Disclaimer: Me: (cringes in fear as a gun is pointed at me) "Alright, I do not own Ben 10!"

Criminal: "That's better" (lowers gun and leaves)

Ben Tennyson, full-blown superhero, was lying fast asleep in his bed when his bedroom door opened and a figure tipped toed over to his bed. At the moment, Ben was thinking about the woman he loves, the woman of his dreams, the woman sneaking up on him at that very moment.

Gwen Tennyson, a fiery red-haired beauty is the woman of Ben's dreams. There is one problem though, Gwen is also his cousin.

Ben was still sleeping when he felt what he thought was someone breathing on his face. When he opened his eyes, Gwen lunged even closer to him…

"BEEENNNNN, finally you're awake!"

Ben was shocked and rolled off his bed onto the floor and stood up very quickly and got into a fighting stance…

Ben took a second look at the red head and relaxed when he realized it was only Gwen…

"Gwen, you scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry Ben, but I just couldn't help myself." She responded and walked over to where he was and embraced him in a long, warm hug.

"What was that for?" he asked returning the hug.

"Is there a problem, I haven't seen you in a week?"

"No, no problem, it's just the fact that you woke me up, scared me half to death and now you hugged me when I'm in nothing but my boxers!" He said…

Gwen realizing that Ben was only wearing underwear and nothing else, stepped back and started to blush at the thought of his almost naked body-she secretly has a crush on him.

"I'm sorry…uhm… I'll be waiting downstairs." She said as she quickly left Ben's room and went downstairs with a fire-engine red face.

Ben gets dressed in his usual attire: shorts, and a green t-shirt. He then finishes packing his bags for their summer-long road trip. This year was going to be different though, that's because they can drive. Later on in the summer, they will meet up with Grandpa Max across the country to kick some major alien butt.

Once Ben was done getting ready, he came downstairs and went up to Gwen and gave her a hug…

"What's that for?" she asked…

"For yelling at you, I'm sorry" He responded…

"Aw, Ben that's sweet, it's fine" she said as they released from their embrace.

Ben looked down at his watch and saw it was already 5:30 in the morning; they wanted to get out the door by 5:00.

"Crap Gwen, were late. We better get everything loaded in my truck and then we need to get going."

"I thought the Omnitrix didn't tell time?" she asked

"I figured out a way to program it and made it so it was actually a watch." He responded.

"Bye Mom and Dad" Ben yells and gets the usual response.

"Bye Ben" Carl Tennyson yells to his son.

"Bye Aunt Sandra and Uncle Carl" Gwen yells up the stairs.

"Bye Gwen, have a safe trip." Mr. Tennyson yells in unison with his wife.

Ben and Gwen both walk out the door and Ben asks…

"Um, Gwen, did you bring anything?"

"Yeah, my things are already in the truck." She replies.

"What, I thought I locked it?"

"I cast a spell and unlocked the door."

"That's nice, now nothing of mine is safe." Ben says sarcastically.

"That's right, and that's why you have to be nice to me." Gwen says and giggles a bit.

They both get in the truck and Ben starts driving toward their destination. It is about 5:45 and Gwen is very tired because she couldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep because she was so excited about their road trip and also really wanted to see Ben.

Gwen yawns

"Ben, I think I'm going to go to sleep for a little while" She tells Ben…

"Ok Gwen."

Ben is a little shocked when she leans her head on his shoulder. He is not used to being this close to his cousin, but he doesn't mind because he really likes her.

Since Gwen is leaning on Ben's shoulder, he puts his right arm around her. Gwen feels his arm and looks up for a second, but it is comforting so she doesn't object at all.

The reason Gwen doesn't object to Ben putting his arm around her is the fact that Kevin and her broke up the night before. She is still trying to figure out why he doesn't trust her. Kevin told her that since he wasn't going to be able to see her all summer and since she was going to be with Ben all summer, told him she didn't love him anymore. She broke up with him because he didn't trust her.

As Gwen is thinking about it, she starts to cry and Ben immediately notices. He pulls to the side of the road and asks…

"Gwen?" he asks in a very soft and caring voice.

(Pause)(Gwen doesn't answer him)

"Gwen, what's wrong?" He asks her again…

Gwen throws her arms around Ben and Ben is again caught off guard by her actions. Ben returns the embrace and waits patiently for a reply. Gwen composes herself enough to answer…

"Kevin and I broke up." As those words escape her mouth, she breaks out crying again. Ben tightens his embrace and starts to rock back and forth gently to try and comfort her. As Gwen continues to cry into Ben's shoulder, thoughts are racing through his mind…

"How could Kevin do such a thing, I'm going to kill him for breaking Gwen's heart, now Gwen's single" The last thought was the most enticing of all.

"Gwen, are you going to be alright?" Ben asks her because if they want to get where they are going, they need to keep driving.

Gwen sniffles a bit but regains composure and she says…

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I guess…"

"You know I'm always here for you, right?" He asks her…

"I know you are, thanks Ben." She says and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Ben turns red and Gwen sees this…

"Aw Ben are you embarrassed?"

"Hey, look over there, Bob Evans; I could sure use some breakfast right now." Ben says trying to avoid the question.

"Benjamin Tennyson, are you avoiding my question?" Gwen asks him.

"No! It's just that you never have acted remotely affectionate toward me and I was shocked, that's all." He says.

"Ben, I can not lie to myself or you anymore." Gwen says…

"What do you mean?' Ben asks with the utmost curiosity.

"Ben, Kevin didn't break up with me." She says…

"What?" He asks…

"Ben, I broke up with Kevin." She says…

"Why did you do that?" Ben asks her…

Before she can answer, he then asks…

"Did her hurt you, did he cheat on you?"

"No, Ben I broke up with him because I love someone else." She says…

Ben is shocked because he thought they made a great couple, even though he likes her.

"May I ask who the lucky guy is then?"

"Ben!" Gwen objects…

"Oh, the lucky girl?" he asks with a devilish smile…

"Ewe, that's gross Ben. That's not it."

Gwen clears her throat and then says those four words that Ben never thought he would hear from his cousin, Gwen.

"Ben, I love you." She says and then she hides her face, she doesn't want to see Ben's expression of disgust.

Ben continues to drive for a second and then the realization struck him, Gwen just told him that she loves him. Ben slams on the brakes and Gwen jolts forward.

"Ben, I'm sor…" Gwen is about to apologize and hope that he forgets what just happened, when she is cut off by something warm and moist on her lips…

***Good place to stop***

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B&G Forever