Claude woke from a sleepless night, where had she gone? Claude pondered "She told me she trusted me, but where did she go?" He dresses himself and went back out into the streets looking for any sign of her. He found not even a trace of her. He found the brothel from the night before to find it was a tavern in the day. He entered it and saw some of the whores from the pervious night still at their job. It made Claude enraged knowing that Esmeralda was forced to do such a degrading and dangerous job.

He went up to one of the whores and asked "Do you know where the gypsy girl is?" she gave a suggestive look and laughed a bit "She was put in the cellar! She came back empty handed, and the boss wasn't happy. He beat the crap out of her and threw her in. He also stole her clothes! It's actually kind of funny, he put a hole in the wall of the cellar so he can see in!" Claude was infuriated. "Do you know where I can get to the cellar?" he asked intently. "Back there, but he keeps the keys so I don't think you'll be able to get in. Maybe if you have the right amount of money, but it better be a God damn lot for her. He really loves her body! Always making her do degrading and kinky things, he's such a sick man. Don't tell him I said that!" she replied trying to get out of the conversation. He ran to the back.

Claude heard horrible screaming and crying. He saw a little black metal door and put his ear up to it. "Shut up God Damn it!" a man voice yelled. "Please stop get away from me! Don't touch me!" a female voice called out In agony. "Maybe you need to be taught a lesson!" the male roared again. "No anything but that! Please stop get off me! Don't, ugh, please!" the female squealed as her words faded into screams. There was a long period of painful screams and then crying. "Shut the hell up you damn hoe!" he said a loud slap was heard and then the sound of covering cries and choking. "You should be glad I didn't do worse bitch!" he began to walk up the stairs. In the light that shown through to the cellar Claude saw Esmeralda's mangled body and almost vomited at the sight of the blood and carnage.

"May I help you?" the man peered down and asked, it was Monsieur Dubois. Claude was fuming and ready to explode. "What in God's name is wrong with you? Give me Esmeralda!" He shouted. "Calm down, I haven't the slightest idea of who you are or how your related to that bitch. Now if you want her your going to have to pay, and a lot!" he said laughing. "You monster!" Claude snapped at him. Dubois knocked on the door of the cellar "Hey are you going to be alright for a show tonight sweetie! If you don't do it right something worse might happen!" From behind the door Esmeralda let out a cry "No please! I'll be good I promise! Not again!" Claude cringed at the sound of her tortured voice. "Let her go!" Claude shouted as he grabbed him by the collar. "Listen if you want to see her so bad, she'll be performing tonight." He said relaxing himself.

Claude was furious he stormed out down the street to the Cathedral. If had been ages since he had visited Quasimodo. He scaled the steps to the tower. Claude opened the door to find Quasimodo sobbing and chanting "Esmeralda, Esmeralda, Esmeralda…" over and over. Claude ran to him "Quasimodo? Are you alright?"

He turned and gave a bleak look. "We'll never see her again…Clopin lost her…she's gone forever…" Claude comforted his adopted son "She's not gone, she's alive, but barley." Quasimodo's eye's widened "Where! Can I see her!" Claude felt horrible letting down his spirits "She has been forced to work as a prostitute. The man who stole her does horrible things to her." Quasimodo's spirits dropped "Prostitute, how could anyone force someone like her to do such a thing!" Claude clenched his fists "He lured her in with lies and kept her in with threats and torture." Quasimodo stood up "A human being would harm that angel! That's almost unbelievable! How can we get her back?" Claude replied "I need to gather the rest of our allies and create a plan. But we will rescue her, I will not let her suffer any longer." He walked to the door. "You really do care about her, don't you Claude?" Quasimodo said. Claude ran down the steps and on to his next location.

While in the streets, he saw Gringoire. He looked miserable and terrified. "Gringoire!" Claude shouted as he walked to him. "Hello Claude, and what the hell could you want?" Gringoire said sleepily. He had changed greatly. He was morbid and unhappy. "No, I have to tell you about Esmeralda!" Claude tried to reason. "I know she's gone! I've known for months! I can't write, she was my inspiration. She was technically my wife. But why would you care, you only cared for one thing!" Gringoire said angrily. "No! She's in trouble! We need to help her, please. You can't imagine the hell she's been through!" Claude yelled. "What did you do to her? I swear if you…" Gringoire was cut off. "She's a prostitute. Forced to be." Claude said. "What in the name of God? That's impossible! But what can we do about it?" He said excitedly. "When I find out more, we have to plan something. Find me as soon as you can alright?" Claude said walking off. He quickly spun himself around "Where's Clopin?" Gringoire replied "If you see trouble, you'll find him!" Claude confused walked off to find him.

Meanwhile, in the brothel, Dubois unlocked the cellar. "Please, am I allowed to come out now?" Esmeralda said, her voice shaky and tearing. "Why yes my little pet, you can come out now you need to prepare for your show tonight!" he replied to her pulling her up by her hair. She moaned in pain. "Girls, make her pretty for tonight ok?" he asked as three whores dragged Esmeralda away.

They took her to a room and placed her at a vanity. "I remember at the beginning, I only stood one time in the cellar, you're a though one to crack huh?" One asked brushing her hair. "You'll be just like us one day maybe!" another said, they fell into an almost demonic laughter. Esmeralda's eyes welled up up at the very thought. They grabbed her jaw and painted her lips blood red. They pulled back her hair with a rose. She stared at herself in the mirror as they outlined her eye's with black. "Now it's time for the corset!" one said pulling out the device. They pulled it around her already tiny wait that was complimented by her hips and chest. They laced it and then pulled. Esmeralda let out a gasp.

The door opened and Monsieur Dubois and smirked. "Hey, Andre, I think we need your help with this!" One of the woman said mockingly. "Why yes, I think you do need my help!" he said sarcastically walking over to Esmeralda. "This needs to be so much tighter!" Andre said, grasping the strings in his hands. He pulled it so tight, Esmeralda could barley breath. "Please-, I-It feels-, like-,like-, my ribs are going to break!" She squealed breathless.

He ran his hands up her torso to her breasts. He grasped them in his hands. Esmeralda wailed. "No more! Stop!" she managed to cry. "What? You don't like it when I touch you? Other men would pay for this, I get it for free. Mmm, so nice and sensitive!" he said licking his lips and teasing. Esmeralda buckled under him, his hands ran all over her body and always stopped at her hips and breasts. She started to sob uncontrollably. "What! This too much for you? Your just a filthy whore!" Andre said gripping her body. "I'm not a whore." she managed to wail. "Oh really? I'll treat you like one!" he threw her over his shoulder and dragged her to his room and threw her on the bed. The door slammed shut, the sound of screams and slapping echoed through the building. It even made the whores shiver slightly. Her screams where masked by slapping, hitting and punches.

Claude walked to the Court of Miracles and stealthily walked through to fins Clopin's chamber. There he sat, the King of the Beggars. He was lost at the bottom of a bottle. "Clopin?" Claude called out. "Who the f…" he turned and pure anger fell over his face. "Why if it isn't the great Judge Claude Frollo! What the hell could you want?" he said walking to him. 'It's Esmeralda! She's…" Claude was cut off. "I know she's gone! It's all my fault to, I should have never let her go!" Claude was overcome "No, she's in trouble!" Clopin gave a lofty look. "Why would you care! I know what you did to her." Claude became pale. "What do you mean?" Clopin became angered. "One night, before I lost her, she was screaming in her sleep. 'Don't touch me, get off me, don't rape me' were some of the words she moaned. She woke up and told me 'Keep me away from the judge'." Claude's spirits dropped, but he let his heart break aside and asked "Do you know a man named Dubois who runs a brothel?" Clopin darkened "Yes, I know about him. If he gets a woman who doesn't behave he'll break them in himself. Force them to do horrible things. He asked me about Esmeralda once and he told me, in graphic detail, what he would want to do to her. I kept her as far away from him as possible, but what does that have anything to do with you and me?" Claude stared at him dead on. "He has her, he has done things to her, we need to stop him." Clopin straightened and said "What can we do?"