AN/ thank you so much for reading this story! Thank you to my reviewers; you guys have been amazing and a lot of fun. I hope this ending was what everyone was hoping for. ~Eisac


Drew stood at his new bedroom window of the Red Kingdom, looking down upon the checkered grass, watching the men tossing a ball, rolling around on the ground with their children or relaxing under the shady trees that outlined the gardens. Everyone seemed peaceful and happy for once. It had been as if a heavy film of malice and dread lifted off the entire kingdom as well as the men. Or at least the ones that stayed behind.

There was a certain amount of pleasure knowing that so many had in fact stayed behind to follow or serve Drew and trusted him enough to take care of them, as opposed to his father's methods. The older men understood the torment Drew had encountered growing up with such a tyrant, because his punishments were sometimes greater than the servants, but they were aware Drew was more like his mother in regards to the compassion he felt for other human beings, which had been absent in The Red Knight.

They all respected Drew. Especially after giving all the victims of his father's little war a proper burial, including the Nine of Clubs he'd found rotting away in some cabin not far from the kingdom Berns had shown him. His father could rot in hell for all Drew cared. Thanks to him, most of the east side grounds had turned into a cemetery.

Well, Drew intended to make sure the next person to be buried there, was to have died of old age with a smile plastered on his face.

Turning from the large window, he stared at the giant room that had once been his father's. Drew had no intention of making it his own—even though this was supposed to be the grandest—but Carol, his new bride, had convinced him it was the right thing to do. He was in charge now and deserved the best. The only way he'd conceded was by completely refurbishing the entire thing. New furniture, different color scheme, the works. Even the crimson area rug had been exchanged for a light cream color. Carol had agreed to make their room as bright and calming as possible for their son to grow up with. Their son. It was still unnerving to think he was a father.

It had been months since Hatter had left for the real world to find Alice with a bag full of paper, people used as money there and Drew hadn't heard a thing. She must have taken him back like Jack had said she would. Jack apparently knew firsthand what Alice's true feelings had been. Smart man.

Drew had some work to do with reading women himself…that was for sure. He and Carol had been doing beautifully since the Red Knight's death, but pleasing her every little need, especially at the end of her pregnancy, had been very stressful. And now that his son had finally arrived a few weeks ago, Carol was a bit preoccupied. So was he.

Their son had constantly needed soothing or feeding or changing and decided to be most needful in the middle of the night. Neither he nor his wife has had much sleep or much time for themselves sadly. Not that Drew would push her for any intimacy right now. Her body still needed some time to recover bringing their child into the world. But soon, he wished to consummate their marriage and this time both parties would be willing participants.

Drew heard the familiar wail from his son and realized it was time for breakfast. The cries only lasted a moment because his wife had the touch of a soothing angel when it came to children. Just a brush of her fingers on their skin and they felt secure and safe.

As he walked into the adjoining room that had been his father's "mistresses", but now redone as a nursery, Drew found Carol pacing the room with their son coddled into her breast, making little sucking noises. His son had a big appetite, which according to Carol was a good sign. He would grow up to be a strong, confident adult with of course their parental help. One thing was for sure, Drew would never, ever raise his hand to him as the Red Knight had done to Drew. His son would not live in fear as he had.

Drew watched as Carol's face lit up when she noticed him enter the room. Motherhood had put a new seductive glow to her appearance. And it took everything Drew had not to march straight to her and demand she perform her wifely duties. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on and Carol held the most beautiful child he'd ever seen. Call him biased.

A small pop sound from one corner of the room startled the family. A fluffy ball of purple fur hopped down from the rocking chair, waddled up to them and stretched his arms out, yawning as his claws dug into the soft eggshell colored rug. "So, how's the newborn coming along?" he purred.

Carol laughed, "He's a perfect little angel."

"Of course you'd say that, madam."

Drew rolled his eyes at the cat. Since the Red Knight was gone, Cheshire seemed to stick around more often at the Kingdom, frequently checking in with the new knight. He had seemed to generally like being around him and Carol.

That's when Drew had decided to let him guard the prison cells, now that they were empty and off limits to anyone. Never again would they be used for a means of torture. Besides the rooms were scurrying with bunches of rat families and it seemed the perfect job for a fat cat that loved to chase the little demons. Cheshire had purred with delight over the job and stuck around permanently ever since.

"He's a growing boy that needs lots of attention," Drew smiled.

"Have you named him yet?" the cat asked.

"We have," Carol said, "But Drew doesn't like it. And we sort of have a problem…"

"And what might that be?" Cheshire asked hopping back up into the seat of the rocker.

"Well, we don't exactly have a last name. The Red Knight had never spoke his real name to anyone and Drew didn't know what to call him."

"That is a problem."

Drew shook his head agreeing. He really hadn't a clue what his father's name had been and the one time he'd was beaten into him that Drew only addressed the man by his title. So he never asked again.

"Well what have you got so far?" the cat asked.

"Andrew II," Carol said with her eyes daring Drew to argue.

Cheshire made a snickering sound through his eerily human teeth. "Well, I'm sure you will come up with something soon, besides, if he is going to be anything like his father…he will need a good strong last name. The little Red Knight will have pretty big shoes to fill."

Carol nodded her head and cooed at the fidgeting child.

Drew held out his hands and took his son placing a quick kiss onto his silky warm forehead. "He will not be a knight," he said staring into the bright eyes that mirrored his own. "My son will be known as the Red King."

The cat tested the title out by whispering it and then nodded, "That sounds better."

Carol reached out and squeezed her husband's arm, staring down at their baby.

"I think it's time for a new tradition. One with happiness and a time for peace over the island. What do you think, mommy?" Drew smiled, positioning little Andrew so he could see his mother.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. And who better to start it than my boys," she exclaimed with pride and eyed them possessively. She strained up on her tip toes and gave Drew a searing kiss that ended too quickly. Andrew whimpered from being sandwiched between the two and they both laughed as he stuck out his plump bottom lip.

"I do believe, my beautiful wife, he will be strong headed like you."

"And I believe he will be a courageous leader like his father." She kissed him again knowing full and well, she was pushing Drew to his limits. Carol giggled and took their son back to rock him for his nap. She would have asked the cat to move, but he'd long disappeared without their knowing, which he did so frequently.

Drew watched his wife and child a moment and decided all the nights of terror and fear his father had put him through all those years was worth every second to get to where he was now. If it hadn't been for that, he'd never found a family of his own. And for that he'd be grateful for his father, but also for his death. Because now Drew could live a life he'd always dreamt of, full of love and warmth. And he hoped his son, the Red King, would do the same for his someday.

AN/ If you haven't had a chance to read my profile...I will be working on a second story that follows Alice and Hatter's adventures in the real world. This one Ive decided will be more focused on them. If you want a little bit more detail about this next project, please visit my profile. I'm hoping to get at least the first chapter out in a few days. Be prepared for some new and shocking surprises! Okay, that's about all I have and I say with a heavy heart, Goodbye. And I hope to see most of you in Alice's new adventures. ~Eisac