A/N I know I should be working on my other story, but here's this to keep you satisfied! Review! This is not a death fic! This is not slash!
Peanut Butter. Those were the last words he would hear from his mouth. As he stared at the lowering casket he wanted to scream! How could Shawn do this to him? To his friends! Sure, peanut butter may just be the kind of last words Shawn would want but it left so much unsaid! So much unlived!
He glared at the gravestone, but then he had to laugh. It was pineapple shaped. Gus was getting many strange and angry looks, one was especially brutal from a certain retired Hawaiian shirt wearing cop. But the laughing stopped abruptly when Gus realized he would never see his eccentric friend eating pineapple, or drinking a pineapple smoothie. He would never again see his best friend solve a case only to give the credit to someone else without them knowing. He wanted to kill the criminals that did this. They couldn't even have an open casket funeral because the monsters had left the body unrecognizable.
Meanwhile somewhere else...
Shawn was alive. And in pain. There was a bullet through his side and a knife in his leg. He had only one thought on his mind. He had to get back home. He had to get to the station so the perpetrators could be arrested, before they could kidnap and torture someone else, possibly Jules, and torture them too. He would never forgive himself if someone else died because he wasn't strong enough to get to the station. Especially if they took Juliet! He knew his chances of surviving were slim. The makeshift bandages were all ready soaked. He still had to remove the knife, and criminals were still in the ware house. He heard loud footsteps and he realized they had returned. The criminals must have realized he was still alive and probably wanted to finish the job.
A/N Oh how wrong Shawn is. Review and tell me what you think. More whump to come!