Gah. There's no room in the story summary to put everything that I wanted while at the same time adding the note that it's the sequel to 'Big Brother, Little Sister.' Sometimes that character limit really gets on my nerves.


Welcome to chapter one of 'My Missed Chance,' the sequel story to the 16 chapter long semi-recently finished 'Big Brother, Little Sister,' a tale of love, of angst, incest and of drama.


Anyway, to the readers of BBLS that are worried a sequel might ruin the (spoiler alert) happy ending… Trust me. I really wouldn't be writing this if I thought it would mess up that warm fuzzy feeling. I'm trying my absolute best to keep this in such a way that we don't touch much on the present-day activities of Rin and Kaito. They'll have to be mentioned, obviously; they were the stars of the show last time around. But there's a new POV and a new cast. So boys and girls… Well, in all honesty, it's mostly girls. Please enjoy the chapter and the story that follows. If you just wandered in here and think that you're interested, then I recommend you jump over to my profile real quick, set aside an extra half-hour and read through all of 'Big Brother, Little Sister' before continuing. I'll try to make it so that if, for whatever reason, you want to read this without having to even look at BBLS, you'd be able to. Kinda. But for the sake of simplicity, for the most part I'm going to be writing under the assumption that readers here know the backstory. Especially beyond chapters one and two.

Alright, reading the wall-of-text out of the way, there's only one thing left for you to do:


My Missed Chance

She was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria, chatting happily with her group of friends and laughing at the jokes they each were making. From where he was sitting, alone and a fair distance away, Len couldn't hear a word she was saying. But if he had to make a guess, he'd probably be in the ballpark.

People were finally starting to talk openly about what happened to Miku on her 'date' with Kaito. But only after news reached the school that her family had moved. While Len scoffed that the spoiled brat had gotten her family to move just because her revenge plan backfired, former friends, long-time enemies, and every other kid on the block were laughing it up about how Miku got a bit of water splashed on her. Len didn't see what the big deal was. It was only water. It's not like she was wearing white or anything.

Rin was likely talking about it all too; probably leaving out the detail that she was there to see it, though. Even if she wasn't, it wouldn't do much for her. Miku still had a few friends around here, and while the blue-haired mistress might not know for sure that it was Rin's doing she got so flustered, if word got around that it was, well… Miku had dirt on everybody. Everyone knew it. And she didn't have to be here to spread word. It was how she tried to replace Kaito on the social ladder when he graduated; find out as much as you can about everybody you know and hold them for ransom until they bow down to your feet. Yeah. Note the 'tried.' One wonders how she had real friends to begin with, if blackmail was her standard default to every situation.

Len sighed and slumped into the hand holding his head up as his elbow rested on the table. He knew exactly what it was that Miku had on him. She used it to call in a favor once or twice, and while it cost him a few friends here and there, to him it all worked out. He wondered what it was that she had on Rin.

Actually. No. He didn't wonder. He probably had a fairly good idea about what that was, too.

A familiar voice came up from behind him. "Hey, Len," the golden-haired Neru said friendlily as she sat down next to him. "Why so sad looking?"

Of the few people that Len surrounded himself with- or rather, that would actually want to actually be around him still- Neru was one of the even fewer that he would call a friend. She talked to him outside of school, they went places together, he'd been to her house once or twice… They weren't together too often, but they were seen in public enough times for a small rumor to form that they were actually dating.

Len quickly put a stop to that rumor.

"Mm…" he said in response to her question."No reason."

"No reason?" She tried to follow his eyes as he stared off bored in Rin's direction, but lost which way he was looking in the crowds of people hanging around that area. "…Well, aren't you talkative today."


She spotted the smirk he hid and shoved him playfully. "Baka… Oh, hey," she said, "You heard about Miku, right? About what happened to her?"

'Heard?' he thought, gaze back on the crowd Rin was in. 'I freaking drove the girl who did it to her down there.' He said, eyes unchanging, "Me and everyone else in town. Why?"

"Well, you know how she was with Kaito, right? The graduate? And how the waitress came by while they were eating and spilled, like, three gallons of water on her clothes?"

'I just said I knew about it, but sure, go on telling me.' Len thought with an internal sigh. 'And it was more like three glasses. Way to exaggerate.' He nodded.

"Well, I heard that the waitress spilling water on her wasn't an accident; that someone had told her to walk by them and drop it on purpose."

"You don't say."

"Yeah!" she said, completely missing the sarcasm in his voice. "A few of the guys said that she was talking to someone before she did it."

Len raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. Had someone seen Rin after all? If they did, could they have spotted him, too?

He returned his eyes to where they were. Even if they did, it wouldn't matter. What's the worst they could say? That Kaito needs his little sister to protect him? Even if there still were people who hated him enough to do that (Miku was the only one), it wasn't Len's problem. Worst that he'd have to deal with was a rumor that he and Rin were dating.

He'd probably let that one fester a bit.

He asked her, "Did they see who it was the waitress was talking to?"

Neru shook her head. "No, apparently there was something in the way. But they think it was someone from this school."

He didn't look at her. "And why's that?"

"Well, half the school was down there watching. And who else would have gotten involved?" She took out her cell phone- a risky thing to do during the middle of a school that took them- to text God knows who as she talked. "It was probably someone with a grudge against Miku. After sophomore year, she turned into a bit of a bitch." She never looked up from the phone's screen. "I don't know… What do you think?"

"About what. If it was someone who didn't like Miku or if I think that Miku's a bitch?"

She laughed, and shoved him friendlily. He chuckled a bit himself. They looked at each other, now.

"I meant if you think that it was someone who didn't like Miku who told the waitress to spill the water on her or not."

Len slowly turned to look back at Rin, who was still laughing with her friends. Still having a good time without him.

His heart started to ache. But he ignored it.

"…Yeah. Yeah, I think it was."

"Makes you wonder who had the guts to do it, though." She was texting again. "They must have really wanted Kaito to be spared from Miku's rath if they'd risk getting caught like that."

Len gulped as she talked.

"Might have been a secret admirer."

He shivered.

"What do you think, Len?"

"…Yeah." He said again, looking at Rin. "I think it was."