear!"
"We don't want one of your dork buddies fredweird." Sam said quietly, finally adding her two cents. "As much as it revolts me to admit this, ICarly won't be ICarly without you."
"Sam, Carly, look im sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I didn't know how to do it. You both know how much I hate goodbyes, I wanted to make this as painless as possible." The moment the words were out of my mouth I knew that they had been the last straw for Carly.
"Painless? PAINLESS? FREDDIE BENSON, how in the hell do you not think that this is painless for us?" she screamed, storming out the door of the studio. I looked at Sam, who shrugged.
"Give her a minute," then Sam did something I never thought she would do, she leaned over and hugged me. "We are going to miss you freddork. Stay in touch?" she asked, pulling out of our hug.
"It's going to be hard; my mom's new boss doesn't really want us staying in touch with our old life, I'll try to send you guys an email every now and then." I looked down at the floor, that was the worst part, and Sam knew it.
"So that's it then, this is goodbye? Any idea when we'll see you again?" I turned, Carly was standing in the doorway, and it was obvious she had been crying, noticing that, I walked over to her, wrapping her in a suffocating hug.
"I love you Carly Shay. Never forget that, don't think of it as goodbye. Think of it as a see you later." I whispered holding her tight. Behind me Sam cleared her throat, I smiled and beckoned her over.
"Group Hug!" I said smiling. I felt Sam cringe next to me but I held her anyway. "Guys I have to go, I told my mom I would be home by 9. We have to get an early start tomorrow. I love you guys, you are my best friends, and that will never change."
I pulled away and stepped into the elevator, taking one last look at my two best friends.