I don't own NCIS, though I wish I owned McGee...sigh

Chapter One

Special Agent Timothy McGee watched as the tired computer screen that he had been steadily typing at all day, powered down. He watched as his teammates, Tony and Ziva, headed for the elevator, not wanting to risk being told the stay late because some petty officer couldn't wait to die until Monday. He watched as his boss, Gibbs, downed another cup of straight black coffee, probably one of the many he had drank that day, but certainly not his last. He watched as his favorite forensics scientist, Abby, exited the elevator as his co workers, who he had a feeling were more than that, stepped in. What he would have given to see what happened when those doors closed, not because he considered himself a perv, that was Tony's department, but just for the chance to have some blackmail on Tony, just once to tell Gibbs about them breaking rule 12, he was not a tattletale but it would be nice to have some leverage. He wouldn't get to see, he had more important things on his mind. He was going to try and win Abby back, to prove that she was the only one for him and that he had changed for her, that he was ready for her, ready for her like he wasn't ready before.

"Hey McWeekend!" Tony called as he held the elevator doors open with a well placed palm, well it wasn't the worst name he could give him, "Ziva and I are going bar hopping, wanna come?" Why was he asking McGee? Everyone knew, probably even Gibbs, that all Tony wanted to do was Ziva. Tim didn't know. He just hoped Abby wasn't in the mood for the bar scene, then again when was she not? Tony went on when McGee didn't answer right away "Abby?" he asked.

If you were going to lie, be thorough.Another one of Gibbs's rules.

Please say no, Abby! McGee thought to himself, hopefully not out loud, that would be too embarrassing, and then he'd have to explain in front of everyone. Not on his list of things to do.

"Sorry Tony" Abby responded, staying in front of McGee's desk, her body turned toward him, "I've already got plans" Crap! Was McGee too late too? Did she have a date with someone else? McGee was already down about the unsolved case but now with Abby too?

Tony didn't even wait for her answer, he just let the elevator close without a second thought. No one else minded. Pretty much everyone knew they weren't going bar hopping, even Gibbs wasn't as oblivious as he seemed to be, he just didn't want to be proven wrong but his famous gut, which was always right.

McGee grabbed his coat off of the back of his chair as Abby waited for him. They had begun to take a separate elevator to give Tony and Ziva some privacy. The elevator was where they took to heavy petting during lunch breaks, or at least that was the only plausible explanation why the elevator tended to not work during lunch hour, when Tony and Ziva were nowhere to be found, and a possible reason why Tony's ring tone had been changed to "Desert Rose" by Sting. All McGee knew was that he never wanted to hear that song again, it had been driving him crazy every time Tony got a text, and just the catchy chorus.

Ever since the three of them had returned from Somalia, Tony and Ziva had become closer. Their fights weren't even fights anymore. It was a little depressing to McGee that Ziva had given up so easily to the resident Ladies Man at NCIS, but Tony had yet to lose any body parts, that McGee knew of, so he must've been doing something right. They both seemed happy so he wished them the best, they would be happy, at least until Gibbs decided to do something about it.

That was not McGee's main concern. Step one to winning Abby back? Invite her over to his place to talk. That would be the hardest part, everything after that would be easy, hopefully. Of course nothing was ever as easy as it seemed with Abby. He didn't know what to expect with her sometimes, he liked that, and he was going to put himself out there nonetheless.

The elevator dinged but McGee was still deep in thought. Thinking about what he was going to do and what he wanted to say. Abby noticed that he wasn't waiting with her. She turned and saw him staring off into the distance. "Timothy!" she called, she only called him Timothy when she was either angry or anxious, McGee was unsure which it was at that point, "Are you coming or not?" if he had to guess he'd say she was anxious. He didn't want to keep her waiting if she was either angry or anxious, she would kill him and leave no trace, he had threatened him before, and he knew she could.

"I'll be right there Abs!" McGee responded with a smile, that was the only way he could greet her, with a smile, "See you on Monday boss!" he exclaimed as he ran for the open elevator. Both he and Abby knew that Gibbs would remain at the office for a few more hours so they had the elevator to themselves.

McGee didn't waste anytime in putting his jacket on. He headed straight for the elevator, where Abby waited, her hand on the hold door button, her knees knocking back and forth just slightly, she was anxious but anxious about what? That was the million dollar question. That was the million dollar question that McGee was dying to hear the answer to.

Once McGee was fully in, jacket and all, Abby let her fingers slip off of the button. The doors closed and they were finally alone. Neither of them said a word. They descended a few floors and still nothing, they were almost to the parking garage when Abby flipped that maintenance switch. That was what Gibbs did when he needed a private conversation. Why hadn't McGee thought of that first? That way none of them could escape, they were between floors. She had planned it that way. Now the question was: who would talk first?

McGee decided to take the plunge. "Abby I-" and at the same time "Timothy I-" They had both tried to speak first, what then? McGee was silent so Abby continued.

"Timmy" she began after a few seconds of McGee's silence "We need to talk" Things were going to be ok, those words didn't hurt nearly as much as they had the first time he heard them. Had she perhaps met someone else? The last time she had dated someone else he seemed not to be able to keep his emotions in check, he had snapped at her multiple times. It wouldn't matter if she had met someone else, even if she had met someone else he was still going to tell her how he felt, she had to know!

Did McGee just smile? She definitely didn't remember him smiling the last time she told him that, when they-when she broke his heart. "I absolutely agree" he responded. He was ready to hear what she had to say and she was ready too, though the elevator didn't seem the most optimal place to do so. "How about I meet you at my place and we'll go from there?" he knew it was brazen but he needed her to know, and it was going to be romantic no matter what he had to do to make it so. He would do whatever it took to win her back, just short of murder.

Abby just smiled "Sure thing Timothy" she responded "I'll just pick up somethings from my place and meet you there" Things were going to go her way tonight, even if she had to strong arm McGee into complying. She knew she would if she had to.

McGee couldn't have been more happy. Everything was going his way and hopefully by morning they would be dating again and together again, hopefully for good this time. "Sounds great, Abby. " he answered watching her as she smiled too. She knew, they knew that things were about to change for the both of them. The elevator roared to life and McGee found himself humming "Desert Rose" for the billionth time that day, though that time he didn't mind, Abby would be his again.

xxx NCIS xxx

Special agent Anthony DiNozzo parked his car in front of his apartment. He wasn't surprised to find that Ziva's coupe was already there, he knew she drove like a time bomb, just as explosive as her personality, though he wouldn't dare tell her that. He didn't mind that she was there, she knew where his spare key was and had probably already made herself comfortable on his couch with his big screen TV and one of the Michelob's from the fridge. He didn't mind, it had been a tough week for the two of them.

There had been two petty officers murdered at a strip joint and there hadn't been much time for them to see each other during lunch breaks, they had barely even had those that week. The last time they'd been together to whisper sweet nothings was last Sunday, Tony didn't know about Ziva but he knew he had missed her and he knew exactly what he wanted, and knowing Ziva and her crazy Israeli blood, she'd probably want it too, then again when did she not want that? When did any woman not want that?

Tony reached to unlock the door and found it was unlocked. He was tempted to sneak in and scare her, show her the hazards of leaving the door unlocked, but he knew she could kill him with her little finger, so he refrained, he liked being alive.

He heard the TV as soon as he entered, she was watching something on the discovery channel or the history channel, one of the intellectual channels that Tony's TV rarely ever saw. She probably didn't even know he was there. He didn't even get a chance to set his keys down before he was jumped by an agent previously employed by Mossad, but at that time employed by one NCIS, an agent he was currently seeing romantically against the advice of his boss's rule number 12.

Tony placed his keys on the table that Ziva had him backed up against as her perfect Israeli lips worked his neck with a wild passion. He reached for his gun and his badge and placed them on the table as well, they would be dangerous in the hands of a horny Mossad, well new NCIS agent, and she was already dangerous enough.

"Well hello there Stranger" he whispered as he held her hips around his waist, all she was wearing was one of his button up shirts and satin unders, black satin unders. She wanted it just as bad as he did according to "Unders"law.

"You are late!" She voiced, a slight pout on her lips, those lips that he absolutely loved to kiss, well worth the long six year wait and the constant flow of girls that he had to throw off everywhere he went. She was well worth it.

Tony just laughed, she was so cute when she pouted, something that she never would have done as a Mossad agent. "Well not all of us can-" he paused, Good Lord! Was she not wearing a Bra? "-drive like maniacs" he was lost under her spell.

Ziva just laughed "That, Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, is not your gun"

Oh yes it would be so worth the wait!