So here I am with a new story for you guys. This is a Randy Orton fic this time. I had a dream like this so I decided to fill it out and make a whole story out of it. I have already finished writing this so if there is enough interest, I'll post a new chapter every couple of days. Its not too long, just about 10 chapters. Enjoy! =^.^=

I gently laid Aidan down in his crib. I softly brushed at his light colored hair that was so similar to his older brother, Landon's and just like mine when I was younger. I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't stir, just kept on sleeping. I quietly walked out of the room, pulling the door closed behind me.

I pushed open the door to Landon's room. The three year old was sleeping soundly. I snuck in quietly and as I suspected, Landon had decided to sleep with half of his toys. As discreetly as possible, I plucked the cars and action figures out of the sheets. I smiled as I saw the hard plastic toy that he had gripped tight in his fist. His favorite wrestling figure. I pried it out of his little hand. I set it within his reach so that when he woke up he wouldn't be upset that he couldn't find it. I kissed him softly and made my way back to my bedroom.

I settled down in the bed, waiting for the phone call that I knew was coming. He always called when he got back to the hotel. We hated that we were apart like this. Until a couple of months ago, Landon and I were on the road with him full time. The doctor had taken me off the road, just like with Landon, in my eighth month. Thank God he had been off and at home the day I went into labor.

My gaze drifted to the picture on my nightstand of the four of us a few hours after Aidan had been born. We were sitting in my hospital bed. I was holding a newborn Aiden and he was holding Landon. We looked so happy. I smiled, thinking how lucky I was to be living in this amazing life, with this amazing family. I had never been so happy as I was right now. Just a few short years ago, my life was nothing like this and I never thought it would be.


I hugged my arms around myself as I watched the snow fall over the streets of NYC. I couldn't tell what was falling faster, my tears or the snow. I had just had a wonderfully horrible yelling match with Michael. In reality, Michael had done all the yelling and when I had said something, he reacted poorly. Now, I was sporting the nice beginnings of a black eye. I had known better than to say anything back to him cause he always reacted this way. This was far from the first time he had hit me. All this, just because I had been talking to my sister Breeanna on the phone.

But, like I said, I should have known better. No one talks back to Michael Harlow. Michael is a big deal in the city. Running and owning one of the biggest advertising companies in the country gives him that right to think he has all the power. Michael has money and plenty of it. Anyone without the money that he has is beneath him. That includes most of the city and me.

Michael revels in the fact that he can tell me that my sister and I were beneath him. Luckily, Breeanna has done okay for herself. She and I moved to NYC when our parents died. Bree had dreams of becoming an actress. Soon after we arrived in the city, Bree got an audition for a major soap opera and got the job. Within a couple short years, she became one of the show's top stars. The icing on the cake was that while appearing on a talk show, she met the love of her life. She and John have been married, happily, for a few years now. She left her job on the soap to join John on his show. John is the John Cena of the WWE. The only reason Michael tolerates allowing them to come to his home (the very few times they have actually been there) is so that he can suck up to John and hopefully one day, use John's celebrity status for his own personal gain.

I adored John. He was a great person and he was amazingly wonderful and loving to Bree. She was the most important thing in his life and it showed. I started to cry a little harder. I was so incredibly jealous of Bree and John's relationship. They had the perfect marriage. Mine was nothing like their's.

Sure, when Michael had I started dating, he was great to me. We were good until a couple months after we got married. That was when we had our first real argument and, well, yeah…he hit me. I learned quickly what and what not to say so as not set him off. Sometimes it didn't matter. If he was upset, he was gonna come home and take it out on me, anyway.

My job was to be the perfect little wife. I was supposed to make him look good when he decided to take me places. Michael took every opportunity to remind me that I was just a lowly secretary when he took pity on me and married me. If it wasn't for him, I would have nothing. What he didn't realize was that even though I had him; I had no money, unless he gave it to me; I had no friends, unless they would make him look good and in reality, I had no freedom. So really…I still had nothing.

I know what you're thinking. Why don't you just divorce him, pack up your stuff and leave him? Well, I will tell you that I have thought about it but there are a few things that keep me from doing that. One, I have no place to go. No, I can't go to Bree and John. They don't know how bad it is. They don't know how Michael really treats me. And two, Michael would never let it happen. He would never agree to a divorce. Plus, he already told me, I belonged to him and he was never gonna let me go. No one else would possibly want someone like me. And he was right. I was too weak to stand up to my abusive husband or tell anyone what was happening. Why would anyone care about someone like me?

I closed the shades and walked into the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I thought back to what Bree and I had talked about on the phone. In two weeks, she and John would be in town for one of those pay-per-views that they have all the time. Bree, John and a bunch of their friends were getting together for a small dinner party in their hotel the night before and she wanted me to come. She knew that Michael was leaving the day before and I would be all alone for two weeks till he came back from California. I had told her that I didn't know. I would think about it. Well, the more I thought about it the more I wanted to go. Maybe I would actually have fun. Bree was forever telling me how great these people were. I picked up my phone to call her and tell her that I would come. Hell, I'd probably have a good time since I would be by myself, without Michael for a change.

Little did I know, that would turn out to be the best and most important night of my life.

So let me know if you want to read more. Hit that little button and tell me what'cha think! Thanks! =^.^=