Arrow: Okay everyone, here is the next chapter of Tales of Darkness, I hope you enjoy! Syrus, will you please do the disclaimer?
Syrus: Sure. Arrow does not own any part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise and she never will. She also does not make any profit off of any of this story.
Arrow: Thanks Sy!
Syrus: Yeah, sure.
Arrow: Since Jay isn't here – (is hit with a duel disk). Ow, Zane, that hurt.
Zane: (deadpan) No spoilers.
Arrow: (pouting) Fine!
Tales of Darkness
Chapter Four
Royal Presentations
Jaden gulped nervously as he approached his royal siblings. Even from a distance he could tell that none of them, especially Haou, were very happy that two people from Duel Academy were with him. Two sets of golden eyes and one set of chocolate brown glared at him, furious that he would disobey direct orders. Haou, arguably the angriest out of the three of them, spoke to Jaden first.
"Jaden, would you kindly explain why the hell you brought those two boys here." It was not a request, it was an order and Jaden was only too happy to oblige.
"Don't put me to death just yet, brother. These are two of my closest friends, Zane and Syrus Truesdale. I have already sworn them to secrecy about whatever they see or hear." After his words sink in, Haou and Hinata visibly relax, realizing with pride just how responsible their younger brother was.
"Alright, but what did you tell them?"
"I have told them nothing. They have, apparently, been practically stalking me for the past year, observing and noticing that I have been hiding something from them, but never knowing what. They confronted me about it today." Hinata raised an eyebrow.
"Why did you bring them here instead of denying everything?" Jaden bowed his head.
"I am sick of hiding my true nature. I want people that I can trust who I can be myself around and I think that the Truesdale brothers could be those people. Syrus is my best friend and also the first one to befriend me when I first arrived at the Duel Academy tests." The two young monarchs thought about what Jaden had revealed to them and collectively, though silently, they agreed that having someone to talk to would make Jaden's mission easier. Their brother was a naturally friendly and honest person, so hiding himself from his friends would be extremely difficult. Hinata spoke to her young brother.
"Jaden, prepare them for an audience with us. We will speak with them and discover if they can truly be trusted. They will rest tonight and tomorrow, they will attend us. I trust that there are no classes tomorrow?" Jaden smiled easily at her.
"No, sister. It is the weekend and the students are free for the time being." Haou and Hinata smiled and nodded in approval. Jasmine stepped up to her brother, embracing him tightly.
"I have missed you, Jaden. It is still so strange for you to not be here." Jaden lost his smile at this revelation. He didn't know that Jasmine was that upset that he was sent on this mission.
"I miss you too, sweetling. Soon summer will be here and I will be home. The mission will be over soon, and I can come home for good. Wait for me?" Jasmine smiled at her sweet twin brother.
"Always, dearest." Hinata smiled; Jasmine had been sad for too long. A visit with her brother was just what she needed.
"Jasmine, you will need to let Jaden inform his friends of our plans, then tomorrow, whilst we are interviewing them, you and Jaden will have time to reacquaint yourselves with the other, all right?" Jasmine curtsied to her monarch sister playfully.
"Yes, milady."
"Oh, hush, child." Haou laughed at his sisters' interactions. It was good to see Jasmine smile again; it was good to have Jaden back home.
"Off to your friends, Jaden. They are probably sick with worry about what we have decided." Jaden nodded, hugged Jasmine, bowed to his older siblings, and raced off to the Truesdale brothers. Haou watched him go until the doors had closed. "He is growing up quickly, Hinata." His twin sister took his hand.
"We all have, Haou. We didn't have a choice." Jasmine's eyes watered at memories best left unremembered.
The Truesdale brothers were indeed sick with worry about what was going to happen. Would Jaden be in trouble? Would the King and Queen approve of them? What would the verdict be? They were snapped out of their musings and worries when Jaden strolled back into the foyer, a smile on his face. They stood when he entered, feeling that they must show respect for the Prince, even if he was their friend.
"Relax, my friends. You both will rest here tonight; I have arranged for rooms for the both of you. Tomorrow, you have an audience with their Majesties Haou and Hinata; they will be interviewing you to see if you can be trusted." Zane was confused.
"Prince Jaden," the name rolled awkwardly off his tongue, "will they not trust you word? I mean no offense but you seem to be very close to them." Jaden smiled brightly at the older Truesdale.
"They do and I am, but my brother and sister prefer to make most decisions based on their own observations and not what is reported to them." Syrus smiled nervously.
"That is a good policy, Jay." The Prince put an arm around Syrus.
"It has served us and the kingdom well. Come, I will show you to your rooms." He led them up three flights of stairs and down more than a dozen corridors until he came to a hall decorated in blues and greens with the calla lily symbol tastefully emblazoned in the décor. "Your rooms are next to each other. Zane, yours is here." He opened an ebony door and revealed a room decorated in white with jade colored accents. The floor was covered with jade rugs and white carpeting; the bed frame was painted white wood and the bedcovers were jade colored; a white desk stood opposite the bed and a window seat was situated across from the door; the walls were gray stone with black candelabras hung from the walls in evenly spaced increments. Zane was stunned but before he could formulate a response, an older man walked up to him.
"My name is Cano, sir. You will be in my care for the duration of your stay as a guest of His Highness." The old man smiled and bowed to Zane.
"Thank you, Cano. I appreciate your help and care." Jaden nodded in approval of Zane's response.
"Your room is next to Zane's, Syrus. Come." The two young men walked to a second ebony door to the left of Zane's room. When this door opened, the revealed room was decorated in soft tones of greens and blues. The floor was the same green of the forest in summer; the wood of the bed resembled the trunk of a great oak tree and the bedcovers were the color of the sky; there was a window seat opposite the door, decorated with the green of summer leaves; a desk made of wood stood across from the bed. A young man was fixing the bed when the Prince showed his guest into the room. He stood and bowed; he couldn't be much older than Syrus and Jaden.
"Hello, sir! My name is Cecil and you are to be my charge whilst you stay with us, sir!" Syrus smiled at the likeable young man.
"Thank you, Cecil. I am glad I have someone to show me how things work here." Jaden chuckled at the ridiculously happy look on Cecil's face at the compliment.
"I will see both you and your brother at breakfast tomorrow, Syrus. Sleep well." The Prince walked out of the room and continued back the way he had led his friends, heading to his own rooms for the night. Jaden sighed happily. It would be wonderful to sleep in his bed once again.
The hall that held the Royal Quarters was decorated with blacks, purples, grays and silvers – the royal colors of Dark World. Each door was emblazoned with the calla lily symbol in a different color. Jaden's door held a gray calla lily; when he opened the door, he took a deep breath, reveling in the familiarity of his room. The floor was the color of the forest floor in autumn and his bed was dark brown, the bedcovers were rich, leaf green. There were gray candelabras around the room and the desk was the same material as the bed; a window seat was opposite the door and it was the color of maple leaves in early autumn.
A man came out of the servants' quarters attached to the chamber. He had black hair that was beginning to be streaked with gray and a tan complexion. He smiled warmly when he saw Jaden.
"Welcome home, my lord." Jaden returned the smile readily.
"It is wonderful to be home, Daniel." Jaden yawned unexpectedly and Daniel smiled softly at his young lord. He had been Jaden's personal servant since the boy could properly express his own wishes. His younger sister Cynthia was Jasmine's personal servant.
"Come, Your Highness, let's get you ready for bed." Jaden shook his head.
"Daniel, you have been with me for as long as I can remember. You don't have to call me 'Your Highness', just Jaden will do fine. You know that." Daniel smirked.
"I do, Jaden. But I believe that this will be the one instance where I will disappoint you." They laughed, got ready for bed and both of them went to sleep in their respective quarters. Jaden relaxed gratefully into his bed. To be able to sleep and not have to pretend to dream about Duel Monsters; it was a dream come true.
The next morning dawned brightly, an omen for the coming day, perhaps? Jaden hoped so. He knew that Haou and Hinata would like Zane and Syrus, but would they allow them to be Jaden's confidants? There was no telling with them. He rose and called for Daniel.
"I am spending the day with Jasmine while Haou and Hinata interview my friends. Has Cynthia said what my sister has planned?"
"No, my lord, but knowing your sister you will be spending time walking and riding outside." Jaden laughed and walked to the armoire in the corner.
"That does sound like her, doesn't it?" Jaden dressed in a simple green tunic over black leggings. He wore his black belt and strapped on his sword and scabbard. He looked to his desk where his gold coronet sat gleaming in the early morning sunlight. Daniel gently picked up the crown.
"You should wear it again, Highness. You are home and here you are a Prince. You should be dressed as such and that includes the coronet." Jaden smiled at the man.
"You're right, Daniel." Jaden put on his black riding boots and took the coronet from Daniel. He placed it on his head and grinned as its familiar weight settled on his forehead. After he finished dressing, the Prince and Daniel walked towards the dining hall, making small talk. Across the castle, the Truesdale brothers had received much the same treatment.
Cano and Cecil took great pride in taking care of the Prince's guests and were leading them to the dining hall, giving the brothers a crash course in dining etiquette while eating with the royals.
"You needn't worry, sir," Cecil said. "Their Majesties are very kind and they will not be offended if you don't know what our customs are." Zane spoke up at that statement.
"We can tell they are kind because Jaden is their brother, but we don't want hurt our chances of being friends with him. We have an audience with Their Majesties the King and Queen about our trustworthiness and we wish to prove to them that we can keep Jaden's secret."
"Well that statement went a long way in convincing us, Mr. Truesdale." The strong, deep voice of Haou was unbearably loud in the following silence. Zane and Syrus jumped nervously and the two servants bowed, embarrassed that they hadn't seen their monarch approaching.
" Your Majesty, I trust that you slept well?" Haou smiled kindly at the elder servant.
"I did Cano. Mr. Truesdale, I hope your accommodations were to your likings?" Syrus answered with a slight stutter.
"Yes, they were, Si-sire." Haou laughed.
"Don't worry, young Syrus. My brother has written to me of the both of you. There is no need to be frightened of me." Zane smiled tentatively.
"Thank you, my lord." Haou nodded approvingly.
"Come, let us go to breakfast. Hinata gets cross when I am late and she will be even crosser when she realizes that I held the two of you up." The King led the way to the dining hall where the rest of the royal family was waiting.
The dining hall was a gray room with soaring ceilings and a wall of windows designed to let in the morning light. There was a raised dais opposite the windows and smaller tables around the perimeter of the room; the center was set up as an area that could be used for dancing. Haou entered the room and headed for a small, round table next to the windows.
Jaden looked up and smiled at his brother before waving to his slightly overwhelmed friends. Jasmine sat to Jaden's right and Hinata was next to her.
"Haou, you are late and what's more, you have made our guests late." The Queen was not happy, if her tone was anything to go by.
"I know, sister dearest, and I am sorry. Let us eat, you can yell at me later, agreed?" Hinata smiled at her brother.
"Very well, but you shall hear it from me later, understood?" Haou smirked and mock bowed from the waist.
"Of course, milady."
"Stop that." Syrus giggled and then blushed when the Queen and Princess smiled warmly at him. "No need for that, dear. Ah! Here comes the cook."
"I wonder what he has come up with this morning." The cook, a jovial and slightly overweight middle-aged man walked up to the table with a skip in his step.
"Good morrow, Your Majesties! Oh! You have guests today, how lovely! So what should I create for you this morning?" Jaden and Jasmine laughed openly while Haou and Hinata smiled. Zane and Syrus snickered under their hands. Haou spoke to the man.
"Why don't you surprise us, Tom? You're very good at that." Tom laughed.
"That I am, Your Majesty! One surprise breakfast for six coming up!" When he left, conversation sprung up, centering on the adventures shared by Zane, Syrus and Jaden. Hinata was scandalized at the impression of Jaden's disguised speech; Jaden cowered in his seat while protesting that listening to himself speak made his ears bleed and Hinata was placated. They were about to launch into a tale about Crowler the She-Male when Tom came back with breakfast.
"Here you go, everyone! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!" Jasmine shook her head fondly.
"Tom, have you ever served us something short of perfection? I can't recall a time that you have but maybe I have forgotten." Tom laughed and blushed in pleasure at the compliment.
"Nay, milady. I will not let anything short of perfection leave my kitchens. I do like to know if it is pleasing to my diners, though." Zane spoke up.
"If it tastes half as good as it looks, then you should never fear someone not liking it." Tom smiled brightly and left with his kitchen helpers, practically floating a foot off the ground. Hinata smiled sweetly at her family and the Truesdale brothers.
"Well, let's not let the meal grow cold, shall we?" The others at the table agreed and began to eat. Tom had prepared a spread of croissants, crepes, and an array of fresh fruits. He had provided strawberries, blueberries, grapes, kiwis, and bananas along with fruits that Syrus and Zane couldn't name, but enjoyed all the same. They drank a coffee much richer than what was provided at the Academy, milk and grapefruit juice.
After the meal, Jaden and Jasmine went outside and began to walk in the gardens and the Truesdales followed the King and Queen to a library near the throne room.
Haou led Hinata to the window seat upholstered with coffee brown leather and he sat in the leather armchair next to her while she reclined on the ledge. Zane and Syrus stood in front of the monarchs, unsure of what to do in the situation. Hinata gestured to the table in front of the twin monarchs and to the chairs surrounding it.
"Please, sit down, dears." They did as they were told. Haou sighed and relaxed into his armchair.
"Now, we can discuss what is to be done. You know our brother's secret, what's more you discovered it on your own, with no hints. This is a formidable task."
"That is true. Our brother is an excellent actor; his skill in that area is why he was chosen to go on this mission. We did not want to send him but he was best suited for it." Haou folded his hands in his lap and looked at the brothers.
"You care about him enough to watch for the little signs – the ones not easily seen. That alone would be enough to earn trust, but still I am hesitant." Hinata took up her brother's speech.
"Your knowledge of this task is dangerous. Not even the dukes know of it." Syrus looked confused.
"Your Majesty, what task are you speaking of? We only knew that Jaden was not telling us everything about who he was." Hinata's eyes widened. Haou smiled, obviously happy with the development.
"It is a project that we are considering; I will not say more because we don't know if it will happen." Zane and Syrus nodded; it was a wise course to take. "Should we allow you to be our brother's confidants while he attends Duel Academy?"
Jaden and Jasmine strolled to the stables in comfortable silence. They planned to ride the trails while Haou and Hinata interviewed the Truesdales; there was no telling when they would be separated again. Jaden worried about Jasmine; she was usually so happy and full of life. What had happened besides his leaving?
"Jasmine, are you sure that it is only my leaving that causes you this distress?" Jasmine looked up at her brother.
"Yes. I wondered at it as well, but I spoke to Hinata about it and she said that it was normal. She feels the same way when Haou leaves for an extended period of time; this feeling is something that all twins share." Jaden frowned at the information.
"I don't like it when you are upset, sweetling. I wish that summer would come quickly. I wish I had less time to spend at Duel Academy." Jasmine rested her head on Jaden's shoulder.
"I know, dearest. I know." They arrived at the stables and the sad conversation was forgotten as the smells of horse and leather filled their noses. Jaden walked to a dark brown bay horse, stroking the horse's head.
"Hello, Fallon, my boy." Fallon had been Jaden's horse since he had learned to ride and the horse adored his master. Jasmine had approached a gray palfrey mare greeting the horse with a pat and scratching her ears.
"My darling Rosana." They saddled the horses and rode to the trails, alerting the guards and letting them know where they were going. They would be back in an hour. They wanted time to themselves.
Haou laughed at a comment from Hinata and smiled at the Truesdale brothers as they almost fell out of their chairs. They were sitting on the verandah waiting for Jaden and Jasmine to come back from riding the trails. Syrus pointed at two figures bouncing up the path and each trying to catch the other.
"Here they come!" Once the Prince and Princess joined the group, Tom was called. The redheaded man skipped up to his monarchs.
"Yes, Your Majesties?" Haou smiled at him.
"Tom, we will be having lunch out here on the verandah." Tom's perpetual smile widened at the thought.
"Oh, and what a fine day for an outdoor luncheon! Leave it to me, my lord!" With that, the cook skipped away, babbling to himself about the incredible lunch he would prepare for the royal family. Haou looked at Jaden and smiled.
"You have a fine set of friends, brother. They will be the greatest confidants for you when you return to the school." Jaden's eyes lit up and Jasmine, always susceptible to her brother's moods, jumped in delight.
"Haou, thank you so much!" Hinata smiled at her younger siblings.
"Now then, I have another idea. I have been thinking on it since you brought the Truesdales here, Jaden." Jasmine tilted her head to the side.
"What would that be, milady?"
"Hush, child." The group laughed at Hinata's characteristic response. "At any rate, my idea is this: Zane, Syrus, how would you like to stay here during the summer months? You could even learn a trade and make your own place at court." Syrus' eyes shone with awe.
"Could we really, Your Majesty?" She smiled kindly.
"I don't see why not. Haou, is this possible?" The King raised an eyebrow at her.
"Since when do you ask my permission to do anything like this?" They laughed. "I don't see anything wrong with it. It would give them a better idea of our culture and who knows, you might like it here better than your own home." Zane smiled.
"I think that this is a good idea. Your culture is very interesting and it would be a great opportunity to get to know Jaden better." Jasmine smiled.
"So what plans do we need to get started on?" And so the planning of a great adventure began. When Tom returned with the food, he found the royal family thoroughly entertained with plans and the Truesdale brothers.
"Jaden?" The Prince looked at Syrus with a smile.
"Yes, Syrus?" He was stunned when the shorter boy bowed.
"Thank you for trusting us enough to show us this." Zane bowed as well.
"Yes, we swear that we will not let you down." Jaden blinked and looked at Haou and Hinata who were just as shocked. He raised his friends' heads and smiled at them.
"I know that you will. That is why I trust you."
Arrow: Phew! That is the longest chapter yet! Yes! I am back and I apologize for my absence but life hates me right now. It is the end of my senior year, so I'm swamped at the moment.
Jaden: Thank you for updating.
Arrow: My pleasure, sire. is growled at Oookay, um someone ask for reviews!
Jasmine: REVIEW so that I can see my brother faster!
Arrow: Awww, you're so cute, milady. is growled at again I better go before they hurt me; bye guys!