The Dragon of the West

A Fanfiction by: Sniper Artist

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Fairy Tail. I am only using their respective characters for a fanfiction.

Summary: Upon his tearful death, Naruto meets a dragon. Given a second chance to live, he is sent to Fiore or more specifically Magnolia. Pre-canon Fairy Tail. Naruto X Fairy tail.

At the Valley of the End

A hero.

A hero's discription has always been changed over the course of time and space. Some were strong but incredibly greedy men. Some were compassionate but naive teenagers. Some were strong and sexy women that fought till the ends of the earth. Some were old and wise beyond many through years of experience. Uzumaki Naruto, the 7th Hokage of Konohagakure was a combination of the second and fourth explanations. At a young age, Naruto was always naive to the things around him. Never in his life did he expect the villains of his village actually had good intentions. All he wanted to do was fight and be loved. He was always hesitant with making such difficult decisions. And this was his cost.

Here he layed on the ground next to his fallen friend Uchiha Sasuke. Both were tired out of their minds and exhaustion consumed them both fully. Never in his life did he expect his best friend to try something ludacris like attempting the destruction of a village that loved him. He let his anger control his actions and like Naruto, he payed the terrible price.

The battle that had happened at this valley would be something most would call legendary. Momentous moments after the other, flashing lights from both of their most powerful techniques clashing throughout the area. Explosions and chaos was the only thing that could describe such a battle. Such was the fight of two men whom were beyond the level of Kage. Naruto turned his head to looked at the man he once considered a friend and remembered the words he had said to him.

"Even if we do end up dying, at least we'll no longer be Uchiha and the Kyuubi. Not burdened by any of that, we'll be able to truly understand one another in the next world!" Those were the exact words he'd said to him. After all this time, he still thought of him as a friend. Naruto didn't understand it at all. Maybe this was the cost of trying to be a hero. After all if a ninja tried to be a hero only death and trajedy awaited. Like Jiraiya, like his father and like the 3rd Hokage. He would be added to the list along with them unfortunately. He let out a resigned sigh and tried to gather the rest of his energy.

" awake there?..." There was no immediate answer but a grunt was all he needed to confirm his consciousness. The black haired man tilted his head slightly and decided to answer. "What?" the annoyance and exhaustion clear in his voice.

"Looks like we're dead. Told ya so..." He grinned cheekily. Sasuke can only look up at the sky in disbelief, unable to comprehend how his former best friend and the only man he could possibly respect could smile at a time like this. They were dying a slow painful death. It was the worse way to die for Sasuke. So much shame in his actions but not once did he regret them.

"Hn...atleast you will be going first..." He knew they both had no chance of being saved. So at the very least he wouldn't let the idiot have the satisfaction of being alive longer then he did. No matter the situation, it was always a contest between the two. Naruto wanted to laugh but he couldn't in his beaten state. He couldn't help but feel nostalgia of the old days when Sasuke was more or less sane.

"We'll see you bastard...we'll see." Naruto answered back with faint vigour. Sasuke grunted, accepting the final challenge of the blonde Hokage. Naruto smiled, it really was just like old times.

The Forest.

"Hurry up sensei! Madara said they were here." A pink haired young lady spoke. She was running through the forest at speeds unimaginable to the naked eye. Her worry clear in her voice. Why? her best friend and former crush were fighting eachother to the death. Who in their right mind wouldn't be scared of the situation. They along with the leaders of the alliance had defeated Madara and got the information out if him.

"I know..." She knew he was just as worried but something in his voice almost broke her heart. Like he knew or figured out something she didn't and was keeping it from her. She didn't feel like asking, it would only serve to distract her.

"Please...I'm almost there!" She yelled in her mind. Not willing to accept the fact that the chakra had died off long ago. Kakashi knew this as well and knew the reality of it.

They made it, just to see both bodies lay there motionless. Neither could speak a word.

10 minutes before.

"You still there?" Naruto spoke out calmly, feeling his end approaching he decided to say his final words to his rival. But this time there was no answer. Dread started to fill him. He called out his name again to make sure if he was ok.

"Sasuke?" The grief and sadness in his voice gradually grew more and more after each call. After a few more, his eyes started to sting realizing his victory. One he never intended to win. He wanted to die first but it seemed he was wrong...He was always wrong when it came to his best friend.

"Sasuke, dammit you can't be dead already..." Naruto couldn't even feel the tears running down his face. The reality had finally struck him like a lightning bolt. His best friend had passed on and now he was alone again. By himself, he was reminded of how frightening it was to be lonely. Looking at the sky he remembered the memories of him and his team. The smiles, the laughter. It was the best feeling in the world compared to what he felt now. Silent sobs started to come out of him, unable to contain them any longer he let it all out. The pent of sadness and regrets he's had in his life. Every minute, he felt the light fade more and more from his sight.

"I win..." Instead of happiness, the voice was filled with nothing but pain. He closed his eyes, never to see the light of day again.

In this world at least.

Unknown area.

Naruto's eyes shot open when he felt he was still alive. He was on the ground on what it looked like a mountain trail. He was confused, maybe this was heaven?' he thought with a smile. He tried to get up and groaned in pain. The soreness from the battle still affected him here for some reason but it would disappear in a few minutes. His chakra was full and he still felt the Kyuubi's. A flicker of hope entered his body. Maybe he was still alive?

"Weird place." The blonde was surrounded by trees with black and white colored trees. The mountain trail looked like it led upward and Naruto felt a very weird sensation. He had no idea what heaven looked like so maybe this was hell? He sighed, that would suck in his opinion. Naruto started moving forward up the road and was stopped when he heard a roar coming from the top. He ran immediately there to check it out but was shocked when he saw the scene.

A black dragon with fangs the size of building towered him. The beast had darks eyes and blood red slits. His entire body was probably 7 times the size of the Hokage building. Naruto could feel the Kyuubi shivering at the sight of the being. Not in fear but in excitement.

"You are Uzumaki Naruto?" The blonde nodded, unable to contain his look of confusion.

"I would like to ask of your help. You see my colleagues have all picked a pupil to train but I haven't. And well... I need you to be my pupil." Naruto almost laughed. The fierce being in front of him almost sounded nervous.

"What's the catch?"

"I'm gonna make you young again." Now Naruto took this offensively. He was 23 for god sakes, how old does this thing think he is. He even looked young.

Noticing his offended look, the dragon sighed. "I meant younger than you are now. You see my friends have been waging bets on which of their pupils will be the best and you look like a really fast learner. Their pupils are mostly around the age of 4-15 so I'm gonna make you 12 again for now." Naruto nodded. Feeling like his life was cut short, he decided to go along with it. He wasn't the type to turn an offer like this and he also needed away to forget his past.

"Sure why not." The dragon smiled, already liking the kid in front of him.

"The name's Tridantes kid. I'm the Dragon of the West and the traveler of the night." Naruto nodded, ready to start his new life. A fresh start. It made him happy but at the same time sad because he wouldn't be seeing his family anytime soon.

"They can wait a little longer. They wouldn't be happy about me dying at age 23 anyways." Naruto thought to himself.

"Let's get this party started sensei." The dragon nodded and immediately started his training. Naruto felt his body grow smaller and realized that the dragon was making him younger again.

"Let's see how fast you learn boy."

And with that, Naruto started his new training regiment. Eager to learn new skills and hoping for a new adventure.

End for now.

Prologue. I know I should be working on my other story but I couldn't help myself. So I hope you enjoyed this little preview.

It seems Naruto and Fairy Tail crossovers are the next big thing so I decided to make one. Things will be explained next chapter. I'm gonna take this slow unlike my other story.

Theres quite a few Naruto X Erza out there so I think I'll make a different pairing. No harem, not my style. Probably Cana but I might go with Mira. Most likely Cana. I like those cards shes has.

~Sniper Artist