Disclaimer: I don't own HP

A/N: I got this idea off of the 'Ways to keep your insanity' list on random people's profiles. This is AU set before THBP

The Prophacy

Harry was wandering around the halls of Hogwarts, when he got called to Dumbledore's office. So naturally, he changed his path towards the Headmaster's office. When he got there, he saw that Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, Luna, and Neville were there, too.

"What's going on, mate?" Ron asked.

Harry shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that I got called to Dumbledore's office, so I came… Obviously."

Hermione sighed. "You two must be thick to not realize that something is going on! It's obviously a warning that he wants to tell us."

"Quite right, Ms. Granger." Dumbledore appeared at the door. "Come on… take a seat, everyone."

After a minute of organized chaos, everyone had settled down.

"Now, I have recently learned of a curse that Voldemort put on the school. It doesn't do much, but it's basically placed so I cannot tell Harry the Thing. You see, it's a very special, not to mention annoying, curse. You cannot say the word the."

"Errmm.. why, professor?" asked Ginny.

"Well, you can say it, but you cannot say it in a sentence with prophecy."

"Wait, what?" asked Harry.

Dumbledore conjured up a whiteboard and wrote: You cannot say the words the prophecy in the same sentence or else something happens.

"What will happen?" Wondered Fred aloud.

"Will we be—"

"Turned into ants?"

"Or maybe fish!"

"Stop it, you two. This is serious." Said Hermione.

"Ms. Granger is right. We must find a way to defeat this curse." Dumbledore said.

"Well, an anagram of the spell might work. I mean, it has worked before." Harry said. Everyone nodded. "So, what's an anagram for 'The Prophecy'?"

Ginny's eyes widened. "You just said it!"

"So? I don't think that it's affecting me, according to the prophecy. So, are we going to do anything? I mean, according to the prophecy, we always do something." Harry replied.

"Why do you always say 'according to the prophecy?'" asked Ron.

"I really don't know, according to the prophecy."

"Oh… that's weird according to the prophecy."

A/N: plz review and feed my plot bunnies carrots! This is going to be a short 2-shot if you know what I mean…