I do not own Canada or kumajiro or Timmie's or earthquakes.

The man smiles at me I smile back, I'm happy, he's giving me my ice-cap. I take the cup as I've already paid the worker I turn around; Kumaki is reaching for the caffeine in my arms.


I giggle and tell him to wait for a minute. I suddenly freeze, something is off. My bear looks up at me concern in his eyes, but I can't reassure him that I'm fine, something is off…

Suddenly I hear a girl scream behind me I twirl on my heels and stumble the ground is shaking beneath us. It's literally bouncing, the walls are quivering and Kumajiro is hiding his face in my chest. I stand there petrified, I don't understand.

Why is the world moving? The civilians evacuate their running out side, I get shoved slightly, the person managed to slip out a sorry. Someone is yelling at everyone, including me to get outside. What is going on? Is my country in ruin?

Am I going to die?

I turn my head the world is still shaking I notice a couple making out and all thoughts of eminent death fly out of my head as I mouth a "What the fuck?"

And then it's over.

The world stop the worker from before is beside me breathing heavily. We're watching a photo frame swing side to side.

After another moment we look at each other. He's grinning, I'm still in shock by the couple when I see his face, but I delve further into confusion.

"That was fucking awesome, eh? An earthquake in Ottawa? I fucking love Canada!"

I feel a blush travel up my face, I know he didn't really confess to me specifically (well yes and no) but really it was slightly embarrassing.

Kumajiro shoves his nose against my chest waking me up. I nod to the bear and give the worker a small smile.

"I gotta go, see you." I whisper to the man, he started flipping out at the couple who only realized what happened when they came out of their session for air.

I pull out my phone and call Harper, I needed to know how bad it was, I needed to know if their was any casualties, I needed to know.

There was no signal, I swallowed nothing. I looked around and the people were shaken up but they all seemed fine. No injuries and it filled me up with relief. But still I worried…

I opened the door to my car and allowed Kumako to crawl in before me, getting onto the streets I realized that traffic was moving smoothly.

I needed to get downtown.

The outcome of the earthquake this afternoon. No casualties have been reported, it's 8 o'clock, the capital region was a bit freaked and awed by the natural force. A lot of us are now truly sympathetic to countries that go through and earthquake like this on a weekly occurrences…I know I am.

I was completely freaked my sister was like "Wo I'm trippin out on something?"

I was like "What the fuck is happening? Why is the fucking world moving? What do I fucking do?"

I was very very confused not as confused as my bff.

"Why is the ground shaking? Should I do something? It's a tornado, I'm in the basement I'm good right I don't need to move, right? But tornadoes don't make the ground shake?"

Yeah, everyone in Ottawa basically never really experienced an earthquake before, it was terrifying don't be an ass and be like that was nothing you wusses (like some asses on the interwebz) When you've experienced nothing something is quite shocking.

Oh and once Mattie got downtown, he experienced loads of traffic and found himself mostly in the dark for information anyways. I don't think we're very well equipped for earthquakes.

Signing off from the capital~