A/N: I just read the books over my little (unwilling) internet hiatus and they were pretty good BUT I really really hate Adam, don't know why just hate him, so I instently went to fanfiction (over the phone, which doesn't let me log in :( grr) And they didn't have many Nick/Cassie love stories! What is wrong with this world? And the ones they had were like 'I love you' 'I love you too' smooch smooch 'I will now break up with adam now' So I think its my duty to help this world and put them together!


After we killed Black John, my father, we got a new principle, one who was terrified of us, so life went back to a sort of normal state, I had Adam.

Adam. He was completely amazing we were happy. We still felt guilty about Diana though, well more me then him, I was the one who drove them apart, what kind of a friend does that? How could she forgive me? Its been two months and I still feel horrible about it. The school was extremely shocked that Diana and Adam broke up, they've been together since they were ten.

But they weren't soul mates. We are. Adam and me. A silver bond that only we could see. Only we could feel. That's what soul mates see, that's what they could feel.

"Cassie!" Faye yelled, snapping me out of my daze

"What?" I asked.

"It's a full moon tonight." She said, "Maybe if you weren't daydreaming you would have heard me the first time."

"Sorry" I said.

"Any way since it's a full moon tonight I say we celebrate!" She said.

"Yeah! I say we should celebrate by being sky clad!" Doug yelled.

"No." Diana and I said at the same time.

"Why don't we go swimming like for everyones birthday?" I suggested.

"Sure you get the auger, pipsqueak." Nick said, sarcastically, I smiled.

"Now that's unneeded sarcasm, old man" I said, we've gotten in the habit of calling eachother that seeing as I was the youngest and he was the oldest.

"I felt it needed to be said." He said.

"Why don't we prank outsiders?" Chris suggested.

"Because we need to be nice to them" Adam said, "They need to trust us."

"Or fear us." Nick said.

"Well aren't you just a Chatty Kathy today." Adam said, kind of harshly if you ask me.

"What's it to you Contant?" Nick said, they're not eachothers biggest fans.

"Will you two ladies stop bickering we have a party to think of." Deborah said.

"I say we just hangout" Melanie said, there was a course of 'yes' and 'sure'

"Alright we'll meet at the beach at ten" Faye said.

"I still think we should be sky clad." Chris said pouting.

"I still think we shouldn't, and I'm coven leader." Faye said

"Then this is boring. Lets have some fun." Doug said. Then I realized the ice on the ocean cant be that thick.

"I'll be right back" I said, running towards my house. When I got there I grabbed a potion that we used at everyones party.

I ran back to the other who were all looking at me with curiousity in their eyes. I looked at the icey water willing it to melt, begging it to melt, then I felt the power leave my mind and the ice had vanished in a small area, but it was large enough for the twelve of them to swim.

"How's that for an auger, old man?" I asked Nick with a smirk.

"Pretty good, pipsqueak." He said.

"Right well I say every one go get your bathing suits and meet back here." Diana said, every one scattered to their destinations.

"I geuss this is as close to sky clad as we're going to get" Chris said.

"I thought we could reach a half way point" I said before taking a swig of the potion and striping down to my bathing suit and jumping in the water. Suddenly I was elevated, I was on Chris's shoulders. "What are you doing?" I yelled laughing slightly.

"Playing chicken." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"With who?" I asked. If this happened last summer I would have been terrified but when your around the Henderson brothers for a while you get used to this.

"Doug and Diana." He replied.

"Alright." I said.

"You guys are goin down!" Chris yelled at the our opponents. "Smack talk with me." He whispered to me.

"What he said!" I yelled.

"That wasn't good at all, Cassie." He said.

"I know." I said.

"I want a good clean fight." Deborah said "Ready, set, GO!"

And then we went for it, it was hard because Diana and I were laughing so hard but eventually I pushed Diana hard enough that she fell.

"Woo!" I said holding my arms in the air.

"We are the champions my friend! We'll keep on fighting till the end!" Chris sang as I shouted "We're number one!" from his shoulders.

"Alright, pipsqueak, we've hear enough."Nick said.

"Your just jealous." I said.

"Of what?" He questioned.

"That I'm better then you." I said at the same time Chris said: "Because I have Cassie on top of me." I blushed.

"I think that's Contant." Nick said, "For both accusations."

"Chris, will you put my girlfriend down." Adam said.

"No." Chris said.

"Chris. Put her down." He said.

"No." Chris said.

"Do I have a say?" I asked

"Put her down." Adam said.


"Hello? Do I have a say?" I asked again.

"Come on put her down."

"Hey! Listen to the coven leader!" Nick yelled.

Both boy snapped their heads up.

"As much as I like it up here I'd prefer to be on the ground." I said

"Thanks, old man." I said when Chris put me down.

"No problem sometimes you need to be louder, pipsqueak." Nick replied.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said swimming toward Adam.

"Hey!" I said, smiling.

"Why hello." He said, leaning in for a kiss.

"No, no, no." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"You know why." I said, I still felt uncomfortable around Diana.

"She's over it." He said, leaning in for another kiss.

"No." I said.

"Come on Cassie." He said.

"No." I said.

"Fine." He said. "What did you want?" He asked

"I wanted to enjoy your company."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely confused.

"Nothing." He said swimming away; I swam towards Suzan, Melanie, and Deborah (We've gotten a lot closer over the past few months)

"What was that all about?" Deborah asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Well, what happened?" Suzanne asked.

I went over the conversation, then they shared a knowing look.

"What?" I asked.

"Its called jealousy." Melanie said.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"He's jealous." Suzanne said.

"No he's not." I said

"Yes he is." Deborah said.

"Of who?" I asked, still not believing them, they all just smirked "Of who?" I asked a little louder.

"Well…"Melanie said, looking behind me

"Hey, pipsqueak, what did you do to Contant?"

"I don't know, he's just mad at me, old man." I said, turning around to face Nick.

"He doesn't look to happy."He said, Deborah laughed at some inside joke no one was a part of.

"I thought that was implied when I said 'mad'" I said.

"Well, now whos using unnecessary sarcasm?" He asked smirking, I just stuck my tongue out at him, this was one if those moments when I would think of an amazing come back tonight in bed. "Very mature" he said before swimming away

"Hey! Our conversation wasn't over!" I called swimming after him.

"Hey, Cassie!" Adam called.

"This isn't over Armstrong!" I called before swimming toward Adam.

"Whats with you and Nick?" He asked, was that alchol I smell on his breath?

"What?" I asked

"Are you and Nick sneaking around behind my back?" He asked, how could he say that? He cant just trust me?

"No." I said with a steely voice.

"I find that hard to believe." He said.

"You do? Well that's your problem." I said.

"No, Its our problem." He said "You and Nick have been acting like somethings between you." He said

"Its called friendship!" I said a little louder than expected, everyone turned to look at us.

"No its not!" He yelled back, I've never heard him like this, its actually a little scary.

"You really need to stop acting like this." I said in my normal tone.

"No! You don't even kiss me in public!" He yelled.

"So what?" I asked.

"So you and him run around while I'm left out in the cold!" He yelled.

"We're just friends!" I said

"No your not!" he yelled.

"Yes we are." Said with a new defiance in my voice

"You and Nick are sneaking around I can tell!" He yelled

"No we aren't!" God what is his problem?

"Contant, if your talking about me why not talk to me?" Nick said in his cool voice.

"Because this is between me and her." Adam said.

"Then keep it down and don't yell at the girl." Nick said.

"You know what? Im done." Adam said, walking home.

"What was that?" I asked no one in particular.

"I don't know…"Diana said "He's never done anything like that before